Secret Service MP5?

Any time and place you see a SMG it's most likely an MP5 !! :D
BTW originally the gun , in 9mm, had a straight mag .Didn;t work that well. Then they went to the curved mag and it was great ! This because of the tapered case of the 9mm. Yes the SS and a long list of other agencies around the world use the MP5.
I know there have been companies which have put out similar looking competing models and there are several variants of the MP5. I am wondering what exactly does he have there.

Im a bit surprised they are not toting a rifle caliber sidearm. Anyone can get body armor off of Ebay and stop the rounds in the MP5 although I think it would still be painful. In one photo some years back I saw an officer by Congress with an H&K made rifle. My personal experience is that anything which H&K makes seems to just work and work well. The AR15 variants, well, it doesnt always work or work well IMHO.

If I was the President I would tell them you all are most certainly going to get H&K.
Can't post the picture here because it isn't mine but the news photos I pulled up on the Pres. Regan attack the S.S. agent was holding an Uzi not an H&K MP5.
Gotta love those closed bolt SMG's.

And good on the SS agent for not firing. Now if only the police could be trained that well.
All police are trained very well. The thing is there are people out there who push the police to the extremes. Last time I was stopped by the police I quietly handed over my license and reg. I sat still in the car and said as little as possible. It was over in minutes and I got handed a ticket. I drove away alive. However there are guys out there who will scream at the officer or jump out of the car. They might grab the officer. If you do any of that I cant say I feel sorry for you if you get hit, beat or shot in the process. Thats off topic to this thread though.

If I was running full speed on the White House lawn I would expect to get shot. I could easily have an explosive vest on or a concealed weapon. In national security areas this is what I would expect and I would understand. If you dont know that jumping the fence and running for the White House might get you hurt or worse...Im not sure what to tell you. It does take some common sense to live life from day to day.
However there are guys out there who will scream at the officer or jump out of the car. They might grab the officer. If you do any of that I cant say I feel sorry for you if you get hit, beat or shot in the process.

So shouting at a cop makes it OK to get hit, beat or shot? Do you wear a tee shirt with "Subject, not Citizen" on it?

The police over here go through a rigorous selection process, they go months through an even more rigorous academy which looks very stressful from the online videos and they have to make it through their on the job training where they ride along with the training officer. It does look like they get a lot of training, at least, in this part of the country.
Big difference between SS and a cop on the street. SS never hurts for back-up.

Cop on the street is often alone and not always prepared for what he/she encounters.
There are lots of myths about smgs. A long time ago I had a tech who had walked across France with a Thompson SMG.It was always on full auto !! BUT using it every day he could fire as many rounds as he wanted - one , two ,or more. Only in the military in wartime conditions do you get that kind of on the job training !! For a police department training is only a fraction of that.
So SMGs are a waste of lots of ammo unless semi-auto is taught. Spray and pray is bad.You must aim . Similar problems occurr with high capacity handguns as the statistics show . NYPD at one time had a hit probability of about 10 % ,when they switched to autos while the revolver was twice that.
But the departments would rather spend money on 'community relations ' rather than Shooting skills.
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To be fair, I suspect the Thompson gets more accurate rounds on target using full auto than semi because:
-It's so heavy FA is nearly as stable as semi :cool:
-It's so heavy you'd be shaking badly by the end of a 30+ round mag shooting it any slower :D

"Look for footage of the attack on Reagan"
I thought it was Uzi's that got all the press after the assassination attempt? MP5's coming out party was the British raid to rescue the Iranian Embassy hostages. Not saying the Uzi is better by any means, it isn't ;)

The MP5 is really an idiot proof machine. Easy to use, very accurate and reliable. Lets say you have never used an MP5. You can pick it up and with a few minutes be getting your target. Its really easy to squeeze short and deadly bursts on to the target. The first MP5 that I used was a rental at a Vegas range. It was beat up, worn and looked like it had been through a generation of abuse, but it fired so smooth and it worked. On the other hand the AR15 I have a different experience. The SS agents I believe would train often at the range but I have been known to be wrong about these assumptions.

The White House door I would think would have some type of combo or electronic lock, but they just leave it open. Hmmm.
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You haven't really lived until you shoot an MP5. That's a strong statement, I know.

The accuracy, ease of use, very low recoil, simple controls, beautiful trigger, well designed ergonomics, and overall beauty make it the best sub machine gun ever.

The MP5 was designed in the 1960s. Compare that to a car from the 60s, a microwave from the 70s, or computers from the 80s, and all that stuff looks dated, like you can tell that stuff came from an earlier time, when your parents lived. To this day, 60 years later, the MP5 looks like it could have been designed yesterday. In a word, it is timeless in its design.

The MP7 has nothing on the MP5. The MP7 just looks like an ugly Uzi.

I'm not making a comment on it's use or wisdom as a military or defense gun, I am only commenting on it's overall awesomeness.
The MP 5 is a smooth shooting weapon. The closed bolt and roller breech don't have the bounciness that the typical open bolt SMG does.
But you pay for it, in actual money. As Jeff Cooper said of the P9S pistol, what H&K saves with stamped sheet metal and plastic, they plow back into an elaborate bolt and barrel extension. But they had something near 80% rough part commonality and over 50% actual interchangeability across their entire line of shoulder weapons.
No more. Looks like the MP5 and MSG90 (PSG-1) sniper are about the only roller action guns they still make.
We shot MP-5A3s in OCS.

A colleague remarked to me, that as children of the late 80s and early 90s (we were the oldest guys in our class), he felt that he was denied the glory of getting to do an "HK slap" before storming a building full of bad guys. He was very bitter about it. :)

It's fun to shoot, and I'm sure it has advantages, but I like my carbine length assault rifles.

Even though the factory sights on the MP-5 are probably the best I've ever used on a weapon as issued.

However, that being said, as I told my friend, "you may be a cool operator; but you'll never be SAS guy swinging into a window with an MP-5 cool"
johnelmore said:
The AR15 variants, well, it doesnt always work or work well IMHO.
johnelmore said:
The MP5 is really an idiot proof machine. Easy to use, very accurate and reliable.
On the other hand the AR15 I have a different experience.
I don't know what your experience with AR-15s is, but any decently-made AR-15 is one of the most reliable, simplest, easiest to use, and most accurate auto-loading rifles you can buy.