
Battle Assesment

We all rethink our battles no matter how small or large the confrontation. You did what you did. You were in a situation that called for action and you took it without delay. Delay can cost people lives. You did right. I'll tell you, I've had a gun pointed and me twice in my life and fired at me once and I didn't argue one bit either time. Maybe if it was pointed at him it would have felt different to him. If he has any brains it would have. But maybe's are all we have after the fact. I'm glad you and your partner and the citizen "Mr. Personality" are all okay. You've got a tough, tough job and you can be proud of the fact that you do it well. Keep thinking straight like you did. As far as I am concerned he shoulda got a crack on the noggin with your sidearm. That would have quieted things down a bit while you sorted it all out but his agression did not allow time for you to sort out. You had to revert to your senses. People do all sorts of unexplainable things in fights and battles and even good, logical battle tested men and women sometimes do not know why they reacted why they did during a battle (and this was a battle, that you won by the way), after the fact. They just did. Again, you did good. It's what I would have done. Tonight he may be thinking "Hey, I could have been shot". Let's hope he is.
One last thing......

Steve, you asking for insight from both sides shows a great concern for right and wrong. You are to be commended you for that type of thinking. :cool: