Scope or dot at 100 yds on AR?


Your situation sounds about like mine, to include a local 3-gun league (that I shoot with bamaboy) that shoots "mostly" out to about 100 yds. I say "about" because now and again the directors will slip a 150-200 yd target(s) in the stages. They did that last week, and about all the unmagnified dot shooters ( and one retired scope shooter, me) had real problems with the tiny 200 yarder they came up with.

My experience covers dots and 1-4x scopes. The dot was an an Aimpoint Pro. I say "was" because I had to give that one back (and the carbine) to the gov't when I recently retired. But prior I shot the dot for about 3-4 years in quals and training, and even snuck the gov rifle to a few matches. (Not exclusively prohibited, but likely frowned upon). Up close, I found a dot wickedly fast, MUCH faster than I could ever shoot irons. For me anyhow, nothing I've shot is any faster than the dot that was on the gov rifle. But I found the dot on the Pro a bit of a handicap beyond about 150 on smaller targets and seeking a bit of precision.

The scope is mounted on a personal carbine, and is a 1-4x Leupold, with a thick German #1, 3-post, "T" typed reticle, put in by the Leupold Custom Shop. The chunky reticle is pretty fast, seemingly faster than a duplex, but perhaps not as useful past 150 yds, as it is hard to "hold over" on smaller targets. The big chunky post can obscure smaller targets. I'd say the German #1 is faster up close than a duplex, but not as fast as a dot.

Anyhow, discounting shooting in poor light, I believe a low powered scope in the Leupold 1-4/or 1.5-5x range is more versatile than a dot.
And, the big chunky #1 reticle lets me shoot in pretty bad light too boot. The magnication on the upper end allows one to pick up targets well past 200 yds easier, especially if one stays with a traditional duplex. On the low end, it's still pretty fast. Fast enough I believe, that it poses no handicap to me with scores. At my age, I lose much more time moving from station to station, standing to prone, etc, than I do with however little bit faster I might shoot a dot up close. Finally, there is NO way I will loose battery power on a conventional low powered scope. And I have seen more than one shooter step up to the line at a match only to find his dot dead, or have his dot go bad during a stage.

We just bought a new sight system for the personal AR, and yup, it was a conventional scope....1.5-5x Leupold.