SD Tools for Swimming

When swimming in my pool I keep a Super Soaker within quick reach.
Good for you.
I think the OP is a better judge of when and where he needs to carry a weapon in public, than we may be -- especially when considering your private pool.
How sick is that country! What will the pool attendat say if you carry a knife and a pepper spray in a public pool? In my town he call the police. A armed man in a public swiming pool where kids are? How strange!
What will the pool attendat say if you carry a knife and a pepper spray in a public pool?

The OP was not asking about a public swimming pool with an attendant. He was talking about lakes and small swimming holes out in the country.

I live in Colorado and while out Jeeping in the mountains there are a number of swimming spots that you could jump into. People also fish in the holes and upstream. Fishing line is not uncommon.

As for personal protection, we are often HOURS away from any police presence and must be totally self reliant.

I'm guessing the quote above is from some EU, the world is a nice place kinda pipe dream.
I swim with my grandkids at an isolated private rural lake several times each summer. While I'm not worried much about the place being overrun by trouble, I will have a handgun secured in my truck and a folding knife on me. Getting tangled in fishing line is always a possibility when swimming in lakes or rivers that are also fished. Having a knife handy is not unreasonable. Neither is having a gun handy in any situation where I am charged with protecting my grandkids.

blacktimberwolf has clearly stated his disdain for the American right to keep and bear arms more than once. His lack of understanding does not bother me. The comments of hand wringing and paranoia from people who should know better does bother me though. It is the same verse sung by those who feel carrying or even owning weapons is a sign of paranoia in a civilized society. Yes, I carry a gun and/or knife most of the time. I have both the right and obligation to protect myself and those in my charge whether it is at the mall, lake, or my backyard. I don't give a rip if that confuses or offends anyone.
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I swim with my grandkids at an isolated private rural lake several times each summer. While I'm not worried much about the place be overrun by trouble, I will have a handgun secured in my truck and a folding knife on me. Getting tangled in fishing line is always a possibility when swimming in lakes or rivers that are also fished. Having a knife handy is not unreasonable. Neither is having a gun handy in any situation where I am charged with protecting my grandkids.

blacktimberwolf has clearly stated his disdain for the American right to keep and bear arms more than once. His lack of understanding does not bother me. The comments of hand wringing and paranoia from people who should know better does bother me though. It is the same verse sung by those who feel carrying or even owning weapons is a sign of paranoia in a civilized society. Yes, I carry a gun and/or knife most of the time. I have both the right and obligation to protect myself and those in my charge whether it is at the mall, lake, or my backyard. I don't give a rip if that confuses or offends anyone.

I agree.
When scuba diving, I carry two knives: a Gerber River Shorty on my BC and a Spyderco Salt on a lanyard in the BC pocket (for when you drop the Gerber while trying to cut yourself out of entanglement under the pier).

At the beach, I will carry a firearm where allowed if I'm fishing, or walking, or if someone is with me to watch my beach bag with the gun in it while I'm in the water. Otherwise, I might have a pocket knife in the cargo pocket of my swim trunks.

At my brother's house, I always carry a pocket knife with a bottle opener in the pool.

I don't like public pools.
I carry a folding knife in my swim trunks. Fishing line entangled in 12 feet of water does not sound enjoyable. SD is secondary to having a useful tool.
And this...
white water rafting, I carried a Gerber rafting knife accessible on my life jacket. Getting tangled was real risk.
In our family's outdoor experience, while canoeing primarily, a knife you can use with one hand is mandatory...Rod
I grew up on a beach. I have never, once, ever, heard of anyone carrying any sort of weapon in their swimming trucks.
Isn't aquatic defense what the shark sticks are for? A spear gun would be an option that would not be exactly out of place, but would draw odd looks from some quarters.
Well.....I didn't try my pepper gel in the Gulf waters, but my Spiderco Delica did just fine. It even came in handy cleaning out a seashell for my daughter.

.....thanks to all who gave useful information!
Isn't aquatic defense what the shark sticks are for

A good knife has SO many more uses then SD. But, having it and not needing it is good piece of mind.

Ive carried a blade clipped onto the waist band of my shorts during all kinds of water activities. All up and down central America. Very reassuring to know i had something to work with.