SCOTUS Heller Update 6/23/08 - Is There a Decision?

3 today, not heller

Tom Goldstein - The only opinion remaining from the March sitting is Heller. The only Justice without a majority opinion from that sitting is Justice Scalia.
There is no decision today.

They may make a special announcement later this week. Perhaps Wednesday or Thursday.

I'm starting to think they may wait until after the recess to announce their decision.

According to the blog Heller wasn't released today. Next session will be Wed. probably. Saving the biggest for last I guess.
The Court has announced that it will release opinions at 10am Wednesday. This almost certainly means they will also be releasing opinions on Thursday as well.

Hold on to your hats, boys and girls, there's plenty of hills left on this roller coaster. :)
Cant wait for the 5 people in black to tell me how my "God given" Right will be further regulated by the "state"
I don't follow the detailed time line. Is it possible for them to delay until after the election?

Maybe, there are some that think a decision might impact the race in a way they don't like?

Just asking.
Tom Goldstein - The only opinion remaining from the March sitting is Heller. The only Justice without a majority opinion from that sitting is Justice Scalia.

I hope and pray that Justice Scalia writes the majority opinion.
Tom Goldstein - The only opinion remaining from the March sitting is Heller. The only Justice without a majority opinion from that sitting is Justice Scalia.

That means almost certainly it will be an "Individual Right." The point to be concerned about are the "regulations" which will be considered "reasonable." Scalia can be just as much a "Statist" as a "Constructionist." For that reason I do not see him too likely to chop the head of the legislative python strangling our 2A rights... Hold on to your hats.
Maybe, there are some that think a decision might impact the race in a way they don't like?

1. Guns are a non issue in this election. The Dems are not openly campaigning against them and compared to OIL, which will have Iraq regulated completely to the back burner by November, they do not even exist for the majority of the electorate.

2. I believe they have issued decisions by the end of June for the entire session for the last 30 years. I see no reason for them not to do so now. I do see them holding back until the last moment for this session to issue what will be the most controversial ruling in order for them to get out of dodge and avoid the press as quickly as possible.
The NRA sends me all kinds of literature about Obama being a threat to the RKBA. If Heller was strongly proRKBA then would not that argument against Obama be somewhat neutralized.

Obama could say that the issue is decided and then folks who were favorable to him except for the RKBA would have their single issue fixation negated.

This would be bad for the GOP. Perhaps, Scalia, Alito, Robers and Thomas might want to avoid this.

Just a tinhat throwout for the arena!
Nope, not an issue. Heller can be as pro RKBA as it can possibly be and there will still be a fight. Even if all the existing laws were swept off the books, and I hope they will be, there will still be the battle over how to get them off the books. The opposition has no plan of giving up.

Post Heller, one way or the other, the pro RKBA effort needs to focus on wiping out the anti RKBA. Not debating, not delaying or thwarting, but making it not exist. Defamation, libel, harassment, and slander suits against antis, abuse of process prosecution of CLEOs, oppression and possibly treason charges against various mayors, yank VPC, LCAV, and Brady tax exempt status and investigate them for all manner of unlawful activities and sue them bankrupt, social and financial ostracism of Brady supporters, and pull out all the stops in investigating all anti 2A legislators for all the crimes politicians are routinely guilty of and throw the book at them.


Basically make them not exist exactly the same way they want us not to exist. Don't think for one billionth of a second that their end goal is anything less than to not have a single legal civilian firearms owner in the US. To win--and that is not optional--our goal must be no less than to do the same to them.
That means almost certainly it will be an "Individual Right." The point to be concerned about are the "regulations" which will be considered "reasonable." Scalia can be just as much a "Statist" as a "Constructionist." For that reason I do not see him too likely to chop the head of the legislative python strangling our 2A rights... Hold on to your hats.

Scalia, in his own words, sees the Bill of Rights as the "fruit" of the Constitution and not necessarially fundamental to it. He sees our Government as unique by virtue of the seperation of powers set forth in the Constitution, and our freedoms ensured more through that mechanism.

I don't get the impression that he sees the Constitution as many on this board do, myself included. That is, the Constitution was instantiated so as to protect the basic freedoms enumerated in a limited way by the Bill of Rights.
The judges for delaying this and making it anything more complicated than immediate and clear cut, for not being just straightforward and to the point about it.
The judges for delaying this and making it anything more complicated than immediate and clear cut, for not being just straightforward and to the point about it.

It's difficult for me to judge their motives when they haven't even issued the ruling yet. Best to keep your powder dry in case you need it later.
Yellowfin said:
What cowards.
Yellowfin said:
The judges for delaying this and making it anything more complicated than immediate and clear cut, for not being just straightforward and to the point about it.

I'm sorry, but you are not making any sense. What makes you think they are delaying the decision? They haven't released *anything* so how can you say they are not being straightforward and to the point?

It's like you've placed your order at the drive-thru and are complaining because you have to pull forward to get your food. That's just how things work.

Do you know anything about the history of the court or how they go about releasing opinions? Morgan-Stanley v. Public Utility District #1 (06-1457) was argued on February 19 and hasn't been decided yet. Exxon v. Baker (07-219) was argued February 26 and hasn't been decided yet. DC v. Heller (07-290) was argued on March 18 and hasn't been decided yet. Why aren't you complaining about the Exxon delay? Calling the justices "cowards" is completely out-of-bounds as far as I'm concerned.

Here's some more information for you courtesy of .
There is only one decision day next week on the Court’s official calendar: Monday, June 23, when the Court’s public session will begin at 10 am eastern. However, as the Court has done for the past two weeks, it’s certain that the Court will sit on one or more additional days later in the week. Based on past practice, if the Court holds one additional opinion day, it will likely be the Thursday (June 26) as it did last Term. If it holds two additional opinion days (which is more likely, given that ten [now seven] opinions remain), the added days will likely be Wednesday (June 25) and Thursday (as it did in the 2005 Term).

(Of course, the Court isn’t required to finish by June 26, but it has concluded the Term before July every year for the last decade. Monday June 30 is also a possible last day, but is unlikely because the Court internally plans on finishing each Term during the fourth week of June.)