Scopes and lasers take the fun out of target shooting?

The fun becomes Not hitting the target only,But from how far away can you hit it. 600,800,1000 plus.

^^This, for us (sons and I...)

100-200 yards became very unchallenging for us once the basics were down pat. The drive sucks, but we travel nearly two hours each way now to shoot at 600-1K yards.
Get into true long-range shooting where external influences (mostly wind) make it a whole 'nother ballgame. Downside is that some days when it's howling, you gotta stay home :(
Go shooting on windier and windier days (especially when it's shifting; a steady wind can sometimes be less challenging than almost none at all). Seek longer ranges. Shoot with progressively less support (except when doing load workups; then use all the support you can get).

There will, however, be days when life sucks, and those are the days you want to be able to just blow the hell out of the centre of your target with minimal effort and have a nice little group to feel good about. In that case, bring on the scopes and the lasers. And you may yet change your mind about hunting. I did. :)
We've shot some matches at AEDC in Tullahoma Tn when the weather was
"you gotta be crazy" cold, wind blowing, raining and it was a lot of miserable fun no one did well actually you looked forward to your turn pulling targets :confused:

The drive to the Oak Ridge Sportsman Club became to long (2 hours) and TOO expensive so I had to get out of it for a while until AEDC started 600's again for a while it was 1000's only and I hadn't tooled up for that one.

If you really like the workout the Across the Course matches really adds to the challenge physically and doesn't demand quite the expense
BLE you got that right "how good Im not" !

I really enjoy the match shooting because its a chance to see some incredible marksmanship and sets goals maybe not something one may every achieve but just witnessing these guys do the incredible makes the fun ten fold.

did you see the 17yr old young lady Jr. class win the Camp Perry 1000???? She is a 3 year shooter and blew the field away (100 4x) with her .308 Seniors and F'ers she took it all!!! An amazing competitior KUDOS to her.
You still need to have a steady hold and a good trigger pull. Also, it isn't getting an MOA group or better that makes you good, it's being consistent. I'll take a consistent 3 MOA over a once-in-a-lifetime sub-MOA group (although that's fun to get every once in a while if I don't shoot more than 3 rounds, I recognize that as luck for me). I've also discovered that I don't have to do that with the most powerful cartridge out there either. .22LR and even .117 pellets at distance are quite the challenge to shoot well consistently and have made me a better shot than any magnum caliber ever has, with or without a scope. The scope does help me see the bullseye and the little holes better, though.
Lasers drive me nuts. They're a practical tool for certain applications but I don't find any fun in shooting with them. Scopes are fun if you have the distance, which I do not. With open sights, 50 yds is still a fun distance and that's the max I have available except for 1 range 40 min away.

I'd also rather shoot at the sand pit at 50yds than the busier range at 200 any day. ;)
In my case, adding scopes expands my shooting experience. Whether its close range or far, target turrets or BDC, steel chickens, paper dart boards or paper bowling pins. Adding scopes can add more fun out of shooting. Especially if you are into the fun & novelty targets where you compete with family & friends.
When your vision sucks a scope is the only way to go. It is more fun when I can see. I can barely focus on my M1 front sight and on my AR's the sight radius is just too short beyond 50 yards for my eyes. My Mosin front sight is just too fine to see at all.
As was said earlier, you can spend lots on optics and still suck.
I'm diabetic so my eyesight isn't that great but I still mostly use scopes for hunting. I'd never use a laser on anything. I abhor shooting paper. I can make small groups with a scope but that doesn't impress me. I'd much rather use iron sights and watch a coke can full of water explode or clay pigeons tied to a tree limb swinging in the wind etc.
It would seem that after you've got it ready to go, the skill is all gone, since you're just changing the dials based on distance, and then putting the crosshairs on the target.

As others have alluded to, it's not quite that easy. When you shoot past 500 yards things start to get dicier. Past 700 on up to 1k they really get interesting. It's certainly not as easy as changing the dials based on distance and putting the crosshairs on the target. As others have said, hold of the rifle, trigger manipulation, breath control, and many other factors count.

Not just that, though. You have to calculate your adjustments based on wind speed. Oh, and don't forget that when you're shooting 800 yards the wind could be blowing at different speeds (and even different directions) along the bullet's path. This has to be accounted for. If you don't feel much wind, but you see tree limbs swaying hard around your target you have to adjust differently than normal. Oh, and also don't forget that the angle of fire plays a pretty huge role at this distance. If you're shooting at an upward angle, you have to adjust elevation significantly more. Temperature also plays a role as well. The first shot out of a cold bore on a cool/cold day will shoot lower than normal. How much lower? Well, it's up to you to know your rifle/ammo combo. It's not just cold days that trip you up though. With the summer heat you have mirage effect, and that can really make a smallish target dance when it's 1000 yards away. Oh, and my favorite part. Judging distance. If you really want a challenge, shot unknown distance targets past 600 yards. At 600 yards, my load drops around 80 inches (yes, that's over 6 feet) from my 100 yard zero. At 700 yards, it drops around 120 inches (yes, 10 feet). So... is that target 650 yards away or 700? It makes about a 2 foot drop difference. Lets go to 900 yards. It drops around 250 inches (over 21 feet). At 1000 yards it drops around 350 inches, or nearly 30 feet. So, is your target 970 yards away or 1000 yards? The difference can mean a drop of 2 feet or so. Certainly shooting with a scope under 300 yards isn't all that challenging, even for a novice who educates himself. Shooting unknown distance targets past 600 yards is not for the novice though... especially if you do it the old school way and take away that laser range finder. Hope you're good with a mil reticle.

And then there's the fact that a consistent, day in and day out, 1 moa rifle (which is the military standard for a sniper rifle) still will only hold a 10" group at 1k yards IF you accurately estimate the distance, accurately estimate the wind speed, determine what effect the temperature/cold bore will have an adjust accordingly, make every calculation perfect, hold the rifle the same way you did when it was zero'd, do not flinch, and do not shoot as your heart beats (this absolutely matters when taking a shot like this, at least it does for me... maybe I have high blood pressure). Yes, you do everything right and a 10" group is the best you can hope for. Of course, some rifles are capable of better accuracy. It still depends on the shooter to play his part.

I once heard an associate talk about his experience when he went to blackwater's training ground in Northeastern NC (Blackwater has changed names, don't know what they are now and don't really care). I wouldn't say that the guy was known for fish tales, but he's been caught stretching the truth a little here and there. He described how everything there was amazing, and how he saw a guy there that could hit an egg at 1400 yards every time he pulled the trigger. I didn't explain my background to him (let's just say I've been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, then sold the T-shirt at a yard sale), but I know that what he described isn't possible... not first round hits every time. Heck, not even 25% of the time. A 2" egg at that distance means you have to have a rifle that will shoot .15 moa consistently, and then your math has to be perfect every time. It's certainly not as easy as "set your scope and pull the trigger."
What 5whiskey said. Once you get to that distance 800 yards and more,the scope is just so you can see the target:D. So very much comes into play.

Changing the settings and putting crosshair on target is the statement someone who has no idea what he is talking about would say. In theory - yes, In reality-Not even close to true.

At 100 yards with open sights, I can pick off a tin can.

At 100 yards with a 'scoped rifle, I can pick off Chef Boyardee.

I can hit faster with open sights.

I can hit further with more confidence with a 'scope.

When I use the right tool to do the job I set out to do, I am satisfied.

I'm disappointed if I use a superior sighting system and I do an inferior job.

I'm ecstatic if I use a more primitive sighting system and shoot circles around folks using 'scopes.

Reactive targets as someone said. And quickly finding targets spread out, flat targets is enuff.

Try movin targets prefarbly fullsize deer stuff stuff or boar! That is a challenge
I sight-in and find the best load from the bench, but really enjoy shooting offhand at various targets. Today, we were shooting at 50 feet and I could hit a 5/8" mailing dot 9 out of 10 times with my scoped rifles. One a Marlin 39A with a 4x scope and the other, a customized Remington 581 with scope set at 8X.

Also have a steel handgun turkey silhouette that I routinely shoot at 290 yards offhand or various field positions, and hit it about every shot with .223 Rem and .243 Win.

And yes, I do enjoy shooting 1/4 min. groups with my .223 Rem Tikka 595, but it gets boring after a couple.