seeking advice - sight picture for older eyes!

I've had terrible vision my whole life, progressive lenses. I am now getting to the point where reading glasses will be coming soon.

My fix has been to convert all my sights to Glock style bucket sites. My P-07 came with them, I changed to an older model slide on my Bersa Thunder .380, and I will change my .45 over as soon as i find some that fit it.

Oddly, I never thought buy a Glock to get bucket sights, but I have 0 Glock experience. Haven't even put one down a Glock barrel.

Oh boy, here it comes.....
excuse my ignorance but what's a "Bucket Sight"?



A BIG thanks to all of you for very helpful and inSIGHTful information.

I used to shoot a lot in my 20's and really worked to have tight groups out to 50+ feet, so having recently taken up shooting again it has been very frustrating to face this vision issue.

Several of you asked the situation question - I am looking to improve my sight picture for range shooting. I do carry for personal defense but agree with the comments that you have to be ready to just shoot without depending on additional enhancements. So I practice at the range with corrective lenses and with plain safety glasses. My vision is decent enough that I get a reasonable sight picture - 3" groups out to 25' or so.

I'm thinking of trying a FO site on one of my S&W 9's, illuminated sights on another, just to compare. I have a Kimber Ultra Crimson carry with a laser - I don't find the laser to be much help at all - my personal opinion - the laser is for point & shoot and target intimidation!

I understand this will be an ongoing process involving corrective lenses, sight options, shooting style, etc. and therefore truly appreciate all the prudent advice as it will help me narrow my focus and save money. Also glad to know others suffer the same frustration!


I had similar issues recently, My solution for the time being is a pair of cheap reading glasses, 1.25 diopter from Walmart, worn under my safety glasses but in front of my contact lenses that I need for distance vision. Outdoors in sunlight, I don't need the glasses, but they make a big difference for my accuracy indoors. Later as my vision gets worse (it will, it is inevitable), I may need to do something else.
All my guns with plain black sights now sport some fluorescent green rear sight with red or white on the front blade.
Cheaper than fiber optics replacements and work just as well for me.