Secession of a state in Australia - it could happen

I am a supporter of the movement that all English speaking countries merge into one country as states that have self rules within the confines of the central government It not only would help to combat the Euro group economically and the Pacific rim. That is as long as they want to join the US. Can you imagine what a country we would have with Britain, Canada, Australia and the US working together for the interest of all of us. It would really enforce our States Rights as our government would have to give the same degree of self rule that they would the newer states.. How would you Australians like being covered by the 2nd amendment?
Do you really think it could be pulled off successfully, without fighting?

I think it would be more like our own civil war where the federal government said, "Once a state voluntarily enters the union, it may never leave."

I don't like the idea of a global union of English-speaking nations under one government, ours. It would be a little too close to an imperial system for me.
The plans that I have read an the discussions I have listened to sounded good. Each would retain their own money, their Military would become a national guard. The very best sounding was the State would be the prime government. And the the Federal Government task would be as a dispute settling and making sure that one state does not infringe on an other. I guess the reason it sounds good to me is it would mean less government!!!! As for it happening ,It would be voluntary and any one who wants to go it alone is welcome to
gale mcmillan,i have no idea why this would be a good idea.the canadians have land and natural resources,they are also close in proximity.but they have socialist tendencies.the british are socialist and have nothing in the way of natural resources,austalia has land with sparse population,i know nothing about their natural resources.i do not know anything about their political leanings.i do know that they have been disarmed,therefore i say that their politicians are when we get socialists from britain,and canadians with socialist leanings from canada,and they get to vote in u.s.a. answer your question,yes i can imagine what kind of country we would would be a country moving even more quickly towards socialism then it is now moving.the canadians and british would dilute the power of the citizens of this country,i have-assumed-that they would have the power to vote.---hey rabbit asassin---your post sounds good to me.--thankyou ---arthur
Geez, if this went through, maybe it would encourage the Northern Californians to break
away from Southern Kalifornia -- they've been talking about it for years.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Maybe the Quebecers could join them?

As for encouraging the north of Kali to break away from the south of Kali, all the people I know around here would be most appreciative if they did, and took thier socialist tendencies with them... But I think what we both really mean are those in Central Kali ... from about the area of San Fransico (including Sacramento) to just south of LaLa land... North and south Kali ok, central Kali could become the PRK...

I'm not at all sure how this Austrailian thing would be beneficial in either case. It sounds like on one hand tehy throw in with the federal gov't, that already is outlawing guns, or throw in with the Queen and her gov't, which is outlawing guns.
Any secessionist move is a good move, as it decentralizes power. No wonder governments resist secession. ;)

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
RA, just make sure to bring ALL your guns & LOTSA ammo with you !
Queensland - "Beautiful one day, SECEDED the next" :D
Great slogan eh ?
Lotsa wabbits too ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
If it happened, it would inspire others (Quebequis (sp?) & Americans alike).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Article IV, section 3. = Section 3.
"New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.
The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state."
I am in favor of Nationalist Movements everywhere possible. Hopefully,the gains in Austria will hurt the european union and encoourage Le pen and his people in France and othere movements for separate nations in Northern Italy, Scotland, Australian provinces,US states, and anywhere else the power of the Globalists can be deminished. You cant have global government as long as you have nation states.THE MORE NATION STATES THE BETTER!
Ivan we don't want that type of Nationalism, that Penn or Joerg espouse.
I'm sure the banana benders already think they are seperate right HS Queenslanders first Australians second :)
Queensland break away? No way! Australians are even more brainwashed by the media than Americans are. It'll never happen. Hell, most Australians turnewd in their guns when they were asked to do so. I was there when it happened. I knew some good ol' boys who buried their guns, some even broke into an Amory and stole a bunch of FN-FAL's but by and large I left Australia with the destinct feeling that most of them were wimps.
I know this an American board but statements like "I left Australia with the destinct feeling that most of them were wimps." are a bit over the top.
If you happened to say that while you were in Australia, wait on you wouldn't dare say it here right :)

First before you make assumptions about how many guns were hannded in go to-
Just one quote from the above link

"Other reliable sources within the firearms importation industry indicate that at least 350,000 SKS and SKK rifles were imported into Australia up until the early

Well they didn't even get 10 000 back.

Not a chance. West Oz first mooted the idea of secession in 1930!!!!!

It won't happen, no matter what the "big" talk is.

Sixty-nine years later, WA pollies are still talking about it. And no State government would throw out the gun legislation --- it just won't happen!


But don't they want it to happen under the UN Bill of Rights? That 2nd amendment is a tad different from the one we enjoy. I will not join anything, and anyone who wishes to join a one world organization is simply put, spitting in the faces of every soldier to die for "Freedom". I hope you are talking about your own plan that means the countries join as states of the United States of America. If not Gale, that is sad. How many lives sacrificed so that we could remain free members of American Society?

When the last of the
brave and free refuse to
surrender, I intend to be
among them,

Anonymous patriot

[This message has been edited by 4freedomalone (edited October 05, 1999).]
Rabbit Assasin;
I know it's impossible to infer my tongue in cheek comment about Aussies being wimps from what I wrote but that's what I was thinking when I wrote it. I was there for two years during which time the guy in Tasmania went loony. I saw the way your government just trampled your rights without gun owners having a word to say. Your top guy (priminister, I think) just said "to hell with you, we are going to ban them and you can't do a thing about it!" Makes me glad we don't have your system of government over here (by-the-way, this "save the queen cra*" has got to go!). Maybe Diana is(was) OK but the rest of them can take a flying leap! Why would anyone have allegiance to England? What a God forsaken, psudo-socialist country that is!

At any rate, I worked for a bunch of yanks but as soon as work was over I spent my time with the Aussies. Even married one! It was a real paradox as the best times of my life were there along with the worst times. I grew to really like the Aussies that I knew personally. What I saw as your undoing was that you do not have an American style 2nd Amendment and that many were/are media brain washed. All you need is some highly publicised events where a person goes into a school, sprays the children with gasoline, kills a bunch and maims a bunch more. Then as gun owners you can say "guns aren't the problem, it's the people behind them!" Spread it around as an idea on how to kill (just like the media does with its portrayal of gun violence). Sooner or later some loony will do it and prove once and for all that you don't need a gun to kill if your mind is set to it. HHMMMMMM? Tragic, isn't it? It's reprehensible for you to spread that idea around, isn't it? Then why does the media promote violence with the use of a gun? Why not show how to kill with other means...... and make it glorious, just like the media does.