Scent control by diet

I have tried the following diet for years. It seems to work.

Booze at night (to hydrate), Captain Krunch with sardines and boisenberries, in the AM. (and some asprin to counteract the booze smell), Coffee with sacharine and creamer, and a half pack of "lite" cigarettes to counteract any remaining liquor smell.

Couple of cigars and diet cokes...or root the stand, until lunch time...(usually about 45 minutes), and then...

Two burritos, a pack of spicy peanuts...quick trip to the "big tree" /w wad of Denny's napkins.... mug of cold coffee, can ofwarm diet coke, 'nuther cig.

Ready for the afternoon hunt, completely scent free!

LMAO - good stuff. :D Works for you.

I think it would HAVE to be a matter of life or death (as it was for our boys in Vietnam) for me to eat nouc mam on a regular basis. :eek:
I prefer breakfast of the champions for my early 4:00am rise. Beer and twinkies, followed by a thermos of coffee w/ a couple shots of Jack Daniels. The deer may not like the smell, but the hogs sure do...I'm not sure if that is something to brag about or not...:eek: :rolleyes: :confused: :D
each night before bed and before you go huniting the next day, make certain that you eat at least two full plates worth of beans and fried cabbage. Put on plenty of cologne and perfume the morning of the hunt, not the night before to keep down amrous visitors especially if you've been on the lease for two three or four days or longer. and always remember the TP.

Scent does not matter if you hunt in an elevated stand or down wind of your feeder or deer route.

Noise has caused more spooked deer and missed shoots than scent ever has.

You can stink and still bag a good one, Do not noisely pass gas, smack gum, talk, snore, crack your knuckles, sit still, keep your mouth shut and your ears and eyes open.
I just buy a big bottle of "earth scent" scent cover, and spray the heck out of all my gear and clothing. I've had bobcats come right up to me while I'm sitting still in the bushes. Watched a bull elk romancing a cow with calf at her side not even 10 yards away. Then my nose started itching, and when I moved my hand, three big pairs of eyes shot in my direction, like "honey, there's SOMEONE IN OUR BEDROOM!!" Lots of dust kicked up and they were gone. Had deer munch on the bush I was sitting behind. That earth scent cover is good stuff. The only diet change I make is drinking lots more water.:D
Well, that's not fair. Women just don't stink like us menfolk do. :) But point noted on the fresh earth. I love the smell of that stuff. I keep wafers of fresh earth and acorns in these large plastic bins with my hunting clothes in them.
Then my nose started itching, and when I moved my hand, three big pairs of eyes shot in my direction, like "honey, there's SOMEONE IN OUR BEDROOM!!"
ain't you glad that bovines don't have the concept of Home Defense?