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Search (since I could not use "Search") :)


New member
I read that a "search" feature would be up and running again.

Do you have an schedule update?



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

Damn well better be...I am not pleased

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
That makes at least two of us that are long on info needs, and damned short on patience!

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
Make it four, guys.
Here's the deal. UBB changed their format for thread storage big time in the last few upgrades. It's come back to haunt them and they're really trying to get a revamp out.

In the meantime, this home hobby has become the hottest Discussion Software on the net, so they're going commercial. If you think the Mods take heat over here, check out their site. Living proof that $59/year buys many the right to demand the Sun, Moon and Stars!


I do check for the new release about 6X/day.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 06, 1999).]
Guess what? If you pay for a service/product...you do have the right to demand... ;)

Kinda like the new model car...prettier, more features, but can't make a right turn....but it is prettier

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I notice that UBB's forum has a working search function

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Yeah, but it's in beta #2 and that still has problems.

Beta #3 was due out today, but got pushed back a little, I don't know why. 5.39 is due out on the 10th, and should have everything fixed, but there are always new bugs.

Anyhow, patience patience. Gnashing your teeth isn't going to get it working any faster.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
Thanks Spark.

You'd have to follow the site for some time to really appreciate it:
400 Computer geeks pay pennies for a great product. Because it's got a discussion site, the suggestions start:

- "Well, can't we get different smilies?"
- "Pages take too long to load when there's more than 180,000 posts"
- "My Members can't understand UBB Code"
- "Wouldn't it be cool if you could search messages based on a Member's hobby?"
- "Hey, my Members demand the ability to post anonymously."
- "I've got Flamers on my Board...Can we track ISP's"
- "My Forum's 'broke'...can you help"
- "I just paid a lot of money for this ripoff software and I can't get it to work!"
Ad Nauseum

So, improvements are made and we expect the kind of reliability that Bill Gates has yet to deliver. Kinda pushin' it, since we're under no obligation to upgrade to the latest version. Doom on me! ;)...unlike Bill's company, Ted at UBB provides the upgrades free.
I don't care about THAT stuff. What I wanted to ask is whether we could change the colors - just a little bit! I think that a nice dark blue with a little maroon might be a nice start. Then we SLAP

(connection lost)
I have been patient Spark, for quite awhile..so don't patronize me. Capishe?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
And with that, please don't get condescending with me, Verstehe?

Please understand that it doesn't matter if 1 forum member complains or 4000 do, chances are Ted (the writer of the software) is already aware of the problem and is trying his best to fix it. On top of that, there's 4000 other webmasters who are aware of the exact same problem, and have already brought it to his attention, myself included.

Also understand that my patience is probably quite a bit thinner than yours right now because, I am the one who is constantly answering the "Where's the search? Why doesn't it work?" posts, and instead of getting support and having time to work on other important issues, I have to deal with posters who feel that they just can't wait any longer for it without having their world irrevocably damaged or other such earth shaking issues.

No offense, but when the same explanation is dished out a few hundred times, and the situation still hasn't changed, there's not much more I can do about it, capishe?

It's not like my favorite passtime is repeating myself over and over again. If that was the case, I'd go into politics, comprende?

So, in summation, the search is still broken and the next version of the software isn't out yet. BladeForums.com is part of the UBB Beta program, and we're currently finding problems with the search in the new one, so you may be out of luck for a bit longer.

So, you can come to terms with the fact that
1. We're aware of the problem
2. We're working on it
3. No, we can't work any faster
4. It will be finished when it's done.

and rest happy knowing that all the rest works just dandy. Okey Dokey?


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
Grow up Spark...you don't want to cross swords with me...Versteht?

Your patience is thinner? Lessee now...you moderate a forum dealing with current political events, case law, data crossing a wide range of topics that require reference and citations? Nope...you are a sysop who has to keep a site online.

Fact is Spark...many events set in the past are converging now...Constitutionally, Supreme Court, Geo-politics, etc. But, shiney buttons are more important than researchable data huh? Podesta and Begalla are proud of you

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited September 08, 1999).]
Yeah...I checked out the search functions...worked for everything I looked for. I didn't see where "it is still broken".

But, he has his

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited September 08, 1999).]
"It's not like my favorite passtime is repeating myself over and over again. If that was the case, I'd go into politics, comprende?"

Spark: Seems we're in much the same boat, eh wot? You have to answer the same questions 'cause the search engine is blown, and we have to answer the same questions 'cause the search engine is blown.

I'll buy the first round of Mezcal shots... maybe we can get the "worm" to de-bug the engine... ;)

Mykl Mayhem
w/ The Full-Moon Church & Asylum Band
Boys and Girls, All I can attest to is that a shi/ load of bandwidth is being chewed up by all of us answering the same question again to the person who wants some information.
Perhaps this is why the membership is going through the roof.

New Senior member = some person asking a simple question, can't do any searches and the becomes an oppinonated olf dart like me!

Now look what you have to look forward to!

Here's a novel idea: go back to the last version of UBB where the search function actually worked.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!