Scenario - You have been shot

I would do something to get the BG's attention before sending several 230-Gr golden sabre hollowpoints his way. Supposing you make the 9-1-1 call, and the ambulance arrives first, some places will not let the EMT's enter untill the police have cleared the scene. Not quite as big a concern in the city, but in some rural areas, it can be a while before the sheriff arrives.
I'm alive, shot, and scared.

I would
Draw weapon. Aim it. If DAO Keltec p-11, put about 6.5 lbs of pull on the trigger, if my SA V-10, flick the safety and lightly touch trigger.

Call 911 with cell phone, if he turns around, shoot him.

If he leaves, fine.....but, chances are he'll hear me talking on the phone and have to experience the Hydra-Shok expansion test on his chest cavity...just hope it hits his spine and drops him.......

If I call 911 and the operator hears me say I'm shot and hears me shooting the BG, then there's a witness for my defense.
All right. Im shot. Laying on the ground, hes walkin away........

Damn that would piss me off. Id draw my gun and yell at him "YOU FORGOT MY TURN A**HOLE!!
Honestly, I'd love to say I'd remain cool and dial 911, draw, and cover the BG from the comfort of the floor. I've never been shot...shot at, but not hit. I was pretty pissed off over being shot at so I imagine I'd lose my mind if I were hit. I'm not sure I'd draw and fire. I'd probably just lose control, tackle him and boot stomp a mudhole in his ass!!! Stupid move? Definately, but men do stupid things when they're angry.
Hmmm ... might you have seen someone in the direction that our perp is walking that you thought was being placed in immediate danger by said perp? Perhaps you thought he was going to continue on to attack the lady and her child across the street or the patrons of a nearby business...