Secession of a state in Australia - it could happen

R.A.,the nationalism of LePen ,Buchanan or Chavez in Venzuela is not any type of Nazism which doesnt exist anymore. The fight is against the corporations that are raping the wealth of the people in All countries where the politicos are bought off by the elites. Here in America , our corporations,with the shipping off of most of our industries from the nation, have turned America from a industrial giant into one big 7-11 with countless new low paying jobs. In France ,Austria, Germany,venzuela and elsewhere the workers are being squeezed daily by the corporate welfare state.
The aim is one big global Plantation. And the only natural oppositon must come from the Nationalist- Populists. These groups are for the people and have replaced the western socialist parties as the opposition to the corporations of the emerging one economic and political system. The Imperial-Corporate System will use such terms as Nazis or Fascist to defame true patriots of ALL Races around the world. All of us should naturally gravitate to nationalist or populist parties because who wants to be ruled like a slave by the institutionalized parties of the western camp? i hope here in America, the Reform Party has a true nationalist and populist platform and wont be sabatoged by people like Venrura.It would be great to have a Aussie province break free from your corporate central regime.
LePenn and Haider are racists Ivan -
I can find plenty of statements to support the fact.Both have made sympathetic cstatements about Nazis.
They are full of racist crap.
This isn't the place to promote racists.
They are not specifically pro gun - the reason both did well is because they have strong anti-immigrant (note not immigration alone) policies.