scent away and pricey camo

I hunt in my flannel shirt when the weather allows and use a Carhart jacket that I painted with camo paint when it is cold. My cover scent is either wood smoke or pipe and cigar smoke mixed with gasoline and oil since I ride a motorcycle to my hunting area. I tie my torn and stinky shirts that I was wearing when raking pine needles or other work to trees in the area I hunt above the cabin. I talk to the deer and elk when I see them so they recognize my voice. Then during hunting season the lazy idiots invade and the deer and elk move from the places that they have been on my game cameras.

In the last two weeks I have had two six by six bull elk walk up to within 50 feet of me as they have been seeing and hearing me for years. Now if only I can find the four point and three point bucks the idiots chased off as they have not been at my cameras or my salt and mineral blocks behind the cabin in several months......I hope they show up after hunting season is over so that I at least know that they have not been poached........
It's just like my dad used to always say about fancy expensive fishing lures: "The only thing they are guaranteed to catch is fishermen."

If you put out a product that claims to make a task easier, people will buy it rather than putting in the effort it takes to do the same task without the product. Of course, getting the product to work as advertised often takes just as much effort, but once the money is spent, we are invested in convincing ourselves of its effectiveness. Otherwise we have to admit that we got taken, and no one wants to do that.
I wash my clothes in washing soda. I killed a very nice 8 point a couple days ago. I had on my work pants, work shirt, and smelled like sweat and hydraulic oil. My shirt was very bright blue, the areas that were not grease anyway. It is about concealment, stand placement, and understanding how air moves. It is not about dressing up like a tree and taking a bath in scent eliminating chemicals.
Don't forget about Ozonics ($400) and HEC suits ($150).

Ozone generators do help with smell, but need to be at such high concentrations and of duration to work as to be considered unhealthy. Ozonics does not produce such concentrations. So basically, the Ozonics gimmick is just that.

HEC suits create a sort of personal Faraday Cage around the user to hide the user's electromagnetic field from animals. Never mind that there is no science to indicate that deer or hogs other such animals respond to the electromagnetic fields of other animals.

The funny thing is that you will get a lot of people who swear by these products. I think the reason why is that they want them to work, so they change their behavior in the field to coincide with the new product.

I can't begin to tell you how many ads there are and personal testimonials about how and animal "walked right by me and didn't know I was there" and then gives the credit to the given product. I get the same results with my lucky underwear.

As for camo, you don't need camo for a lot of hunting. I get a kick out of the guys who wear camo to do helicopter hog hunts. I can't see how they can possibly blend in to a helicopter by looking like flying tree foliage and if they do, it must be disconcerting to the animals to see flying tree foliage.

Camo breaks up your outline and that is good, if you are wearing the right camo. Otherwise, you just stand out that much more.

Somebody above mentioned that if you are still, that the animals cannot see you. I hear this often about deer. It isn't true. They can see you just fine, even if you are still. They may not respond to you because you are not perceived as a threat. There is a difference between being blind to something and simply not responding to something.

Me? I have some camo, but tend to wear earthtone colors most of the time. I play the wind when I can.
What you eat is a scent. {Fasting a week prior to my hunting has always been my and my Fathers answer to hunters scent control} no doubt it helps.

Air out your hunting clothing prior to there wearing.
When hunting I seldom wear my hunting clothes indoors. Everything I wear gets hung out in a open air porch overnight. When hunting else where's. I use my drag rope for a clothes line.
What you wear can startle game. Think plaid for a shirt.
How noisy you are and how you actually walk can alert game a fair distance away.
Strong smelling gun oils/cleaners are often over looked permeating the air.
Tobacco so long as its a little Copenhagen in the cheek doesn't seem to bother. Puffing on a big stogie sure will get their attention in a hurry.

Gum & candy. Only candy I eat when afield is anisette hard candy. I might cheat a little in-between with a piece of butterscotch every now and then when things are slow.

Wind direction and speed is a need to know. Hello!! > I phone for that update every morning.

Whether the wind is up-drafted or down-drafted when its blowing is the most over looked item of them all. Especially a need to know in your specific area.

One thing I do every morning first thing. I shine a flashlight up at the cabins chimney. If the wind is lifting the smoke upwards. I quietly still/ hunt on the forest floor until noon. If the chimneys smoke appears to have a downward pull towards the roof. I hunt in my above ground blind most of the day. Little items like commented prior may not seem like allot. But to the game your trying to harvest. Its their tools they use to keep tabs on all their predators.

Deer aren't to squeamish about mechanical noises {ATVs & UTVs.} But a sneaky lone bushwhacking human about. Their ears eye's nose and deer common sense becomes peaked all at once at the slightest whiff a human. Hunters just have to be more quiet, patient and update their hunting plan before~~going too hunt and expect changes to their plan while they hunt. Like going around some bad terrain not thru it. Keep you're noise to a minimum. As I was told 60 years ago: If you can't hear those birds. Your making to much noise.
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There's nothing more camouflaged than the bumper of my company truck. It has, by far, attracted more wildlife than mossy oak ever has.

Seems like any non-hunting task will bring deer around lol
Yall go to way yonder too much trouble. All you need to do is hang out on your hunting land year round. Deer get used to you and pay you no attention.;)
I have bucks I can walk up on and they do not care. The does are pretty much pets. I have some land I meat hunt on and the trick there is distance. Set up for the 400 yard shots. You have to work hard to spook a deer from 400.
Reynolds said what I've been getting at.

Go to your hunting site all year round.

Even if not hunting, take a book, or a camera and observe.
Pee all over the place.
Become a regular part of the habitat
Not sure i would have the energy to hunt after that!
Ah!! Poor choice of words on my part. Sorry about that..
Not fasting but a short term change in diet. No spicy foods No garlic Especially less red meat consumption. Human foods. Ones that may leach out a hunters porous days after its consumption. Just don't eat. Those hunters who score a nice deer year after year have a edge or hook. Something they do most don't.
Eliminating such foods from one's daily diet a week prior to their going afield may just be that edge. I faithfully practice all that I've commented. I do OK filling my freezer year after year. How about you?_:)
Ah ok that makes a lot more sense! Couldnt agree more with you there. I do that mostly to avoid having to take any #2s in the woods if I can help it. ;) I totally forgot about that silly ozonics gizmo. Thats some pretty funny stuff right there.
Not fasting but a short term change in diet. No spicy foods No garlic Especially less red meat consumption. Human foods. Ones that may leach out a hunters porous days after its consumption. Just don't eat. Those hunters who score a nice deer year after year have a edge or hook. Something they do most don't.
Eliminating such foods from one's daily diet a week prior to their going afield may just be that edge. I faithfully practice all that I've commented. I do OK filling my freezer year after year. How about you?

If you are going to that extreme, shouldn't you use colonics as well?

I don't do any of that, LOL, and I fill other people's freezers.

I really think you will fill your freezer just fine without going through all of the ritualized dietary changes. I think a lot of people are out there, looking to get that "edge" that is going to make all the difference in the world to their experience when in reality, the "edge" is usually with things that are completely unverifiable and likely inconsequential either way.

I understand the logic. If you (royal "you") score a deer, hog, etc., then the process you went through or technology used must have worked. If you don't score, then the problem is because the animals weren't moving or were otherwise kept from your area by outside forces, scared off by a predator, etc. I have heard and read such explanations numerous places.

Based on my hog hunting successes, I am about half convinced that I often do better being about as dirty and stinky (BO ripe) after working all day outside than I am going when I am all nice and clean. Many of my stalking hunt successes in the summer come after spending a lot of time working up a good sweat when I smell about as human as I can smell. That is completely contrary to what I was taught and what I often hear being explained about hunting, but it seems to work.
A plaid jacket does exactly the same thing any camouflage pattern does. It breaks up the shape of the wearer.
Movement is seen by Bambi. Your wee Scottish dress, I mean, plaid shirt, will not be.
Fasting just makes ya'll cranky.
I doubt there is a sighted animal alive that can't pick out a solid shape moving easier than a broke up pattern.

If a man choses not to use it that's fine. But, thinking you will never ever ever lose an animal because of it is just silly.
If a man choses not to use it that's fine. But, thinking you will never ever ever lose an animal because of it is just silly.
I don't wear hunting clothing having solid colors. I wear Wool pants. {check out the pants pattern.{link}_I do wear a blaze orange coat only because I have too. But it too has a camo break-up pattern.

My experiance.
Occasionally I sit in my enclosed glass windowed above ground blind. Being a heated blind quite often I remove my bulky hunting coat. On a couple of those occasions I wore solid colored shirts. Just the slightest movement on my part while observing deer did/has startled a deer or two as far as 50-60 yards away. Thus causing their hasty retreat from the wild grown over 10 acre field I hunt.

My wearing of a broken up color or patterned shirt. I still move a little every now & then due to that damn hemorrhoid. No doubt the deer will see that movement but they don't react to it in the same way as they did to my wearing a solid color. Curious like behavior not outright startled.

A simple observation probably but certainly not silly. I honestly thought it was worth sharing. On the other hand. Lucky you ZeroJunk. "I being one saturated from head to toe in Northern Charm today."_:p