SCOTUS makes Heller total victory for 2a. Will that change your vote/affiliation?

With gun ownership an accepted right, would that change how you vote?

  • Yes -- I'll let my socially liberal side out and vote democrat from now on!

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • No -- guns are only part of my conservative agenda, conservatives for me still!

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Not affected either way -- I've never been a single issue voter.

    Votes: 26 28.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Garand Illusion

New member
So here's the deal ... you wake up on June 15th to hear the exciting news. On an unexpected 9-0 vote SCOTUS has declared the 2nd amendment not only an individual right, but an absolute right that must be incorporated to affect the states.

They make it clear that getting rid of the obstructive gun laws in Cali, Chicago, Hawaii, etc. is nothing more than a legal formality, as they will accept all pro-gun cases and summarily rule on them. Gun ownership is an American right, and except for felons all Americans will be able to own whatever firearm they want (machine guns will still be specially registered and tracked, but no more date limitations).

Schumer and Boxer weep bitterly on TV, but accept that fact that anti-gun laws are non-starters. They accept the fact that for the forseeable future gun control will not be a democrat principle.

Keith Obermann's head explodes on live television when he reads the news flash from the AP.

So ... does that change how you vote? With voting for pro-gun candidates no longer so important, would you turn your attention to other matters?

I know I'm not the only one here that has some liberal social views, but tends to vote based on gun rights since that seems both most in danger and most likely to get some worthwhile results.

Your vote?
Thinking what a politician says and what a politician does are the same, is like comparing apples to Boeing 747's.
I trust none of our choices for Pres. and I don't have a say in who gets voted in anyway.
Only the Elec College can determine who is our next Pres.
Each state has its own laws governing how they can vote, but breaking the law, or ignoring it, has happened before and will happen again.
The wild minority "in power" will let us know what they determine when they want to.

A perfect example, is the State law in Cali that banned smoking in public places.
They tried popular vote twice, and failed, twice.
So, they added it as a 'rider' to a guaranteed 'passer', under the tables.
By the time the public knew about it, it was too late to counter it.
To kill it now would raise a stink over the legislation it was added to.
We people have no true say in how we choose to be governed.
If only the vote would go that way. Then with that right once and for all clearly defined, we could move on to the next right being trampled.
So here's the deal ... you wake up on June 15th to hear the exciting news. On an unexpected 9-0 vote SCOTUS has declared the 2nd amendment not only an individual right, but an absolute right that must be incorporated to affect the states.
What a wonderful day that will be.

I'll drink a cup of Olympus Mead for breakfast, ride my unicorn to work, sleep all day until the leprechaun brings me my pot of gold, then go home to my wife... uhh... Christy Brinkley, yeah, that's the ticket, Christy Brinkley, and we'll get together with Superman and Wonder Woman for dinner.

Sorry to rain on your parade, GI, but it's just not going to happen, IMO.

Fun to dream, though. :)
While I understand that the thread is supposed to be light-hearted and fun, with a serious political question thrown is so far gone that I can not give it a serious and realistic answer.
I am not beholden to a particular party (I used to be a staunch Republican but the GOP has liberalized way too much IMO), though I vote for conservative candidates when I get a chance. I cannot ever pull the lever to vote for a liberal candidate... just can't do it. So, I don't think that Heller will change how I vote in the least.
If only the vote would go that way. Then with that right once and for all clearly defined, we could move on to the next right being trampled.

  1. Right to privacy
  2. Habeous Corpus
  3. Freedom of speech
What a wonderful day that will be.

I'll drink a cup of Olympus Mead for breakfast, ride my unicorn to work, sleep all day until the leprechaun brings me my pot of gold, then go home to my wife... uhh... Christy Brinkley, yeah, that's the ticket, Christy Brinkley, and we'll get together with Superman and Wonder Woman for dinner.

Isn't Christy Brinkley like 50 years old, now? And wouldn't it be weird to have a wife that had slept with Billy Joel?

Right now I'm the only one who said that he would change how he voted. I didn't word that option very well, BTW, because I would often vote conservative anyway ... but at least I would feel free to cast the occaisonal vote to a liberal or even to throw away my vote entirely by voting for a third party.

And at least it would take off the table the deadly serious debate over whether to change America and ban firearms ownership forever.

Oh, well ... I still go to bed dreaming every night of Unicorns, the early 1980's Christy Brinkley, and a solid SCOTUS decision in favor of the 2a.
GarandIllusion said:
And at least it would take off the table the deadly serious debate over whether to change America and ban firearms ownership forever.

Y'know, that's a very interesting observation.

The .gov tried to ban alcohol. The Volstead Act lasted about 14 years. It was an unqualified failure. The unintended consequences so outweighed any positive outcomes that it was repealed.

I can't help but wonder what would happen if they tried that with firearms.
"I can't help but wonder what would happen if they tried that with firearms."

Look at what's happening right now with drugs. They banned booze and we got more booze. They declared war on poverty and we got more poverty. The war on terror has only resulted in more terror. The same with everything else they declared war on. Heck, I hope they do have a war on guns. I could use a few more!
The .gov tried to ban alcohol. The Volstead Act lasted about 14 years. It was an unqualified failure. The unintended consequences so outweighed any positive outcomes that it was repealed.
Agreed. How long before they call it quits on the so called wars on poverty and drugs? Or I guess that's all going to depend on how long people will continue to tolerate its failure.
IMHO, 9-0 isn't very likely.

5-4 or 6-3 is more likely, with us on the winning side.

My answer is that we'd have won the battle for another generation, but my kids would likely have to win it again. Therefore, I'd stay involved. My party affilliation wouldn't chage because of my unqualified support of right to life.
Do they work weekends? 15 June is a Sunday. Just curious

In the world where they vote 9-0 that the 2nd amendment is an absolute individual right ... yes, they do work on Sunday.

Though it's just as likely the vote will come in June 31 as June 15.
I'll drink a cup of Olympus Mead for breakfast, ride my unicorn to work, sleep all day until the leprechaun brings me my pot of gold, then go home to my wife... uhh... Christy Brinkley, yeah, that's the ticket, Christy Brinkley, and we'll get together with Superman and Wonder Woman for dinner.

LOL - and let Superman fly you all to my house for celebratory drinks of Glenlivet and Jamison's with Milla Jovovich... (well, one can dream).

As I read the question, it's really geared towards "would you vote Democrat if the gun issue was settled permanently." The answer is a resounding NO. For me, this would be like continuing to do business with a mechanic who always charges you an extra $98 over his quoted rate then spends 30 minutes telling you how justified he was in doing it for your own good.

I dislike being lied to. While I expect politicians to lie, I become furious when they spew bald-faced lies and refuse to back them up. I've listened to many a talk show - both liberal and conservative - and in nearly 96% of cases, it's the Democrat who won't STFU when his turn is over -- or when asked a question will ignore it in order to get his "talking points" on the air.

If the 2nd Amendment issue becomes settled to our benefit and we can't get the Republican party back on track, I think you'll see phenomenal growth in the Libertarian party as people defect in that direction.