Scope preferences?

Well, I integrated the scope with the rifle over the weekend. The local gun shop was very helpful in getting the scope mounted the way I wanted it. They were able to fit the 50mm lens behind the rear iron sight, so I can keep my iron sights on. Backup...

Sighted the iron first, at the indoor range. Shot 1" groups, which is about the best my bifocals will do. Either the front sight or the rear sight is just a 1" blur...

The trigger on that new Remingto 700 was about 8lbs! Lawyers set the trigger pull at the factory, I guess.

Then put the scope on and got it centered. Shot cloverleafs at 25 yds (max indoor range).

Next day went to the 100 yd outdoor range. Of course, the wind was 8-10 mph from the side. Shot mostly 1-2" groups, hitting several inches left of point of aim (due to wind?) Then, on the last group, something exciting happened. The first 2 shots touched each other. At 100 yds! I thought, man, it would be so cool if I could get the 3rd one to touch. And I did. A 100yd Cloverleaf. Was it random good luck? Can my rifle really shoot cloverleafs at 100yds on a regular basis? Only one way to find out... shoot some more.
That's the best time to quit, after shooting a group like that. Lets you leave feeling good about things. Instead of wondering, what the hecks wrong with this thing.

You'll find out the answer to your question on your next trip to the range. Art said something back there a ways you need to listen to. Practice shooting off-hand, shoot at different distances, both on and off the bench. I like my rifles sighted in at 2" or 2.5" high at 100yards, and then shoot at 200, 250, 300. Practice, practice, practice.

Congrats, sounds like you got a great shooter. :cool:

bullet placement is gun control
I have a friend, a well-heeled doctor, who has a serious rifle/scope jones ( he DOES use them). He probably has 50 scoped rifles. Many brands of scope. Fwiw, he likes Swarovski or Schmidt and Bender when price is no object, Nikon next (says they're the best value for the dollar), followed closely by Leupold (which is what i have). He also raves about a Shepherd rangefinder scope he has.

I like my Leupold Vari-X III (1.5x6?). Haven't beaten it up to know it's durability, but it seems very well made.

[This message has been edited by Covert Mission (edited March 04, 2000).]