Scope for a .257 Roberts

This all boils down to preference.
We all have our different ways of going about things and different priorities.

Whatever works for you is good.

I'd agree with those who suggest,for a max range of 150 yds,4x is plenty for game hunting,and probably preferable to 6x.And I'm quite sure a good 4x is enough for a prairie dog at 150 yds.

I'm in Colorado,and use my .257 more in open space.To match the capabilities of the .257 R chambered rifle., from the context of my uses/experience,I prefer the 6x.The .257 R works quite well to 300 yds +

None of us are wrong.

Hopefully,the OP can weigh our inputs,and make a choice that puts a :D on his face for the $ he spends.

And its fine with me if that is a fixed 3x or a 4-16 by 50 mm variable.

I know what I'm happy with.
Well said, HiBC. I was quite effective out to 150 with my old Marlin 35Rem and 4 power scope. With the 6 power on a 270 I shot a coyote at 365 yards. The fact that I favor the 4-16 variable has very little to do with any real need for 16 power except when I'm blasting paper targets. I did shoot a hog at 490 yards a year or so back, and I did have the scope on 16 power then, but that was one shot.
Most of my rifles have 3x9X scopes. I've only used 9X one time at a 530 yard shot at a cow elk. Almost every shot I've taken had the scope set at 3X. About the only time 9X is used is at the range where I use it to hold more precisely. Final shots are at 3X to make sure there's no radical change of POI.
My Win. M70 FWT in 7x57 has a 2x7X Leupold compact which looks about perfect on that rifle. My matching M70 FWT in .257 Robt. has a Leupold 3x9X. That's only because I couldn't find a 2x7 and wanted to set the rifle up to shoot. :roll eyes:
Paul B.