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    1. Copying and pasting entire articles from another site to TFL is strictly prohibited. The same applies to articles from print or other media, and to posting photographs taken of copyrighted pages or other media.

    2. Copyright law provides for “fair use” of portions of a copyrighted work. You can copy no more than a SINGLE paragraph from the article to your post (3 or 4 sentences at most).

    3. You must provide a link to the article along with the name of website. For example: ww.xxx.yyy/zzz (The Lower Thumbsuck Daily News).

    4. You must provide, in your own words, a brief summary of the article AND your reasons for believing it will be of interest to TFL members. Failure to do so may result in the thread being closed or your post being deleted as a “cut and paste drive by.”

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    Posts that do not follow these new guidelines will be altered or deleted by staff. Members who continue to violate this policy may lose their posting privileges at TFL.

    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

Script errors

I did the same as before, came in thru "thefiringline" and, (I don't know how to say this),
OOOmyGaawwd! On "Forums" the background was purple! The print was sort of maroon. Same color on the list of threads! But on the thread itself, routine colors on white.
You poor guy. How are you going to explain THIS one? (note: giggles & teehees heard here...)
Purple for chrissake...
PS: When I "backed out" to Forums, all was okay, but when I again tried "Script errors", the "threads" BG was purple. Again, the "script errors" thread seem normal. Good luck.


[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited 01-04-99).]
I've been playing around with the colors...if you think purple was bad, you shoulda seen the hot pink! Removing it was the fastest move I've made in years!:0

Thanks for standing by to bail me out. I think I got it.

Actually, the UBB guys are pretty ggod. The Patch is provided for free. The $10 charge was only if you wanted them to install it for you...a relatively straightforward task, unless you've customized the scripts, which we have.


[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited 01-04-99).]
Rich - I didn't mean to trash the UBB guys. I'm still in therapy for my sense of humor, and the bills are horrendous.

The site seems to be working great now. When I first signed on a few minutes ago it loaded very S L O W L Y ... But, now it's loading fine, it saved my preferences, and no more script errors. Thank you.

It's a good thing you verified the color changes reported by Dennis. We were going to suggest he take that conversation over to the 'legalize drugs' thread. Purple, eh? ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-04-99).]
Congratulations! All seems to be working at this end. Computer problems can be real buggers. Once upon a time I was comptroller for a computer R&D corp. It was real, it was fun, but it wasn't "real fun".

No drug problem - I really saw purple. Almost dropped my Shiner Bock! BTW, MY therapist says I have recovered from my schizophrenia - and so have I. (me, too, etc...)
With the exception of the novel color combinations TFL seems to be working fine for me. I've had no script error messages since early Monday. Good work.

Dennis, Schizophrenia and multiple personality, too. That is too bad. Take your meds and go and sit quietly in the corner. We'll make arrangements to come and pick up your guns -- wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

Jim in IN


The bottom third of the banner is blinking between black and picture. Make it go away. The duct tape kitchen knife isn't coming off until it's fixed.

OK, calm down...we'll get thru this together. Remember what we learned in group....deep breaths....breathe....gooooood. Exhale.

Now. I can't see what you see. What are your computer settings....right click on a blank area of your desktop; Click Properties; Click Settings....what's the color setings typed in the box?

Also, what browser are you using?

I'm computer illiterate so please bear with me.

On my control panel, settings, I've got 256 colors with 96 dpi for font. On color, the spline is set to red.

Regarding browser, are you referring to AOL?

256 colors should be fine...though the colors will be a bit brighter than with "millions" or "true" color.

We need to get you some help in deleting the cookies for TFL so that your computer will load it fresh.

Can anyone help with this?
Logged back on this AM and no more blinking. I can get into the DOS mode and delete the cookies as an extra precaution. Thanks Rich.

<blink><font color="purple">Dennis?</font> <font color="red">Rich?</font><font color="green">Gary?</font><font color="blue"> I like it here in Oz, but how do we get back to Kansas?</font></blink>

This isn't a sense of humor, it's a sickness ... the HTML flu. ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-06-99).]
Jeff Thomas, you RAT! :(
Here I am struggling to make with the smiley faces, fighting (poorly, I might add) with bold and italics and you go warp speed into COLOR! :o
I'm destroyed. Let me take my dumb-dumb award and I'll go home. (sobbing heard here)
Oh, shoot! (Rich, that's to make this GUN-related...)
Dennis - actually (and he'll probably be sorry to hear this!), I learned this from Rich. I noticed he, and a few others, had some neat effects in their postings. While you cannot actually edit another member's posts, you can begin to by selecting 'edit' for their post. That's how I realized what Rich was doing, and recognized I could apparently write HTML anywhere in my posts.

Glad you liked it. Since I'm so damned ignorant about weapons, it may be the first chance I've had to look like I've got a qualifying IQ to post here! ;) Adios

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-07-99).]
Actually guys, HTML is frowned upon as it can easily screw up the threads within the UBB software. Spark...if you read this, can you explain?
You all have been having such a good time here that I just couldn't be a spoil sport.

Under the FAQ section you'll find the UBB version of HTML code which allows you to perform limited, but adequate, functions. If you want to use the HTML for now, carry on. If you get in trouble, we'll fix it and charge you 3 TFL Dollars.
Rich - I've gotten it out of my system now. I'll explore the UBB code, and, with the exception of URL's, I'll lay off the HTML goodies (good thing you told me - I had other ideas ;) ).

So, mum's the word. Besides, I think I've only got 2 TFL dollars, so I'm on thin ice. Adios
Yeah guys, UBB code can do everything that HTML can in here, so its best to use it instead of HTML.
I wiped out a whole thread on another forum with a mere typo, and had Spark peeing bricks.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Here's the skinny on UBB and HTML:

UBB code was designed by the author of this software to avoid thread destroying mistakes. When this software first came out, there was a rash of cases where people who knew enough HTML to hurt themselves took down long running threads, repeatedly. The author gave us the option to "turn off HTML" in the forums, and UBB code is intended to give partial HTML abilities, without all the hard code.

UBB code is much more forgiving of HTML, if you screw it up, it won't mess up the rest of the thread, it just won't work at all.

Hope this helps!


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com