Securing your pistol at night, in reach


I am with Arcangel.
Put it in a closed holster that covers the trigger and has a positive retention device (snap or whatever) so it cant fall out. Then put it under your pillow if you want.
If you can sleep on a lump, no problem.
Instead of in the drawer (where I can't get to it as quick) or on the bedside table (where I might knock it off ) or under my pillow (where it has disaster written all over it) I hang my .38 in my belt with hip holster or shoulder holster on the bedpost at the head of the bed where it is tucked away where I can't touch it unless I am specifically reaching for it. I can get to it just as easy as if it were on the table. (and no I don't have any children in the house ever so no need to worry about that)
There was a guy staying in a condo on the beach out here last year. He went to bed after watching some movie or documentary about the Andrea Doria. He got up in the middle of the night, thinking he was on a sinking ship, ran out to the 5th floor (or was it 8th?) balcony and jumped off the "ship". Rude awakening.

If I was this guy, I definitely wouldn't keep a pistol too accessible next to the bed.
I tend to have a shotgun and rifle on the wall, covered out the way and a revolver in the draw and a knife, extra rounds and so on, so I pretty much have anything I need fairly close by. It also lets me have a second or two to come to my senses and not be on automatic control.

I wouldn't dream of putting a pistol under the pillow. There are just too many incidents of people knocking it off the bed or it being set off by accident, especially since I have a dog in the room as well as my wife. Thats just causing for an accident to happen.

My mother in law has a compartment built into her headboard that stores a .38 snub within grabbing distance.
I keep my Beretta 92FS in a small space covered by a fold-down door right at my head. My right hand will fall into the grip very nicely. I also keep an AK-47 on a small couch, covered by a blanket that draps the back. It is back where the cusions meet the back and you have to know it's there. There is also a 16 ga. mosberg shotgun that hangs under the mattress and is hidden by the overhang. Again, you have to know it is there. I also keep G2 on the headboard. I finish this off with two labs, one male (100 lbs) and one female (90 lbs). The female has the attitude. :p
Hey Jon, I keep mine inside a drawer, within easy reach, in my night stand. My left hand pulls the drawer open, my right hand reaches, and cocks my SW 625, I fire as the muzzel clears the drawer, and I put one .45 slug right between the BG's eyes... :eek:

Yeah Right!!! :D True story right up until the last part... ;)
One thing you guys really need to consider is if you have kids in the house. There is a new law requiring you to safely stow your firearms so kids don't have access to it. I don't have any kiddies yet but we are hoping to start a family soon.

Right now, I have my 1911 in a pistol case in my night stand. My wife has the GP100 between the mattress and the bed frame. When we have kids, I will most likely get that safe someone linked to with the hand shaped key pad. I know that Murphey's Law says that these kind of devices will fail you when you need them most but you got to keep the kiddies safe. One good thing is it lets you know if someone attempted to open the safe (you can ground the kids for life) and there is a delay if the wrong code is entered 3 times.

I also have an 85 lb. akita that keeps an eye and ear on things as well as an alarm system. I know neither is fool proof but if there is a professional after me, I figure I'm toast anyways. I guess I just better not piss anyone off to the point where they would want to off me! :D
Here it is...

(3) Whoever violates subsection (1) by storing or leaving a loaded firearm within the reach or easy access of a minor commits, if the minor obtains the firearm and uses it to inflict injury or death upon himself or herself or any other person, a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. However, this subsection does not apply:

(a) If the firearm was stored or left in a securely locked box or container or in a location which a reasonable person would have believed to be secure, or was securely locked with a trigger lock;

(b) If the minor obtains the firearm as a result of an unlawful entry by any person;

(c) To injuries resulting from target or sport shooting accidents or hunting accidents; or

(d) To members of the Armed Forces, National Guard, or State Militia, or to police or other law enforcement officers, with respect to firearm possession by a minor which occurs during or incidental to the performance of their official duties.

I'm not for government restrictions but it is a tragedy to see kids getting a hold of their parents guns and going on rampages.
According to the Brady Campaign (SOB's)...

Q: What states have CAP laws today?

A: Including Florida, 19 states have laws or legal holdings that specifically hold gun owners accountable for leaving a firearm easily accessible to a child. They are: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas (through judicial ruling), Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin. In addition, some cities have enacted local CAP ordinances including Elgin and Aurora, Illinois; Houston, Texas; Wichita, Kansas; and Baltimore, Maryland.
Still not here, fortunatly..

Such a stupid law in all honesty, more fallacies in their arguement than I have fingers.