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Script errors


New member
starting yesterday, 1-2-99, i started getting said errors every time i go back or change groups.

I also started receiving the following syntax

Control Characters removed by Rich Lucibella to attempt to correct display problems.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited 01-03-99).]
When are you guys getting these errors? I've not been able to replicate them.

I'd appreciate your help in trying the following.
-Shut down and reopen your browser
-Go to http://www.thefiringline.com
-Reload the page (Shift/Reload) in Netscape.
-Enter the Forums and report back whether you're encountering the problem

Also, if you do get an error, please hit your "Print Screen" key while viewing the error message.
Load MS Word (for those that have it) and hit "CNTRL/V" to paste the screen snapshot into a Word document.
Email it to me. This will help considerably.
Thanks again.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited 01-03-99).]
Rich -

Thought you might like to hear from someone who has not had these errors.

I have not had any errors, and I use Netscape 4.5. Good luck hunting, could it ne the ISP causing the problem? Pardon my ignorance if not.
I,m getting these error messages too. I'm using AOL 4.0. It says script error/ syntax error line 16. Hope you figure it out.
The following is from the Software Developers:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>*Attention UBB Owners*
As 1999 came in the Ultimate Bulletin Board suffered a JavaScript error
which causes your cookies, members last read preferences and light bulbs to
fail to work. Tech Support has the fix for this problem and can repair your
UBB and return it back to normal. Contact us via email and request the fix
for your UBB if you wish to have this done by our tech team. There will be a
charge of $10.00 for the script rewrite and fix per UBB and we will schedule
you as soon as possible...[/quote]

We're working on it.
Glad to hear you're working on it. And they did say that Y2K problems might start in Y99.

Just for your working information, using Internet Explorer 4.0 I've been getting the following message since yesterday any time I opened a Forum from the "Firing Line Forums" page and any time I returned to a forum from a thread inside that forum.And just now also when returning to the thread after posting this reply.

The message reads:
"Internet Explorer Script Error.
An error has occurred in the script on this page.
Line: 16
Char: 1
Error: Syntax Error
Code: 0"

And that is the whole of it.

Jim in IN


[This message has been edited by JJB (edited 01-03-99).]
Ditto the preceeding error notice.

Tried all the reload hooee - didn't work.

Error notice occurs when moving from top-level summary page into any of the forums. Offers option to continue script on page or not. Yes results in forum thread summary page shown; whereas, no results in only partial page loaded, at an extremely long load time.

(ps: error notice also occurs immediately after clicking the submit button in posting.)

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited 01-03-99).]
Know y'all are working on it - but the problem's still there at the moment on Internet Explorer 4.5.
I got off the internet.
Ran Explorer and wiped out cookies, history, favorites, and temporary internet files.
Got ON internet.
Went to View. Wiped out history and files.
Typed in http://www.thefiringline.com
Refreshed once.
hit enter.
Java problem still there.
That's the type of info we need to fix this. Thanks so much.
Promise to have it done by Tuesday, at the *latest*; with luck, by Monday AM.
Yes, please fix it. It's driving me nuts and I may be going postal! Thankfully our benevolent political fathers in Washington restricts us to 10 round magazines and CA makes me wait 10 days. I'm still struggling to get the trigger locks off the guns which are already in my possession. The best for the last: Imagine the rampage & carnage I'd cause if I had a flash suppressor on a rifle and a bayonet mount? ;)
Rich - I'm glad they'll only charge you $10 to fix THEIR software. What a deal, eh? Must have been one of those 90 day warranties. ;)

I'm using IE 4.72.xxxx, tried the shutdown / reload advice, and still the same problem.

4V50 Gary - that's why I didn't buy a pre-ban AR-15. I was afraid I couldn't trust myself if I had a bayonet lug ... ;)

BTW, didn't 'going postal' get more expensive on January 1?
In all fairness, guys, the people who do the UBB software are very good at supporting their product. There is a fix for this problem out already, it's just a matter of getting it up and running on TFL without losing the changes needed that make this site unique.

Rich is indeed working on it, and I'll be lending him all the help that I can should he need it.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
God Bless you all.

Once again the world is safe for democracy and children will be playing in the streets as I discretely peel the duct tape holding my kitchen knife on the end of my rifle off now.