School Shooting in Oklahoma

My posting above said: "What, if any, penalties should this boy's parents be facing if he got the gun from home? Parents have a responsibility to keep guns away from unsupervised kids."

Notice I said if he got the gun from home. And I don't think that anyone could disagree with my second sentance. That responsibility, IMHO, means that you teach your children about guns first. Then you take precautions to keep your guns locked up and safe. Then you just have to trust your kids.

Jeff is completely correct that we shouldn't point our fingers at the parents so quickly. I apologize if that is what you inferred from my posting. You can't watch your kids 100 percent of the time, I can't. But I am confident that if one of my kids were able to access a gun, any gun, anywhere, that they wouldn't do this with it.

Sbryce said His mental state is far more dangerous than the 9mm he was holding. This is the truth. Maybe we need to try and find out what's making our kids torture animals, then we'll be on the right path to solving this school shooting problem.


The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security -Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4

Ohio does not allow concealed carry.
I know it's just a song, and I hate to analogize this but Johnnie Cash, Folsom Prison, "I shot a man just to watch him die". Plain and simple. This time we have a live shooter. Let the psychies loose.

Yep. That emotional "visualization" is par. But the remark that really PO'd me, from my way of thinking seemed to be calculated to cause the father to doubt himself and feel worse was:

Katie: "I understand you moved your family from Tulsa to Fort Gibons because you felt it was a safer and better place to raise your family. Do you still feel that you made the right decision?"
camera pans from Katie's serious face to Dad's
Dad: "Yes"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Hal, Tribal "trust lands" and jurisdiction here is a little confusing. My own home is technically in Indian land and the state at the same time. I work for a tribe. I think there are 4 separate tribal police forces in my county. They, city, state and county LE have some agreement on sharing resources and jurisdiction. I know some domestic problems in certain neighborhoods are often dispatched to the tribal officers. I think AIM is just PO'd at the universe. The Cherokee Nation is a big contributor to the DNC. Their infamous "chief" spoke at the convention in support of Clinton. I did see federal law enforcement assemble on tribal property once. They came to evict an armed candidate and his clan who protested an election result. It evaporated quickly. The feds just don't mess much with tribes, who are often busy suing each other.
G-Freeman and JHS,
Thanks for the info. Bureau of Indian affairs web site has a map of Indian lands, but it's unclear just exactly what is meant. I've seen mention here about carrying on Indian reservations and the federal implications of it. Just made me wonder if there might be anything there. Seemed like the perfect opportunity for Bill and company.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
The News tonight was just as sketchy as last night. Peter Jennings said the shooter used his father's pistol and he brought "lots" of ammo (although he apparently never reloaded).

Still no mention of the car or how he obtained access to either car or gun. Very fishy!

The NBC news report this evening made sure to mention that he had a "high capacity magazine" and that he fired all the rounds but didn't apparently have time to reload.