Second Amendment Suspended During Minnesota Deer Season ??

crosshair said:
Don't forget police that pull people over for DOSP (Driver w/Out of State Plates). It's not enough to have people from out of state spend money in the state, they have to pull us over and issue us bullshiat tickets because the state is so broke.

i can beat that (or at least match it with comical relief). got pulled over on my way to bozeman montana with my buddy. 5 miles over. $30 ticket. it was 60 in a 55 or 65 in a 60, dont really remember. there was no one else on the road, just a cop in a hobunk town with nothing better to do than pull over the minnesota plates. ive sworn vengeance against ND ever since. ;) (it was my buddies turn to drive, so i still have a clean record though :))

but minnesota truly is "the state where nothing is allowed".
Molson but minnesota truly is "the state where nothing is allowed".

So true, I have to pack my car differently when I cross the border into Minnesota to go to the range.
"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do'Til the Revolution
You should probably consider what happened (what was it a year, or two years ago) in WI during hunting season. That nutjob slayed several hunters because they were supposedly on his property.

Due respect, but screw that "nutjob". That is no excuse. In this country, we're supposed to have the full extent of our rights until we ourselves do something that does/is likely to infringe on someone else's rights. Just because some idjit in a hippie state like WI takes out some hunters he believes are on his property doesn't mean other citizens should lose their rights.

Again, I'm not trying to flame or bash or whatever ya wanna call it, but it's that sort of mentality that gets rights taken away, little by little.
actually it was the nutjob who was trespassing and he shot those people when they wrote down his license number.

To me this is exactly why one needs their rights during deer season.