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Search shutdown?

I also join in the shut down. If thats what it takes to get the program to function correctly.
So just post the time of the shut down and time frame then go for it!!


"The unsearchable"
Just wondering

But could I assume you're doing this remotely on a UNIX box? If so, have you tried either "nohup" or "screen" or equiv. to keep the process going on the other end if your session dies?
The problem is not the server...it's Windows ME on my side. It crashes more often than a 20 year old Ford Pinto. Shutting down the server only shortens the time required for reindex a bit, and allows less time for Mr. Gates to get in the middle. But there's no guarantee that it will work.

I like the way you talk!!!!!! Teach me...I'm a Red Had Linux newbie. I can get the basic stuff done; I'm fair with MySQL, but you're way ahead of me.

The reindex is done thru the vB control panel which runs in PHP. It's a typical point a click action on my part. (I might be able to isolate the script command sent to MySQL from vB, though).

I'm open to detailed instructs.
So it's an action from a webpage?


Couple of things then - I'm not real swift on MySQL (I'm a C/Perl/Oracle/Informix/Postgres kind of junkie), and indexes are a very database-specific thing type of thing. I've also never seen the vB software so I don't know how it works, although I assume it uses PHP's built in facilities for talking to MySQL. I do know that newer versions of MySQL support an index type of FULLTEXT, which I'm assuming (you know what they say about assuming) TFL uses, perhaps multi-column. Chances are the re-indexing is being done through an ALTER INDEX( or CREATE INDEX) in one of PHP's "mysql_*" functions.

What I would suggest (either for this time or future use) *is* to figure out what exactly vB is having MySQL index. Then you can either do it manually, or maybe easier to write a perl script (using DBD::MySQL) to do it. Or maybe the MySQL myisamchk util has something for indexes (I really don't know). Advantage of this being you can schedule it or run it from the command prompt. If you're just running something from a shell (command prompt) you can use "nohup" to invoke it (causes the process to ignore "SIGHUP" - the HangUP SIGnal the terminal driver sends when the connection is broken) so that it will keep going when you disconnect. Screen can give you similar benefits, but by maintaining multiple virtual consoles within a single tty connection... to which you can usually reconnect if you get disconnected.

Does vB have any utilities that can be run from a shell that will index?

I don't know how to help you from the web-browser aspect.

I just read back through that... geez I hope it helps somehow.
I should probably toss out that manually tinkering with indexes or anything that could affect the schema without understanding what vB was doing could be... uh... *bad* :eek:
Could you move your Windoze client VB/SQL scripts to a more stable machine - like a Win2K machine?

I'm not sure if I can give any more guidance than what Borf is giving. If the scripts are simple enough for you to find the SQL commands, running them manually or making a script in Perl or Python to run on the server might work. But back up everything first and make sure you know exactly what's going on before you do this.

BTW, don't try this over an @Home cable modem connection for the next few days. The judge gave Excite@Home permission to shut their entire network, so they can extort more money out of the cable providers (AT&T, Comcast, etc.) :mad:

Also I'm for temporarily shutting down TFL if that will help you.
Rich - something else which got stuck in my head in traffic -

If I understand your statement correctly and it is something you're invoking through a webpage, how does PHP keep a stateful connection? I know there are Apache modules to do such things...

What I'm asking is, are you sure the indexing is actually stopping when you get disconnected?
WHOA, whoa!! Hold on a minute Rich. Before Borf messes you all up, have you tried whacking the server?

Sometimes, when my TV reception goes out, I just give'r a couple whacks on each side of the TV and wiggle the vise-grips where the knob used to be.

Maybe a well-placed kick or two under the TV stand is in order. Just make sure the wheels don't come out from under the front....

If that doesn't work, I'm afraid it may be time for new tinfoil on the rabbit-ears. Sometimes, the dust that's settled on the tinfoil deteriorates it, and it won't get good reception. If we need to make up a collection for a new box of Reynold's Wrap, just PM me and I'll start a fund drive.

If I can be of any other assistance, just drop me a line.
It was a 24 hour re-ex!

Dropped connection twice, but managed to root the last indexed thread from the logs. Anyway, SEARCH is BACK!!!!!

Thanks for the patience, all.