SCOTUS over steps its authority again

I see a common claim by many of the COTUS applying everywhere to all because they believe it simply states rights they believe a creator had given at birth. That has been stated as a justification for this decision. If that is truly one's position then it would be worthwhile for them to prove the strength of them.
I suspect the same people would be singing another tune if the court ruled in a way they did not like.

Get arrested in another country and tell them you want your constitutional rights and see if Kennedy and Ginsburg can issue a writ of habeas corpus for you. More especially see if its honored.

All persons who enter the country illegally or over stay their visas should be deported, end of story.

They should not be able to petition the court to stay. Illegal is illegal is illegal.
Get arrested in another country and tell them you want your constitutional rights and see if Kennedy and Ginsburg can issue a writ of habeas corpus for you. More especially see if its honored.
Can you honestly not see the problem with your argument?

The key words in your above post are "another country." It is not our place to enforce our system onto other countries but we do have an obligation to live up to our own standards within our own borders. If you want to start saying laws only apply to certain people and not to others you are going down a terrible road.

The laws already establish a difference between citizens and non-citizens.
Yes, they do and they are not being enforced.
The laws you are referring to have nothing to do with this decision. This decision just establishes legal recourse for people legally in the country when their papers expire.

It does not deal with illegal immigration.
As far as going to war to defend the civil rights of other countries- isn't that what we are doing in Iraq? After all, the threat of WMDs is gone. Saddam is gone. Isn't protecting Iraqis the cause du jour?

Again, the COTUS is a limit on what our government can do and the rules that it must follow. Nowhere in that document can I find a section that says illegal immigrants don't have the right to be heard in court.

If you really believe that they have no rights, then I guess that:

You don't need a warrant to search an illegal immigrant's house- even if he has not even been proven to BE an illegal

They don't have a protection against torture, or any other cruel and unusual punishment.

No right to a trial, nor any court hearing at all. If you are accused of being an illegal, you should be shot immediately.

Ok you win, nate45 is inhumane and a bad old racist, because he doesn't think that anyone who can evade capture after illegally entering the country or illegally overstaying their visa should be granted legal status and full and free access to or courts to prove why after breaking the law to get in the country they deserve to stay.

Yes, I did read the decision of the court and still believe it was not their purview and furthermore that the complainant should be deported. Yes, thats right deported as in sent back to the country he came from with no chance to apply for citizenship as punishment for breaking our immigration laws in the first place.

We do not have the resources or room for all of the untold millions who want to come here. I wish we did, but we do not, I wish the whole world was as nice as America, but it is not. If we desire to keep America a great first world country we are going to have to get a handle on our immigration problem or else our nation and standard of living will decline.