School Shooting in Oklahoma


Moderator Emeritus
Here's another tragedy for the bannits to exploit, just in time for the holidays.


Story: Three Students Shot, Wounded in Oklahoma School

Updated 10:32 AM ET December 6, 1999

OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - Three students were shot and wounded early on Monday in a small-town middle school in Fort Gibson in eastern Oklahoma, police said.

Police said the suspected shooter, believed to be a fellow student, was in custody.

"There has been a shooting at the Fort Gibson Middle School...A suspect is in custody right now," a police dispatcher told Reuters.

A local hospital spokeswoman told CNN television news that two 13-year-old boys were admitted with wounds, one to an arm and the other in the leg. She said both were in stable condition.

Local television said one of the students was rushed to a Tulsa hospital by helicopter, indicating he or she may have more serious wounds than the other two victims, who were taken away by ambulance.

The three injured students in Fort Gibson, a town of about 3,500 people 50 miles southeast of Tulsa, were not identified by authorities.

Monday's shooting was the latest in a series of school gun attacks in the United States. In April two students killed 13 people before shooting themselves at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado in the deadliest U.S. school shooting.


The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security -Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4

Ohio does not allow concealed carry.
5 shot,4 boys, 1 girl. The last I heard. The kid had a 9mm and is 13 yrs old.

[This message has been edited by JHS (edited December 06, 1999).]
The kid had a 9mm and is 13 yrs old.

Why, that's outrageous! There oughta be a law against kids having guns!

Oh, there is?

Never mind...

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Latest news is that the injured were 3 boys, 1 girl. All have non-life threatening wounds. MSNBC says the 13 year old drove a car to school (where'd he get the keys?) and stepped out and started shooting. Again, where'd he get the 9mm and the ammunition? People say that he is a sweet kid and went to church. Reported that the boy said that he had no idea why he did it. Get ready for the anti-gun media blitz.
Thank God the kid couldn't shoot!

If you read the posts on AOL about this latest shooting, you can only guess what this will lead to. Soccor moms pleading for gun bans. Go read the posts. It's the guns you know. That's the problem.

Let's see now...isn't this a "GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONE"??????
I'm sorry for everyone involved in this incident. These kids have their whole life ahead of them, and now their lives have been lastingly changed in a way they should never have had to experience at any age and certainly not in childhood.

As to the media and the political demagogues, pardon my cynicism, but I expect they're salivating over the incident. With one or two exceptions the news has been slow lately, and the incident will provide a new excuse to score political points by irrationally blaming guns and gunowners.
Here's a quote from a story on Excite News.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"The alleged shooter, who fired a 9-mm semiautomatic pistol, had no prior record with police," the sheriff's deputy said. "The suspect still had the weapon in his hand when police arrived. The weapon at that point was emptied"[/quote]

What, if any, penalties should this boy's parents be facing if he got the gun from home? Parents have a responsibility to keep guns away from unsupervised kids.


The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security -Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4

Ohio does not allow concealed carry.
I'm with Missile Cop and BluesMan. The boy obviously had easy access--too easy. Obviously little to no training, evident in his irresponsible actions.

Prosecute him with extreme prejudice. Then enforce punishment. It's amazing how well a law works when enforced. No plea bargains. No dumbing down of sentences. No youth detention centers. Straight to jail, no parole, max out the sentence.

And take the parents to task, too. The boy was the parents' responsibility. They should have been doubly aware of their weapons and ammunition. Again, their responsibility. I'd like to know how exactly he got around them and what his motivation was.

Bless God the students were only injured and that the shooter was a sorry shot. But would that they hadn't been injured in the first place. . .
Local tv media has been very matter of fact in their reporting. No sensationalizing as of yet. Haven't seen Tulsa locals version yet. Contrast that with Dan Rathers' latest "rampage" intro. Gov. Keating gets credit for stating emphatically to Dan that gun control is not a solution. "He could have used a knife or a rock." No pic shown of the girl who sounds as if she got the worst of it. The other victims shown are just cute little boys. Think they'll all be ok but damn!
I hold the US Government directly responsible for permitting the failed
policy of" gun free school zones" to
encourage any mentally imbalanced
or criminal minded person to go and
shoot up a school.

Isreal had the same problem
in their schools until the school
teachers were professionally screened
for mental stability and then
professionally trained for defense
of the school childern and armed by
the state with firearms.

Instant end of all school shootings.

This has been tested and proved to work
in Isreal since 1974.
This has a 26 year sucess rate......

No school shootings in 26 years after the
training and arming of the teachers.

Of course, we can't have our childern here in America protected by tested and
trained, armed ,that would
never do here in America, here in America
we have to let our childern continue to be
unprotected and defenseless ---in blind

Just another testomony that gun contol
does not now and never did work and that gun control never will work.

The liberal socialists in contol of
our government have the sheeple well
Too very sad!
ABC News handled the story in a VERY "matter of fact" tone - it didn't even make their headline leader. What's up with that?! No bold graphics, no "on the spot" report, just a repeat of what's been said all day. A 13 year old drove himself to school, got out of the car with a semi-automatic 9mm and started shooting. When asked why he did it he said he didn't know.

I don't mean to piss anyone off here, and I'm very curious to find out the circumstances that allowed him to steal a car and a gun without being detected, but it ills me a little to already be hearing blame for the parents. Kids aren't stupid and they know how to "pull the wool". This homicidal little prick is to blame for his own actions! How many of you with thirteen year olds would even suspect they could do this. I kept my own shotgun in my room at thirteen!

It's gotten to where these punks don't have to make excuses for themselves because adults make excuses for them! He was probably "picked on" by his classmates - who cares. Put him in a courtyard and let the wounded kids parents take potshots at him! Get the rest of the kids off those "keep 'em calm" drugs and when they act up or act out give 'em a lickin' they won't soon forget! It worked for 200 years, it ought to work today.

If the parents are found to be negligent, THEN lay into them. Since nobody died, this little "would-be" murderer will probably be hugged a counseled 'till he pukes. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm sick and tired of having to hear about this kind of demonic behavior - it's time some adults took charge of our schools and quit letting the kids run the show.

Regarding the lack media sensationalizing the event -- my cynicism says that Congress is not in session, so to whip up hysteria now would not forward the agenda.

We have much to be concerned about when Congress meets again, from this and legislative angles.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
If the term "sensationalization" came from my post, I would like to clarify. Local reports (over the last 12 hours) treated the story about the same as any mass violent event. No reference to "gun violence" per se. Concern for victims was paramount obviously and was evident in the priority of the reporting. I respect that and so do most locals. I tried to contrast that with national coverage which is completely different. Our own Governor immediately got on national tv and said "NO MORE GUN CONTROL" in the face of another national tradgedy. I thought that was good because it took cajones and it was the truth. What people like myself are occasionally accused of is being more concerned about gun rights than child victims. I can only say that when that twisted logic comes home to roost it hurts. Children come first, I don't know how else to live. I'll protect a child unto my death. This makes me a gun nut? So be it.
What really bothers me about this incident is that the boy showed no remorse and he had no idea why he did it. I'm more concerned about what was going on in his head than what he had in his hands. His mental state is far more dangerous than the 9mm he was holding.

We need to find out what it is that trains some of our youth to kill instinctively without remorse, and control that.
I've been looking at this and have a few questions.
1.) Is Fort Gibson on Indian land? It's listed as being part of the Cherokee Nation, and the BIA seems to show Ft. Gibson as being on Indian controlled lands.
2.) If it is on Indian land, who has jurisdiction, local, state or federal?
3.) If federal, could Clinton ( or Justice Dept) use this to set presedence via Presidential decree, as to gun controls?
4.)Last week, Congress voted to not hire U.S Marshalls via civil service, but retain the present system. Exactly what is the present system? Who hires them? I mean who is at the top to make the determination as to how many, and who they are?
5.) Last fall, AIM, the American Indian Movement was really PO'ed at Clinton for being slighted in minority confrencess'. Clinton made a few tours of Indian groups over the past summer, in an attempt to gloss things over. I don't get the feeling he was too successful from a lot of the comments on Native American discussion NG and forums. Are there still a lot of bad feelings between Clinton and the Indians? Enough to cause retribution if there are? I don't believe Clinton had anything to do with the shooting, but being the opportunistic SOB he is, I think he would jump at the chance to send feds in to make things miserable for the Cherokee Nation as a punishment for doubting his greatness.
6.) Presidential Decree 13084 is pretty specific about the role federal gvt has in dealing with the Indian Nations as a gvt to gvt dealing. It appears to establish the Indian Nations as a seperate government, contained within the borders of the US. In that light, could the US call on the UN for help if trouble started?


CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Before you condemn the parents of the shooter, let's look at the shooter:

All reports, from school officials to kids that know him state that he
1) Is an honor student straight A's
2) Athlete
3) Well liked by his peers and teachers, very popular
4) No record of any trouble in school, or with the police

As of right now, I haven't heard who the gun nor the vehicle he drove belongs to.

I can tell you that every single kid I grew up with, including my self had access to guns and vehicles every day of our lives. Many of those "kids" have children of their own now and the same is true.

So lets not start the rush to judgement like the anti's do. From what we know right now no one could have predicted this one.

Addendum: The cute perky moron Katie Couric is trying to stir it up this morning

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited December 07, 1999).]
I am disgusted that these early reports indicate the kid says he 'had no idea why he did it'. How lame and cowardly, although consistent with the act. I suppose he did it simply because the gun was there, right? What a complete lack of logic and personal responsibility.

And, let's take our time regarding the parents. A parent could keep a firearm well hidden, and padlocked and / or trigger-locked - but a determined kid could still remove the locks with tools, find the ammunition and load that weapon. That has always been the case, and no matter what the security system entails, it can always be broken. Everyone doesn't have and can't afford a safe, but even they can be opened with enough determination. Parents can take reasonable measures, but determined bad kids, like determined bad adults, can still become a danger. And, such kids can also steal firearms without a parents knowledge.

To be frank, some of the discussion I see after these incidents, even on TFL, makes me wonder how many people have kids. Do you think we toss the kids' rooms each day for contraband? For that matter, while talking to your kids and being involved in their lives helps you spot potential problems, to think that a parent can watch a teenage kid 100% of the time is simply naive.

And, a kid picking up car keys? Give me a break - you don't ever leave your car keys where someone in the house could grab a set? Do you sleep? ;)

So, until the facts are in, it's all well and good to wonder whether the parents handled things responsibly, but let's not simply assume they're the bad guys in each of these incidents.
Yeah, DC, I just saw Katie emoting with the father of one of the shot kids -- "I understand your son was shot in each arm, with one shot being higher than the other . . . how much higher was it?", "How did you feel when you son the blood on your son?", ad nauseum. TV news at it's "finest".

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.