security signs

No signs of any kind here. The dogs make their own presence known. I follow the same premise as with my CCW: be armed, be ready, be discreet. As far as the "beware of dog" signs, different areas may be different, but here, if that goes to a court proceeding, that is an admission that your dog will bite. Most people prefer the signs more along the lines of "keep gate closed, dogs may be loose in yard". ;)

Alarm company security signs are a good idea. An even better idea is to swap signs with one of your neighbors who has a different alarm company from yours. Why make it easy for someone who thinks they know about one particular company's products?
Around where I live, alarm signs are the norm. Although one thing I discovered when I used to sell alarms around here, half the people with alarm signs don't actually have alarm service. Either they just left the sign in the yard from the previous owners, or stopped their service for one reason or another.

Personally, I avoid signs and stickers in general, but do feel that advertising you have guns is not the best idea. Plus, I have no guns...they were all lost in a boating accident :D
No gun or dog signs

I have a sign from my security company. It may not be a magic shield but if I was a criminal looking for a target and saw a house with dogs, good lighting, and hedges trimmed around the windows and a Security Alarm sign, I would probably move on. I am not trying to defend against a master thief looking to break into the Gardner Museum; I am trying to deter your average low life tweeker looking for an easy score. I try to make my home appear something other than "Easy".
As for:
one of those ADT type signs just tells everyone passing by that you have stuff worth stealing.

We all have something worth stealing. What well kept middle class home doesn’t have TV's, Cameras, Computers, Possibly guns, etc. inside?
I just right on a piece of paper.. "do not break in... i have a gun" and tape it to my door. I have never had someone break in or attempt yet... Best security evar!

That's absolutely brilliant! Why didn't I think of doing that?
For those who think that "Beware of the dog" sound threatening, but want to put up something of the sort, how about "Please do not disturb dog!" :D
No Trespassing, and Beware of Dog signs on the tree at the end of driveway. Beware of Dog sticker on door. None of the dogs are trained to attack. They just seem to know what the correct response to an unknown person in the house should be.
As far as gun owner signs go, I don't advertise.
You can buy yard signs / window stickers that say you have a security system...

Even though you don't own a security system.

Works great for a deterrent. I know a guy who did same thing with the yard signs w/o a security system, his home foreclosed, and the foreclosure close-up service guys the bank hired were all tentative to enter his house...because of the $10 sign on the front yard. They had to call the guy who used to own the home, that had to be a funny conversation about "well, I don't actually have a security system..."

Besides, alarm company isn't going to signal anyone to show up immediately when you need help. You got several to scores of minutes to handle that yourself on your own. That's what guns are for.
Yes, I have camera's and an alarm system. The recorder for the camera system is in a hidden dead space between two closets that have a false access panel. The entry and exit to the neighborhood (one way in and out) also has cameras for vehicle, face and tag checking. The alarm system is one that has Live Voice on it so the alarm company can listen into the house when the alarm goes off. The doors also have double sided dead bolts which mean the way you got into the house is the way you have to go out. Yes it is a Fire Trap code issue but it is my house and those who cannot figure out the puzzle palace are doomed in court. The police respond quickly here and the crime rate is way down compared to the adjacent towns. Forget the signs and blast them with Technology!
A little off topic but still relevant:

I found a cigarette butt by a hole in the fence at the back of one of my family's industrial property's one day a couple years ago. The hole wasn't cut out but had washed out from years of rain. There was no reason for anybody to have been back there on either side of the fence. I just happened to have a big ole 45LC casing I had picked up at the public range earlier that day. I left it right beside the cigarette butt.

For some reason I think whoever left it there was leaving it there to see if anyone was checking the property (it's a seasonal business property and it was the off season). I figure they figured if someone was checking the property and saw the cigarette butt, they would pick it up or kick it around to inspect closer. Which also means that if it was still in the same place, it would be a safe bet to assume that no one was keeping an eye on the property.

If they were casing the place. And if that cigarette was there for what I think it was there for; i'd love to know the first thought that ran through the sob's head when he saw that monster piece of brass laying beside it. haha