Scary tales?

I've racked my brain trying to recall any sort of serious spookiness. Maybe I just started out at such a young age in "running the brush" and camping out by my lonesome at age nine or ten, but I just don't recall any fearfulness.

I've come close to a few rattle-worms, but never otherwise felt twitchy--and I live in an area where at times we're bum-deep in cougar poop.
I was hog hunting a allmost dry creek bed that feed a swamp, Close to the end of the creek the banks got real steep about 12' or so when I started to smell hogs & could hear some grunting.

So I eased up to the curve in the creek where I could see big holes in the bank & hogs were backed into them about 6 or 7,There was a big white sow standing in the middle of the creek.Out of nowhere my so called BUDDY gut shot that sow and $#@* hit the fan,I had nowhere to go.I was hunting with a SBH 454 handgun & all those hogs flushed down that creek bank with me & My good buddy hauled tail & left Me with it.I shot 3 right quick the others ran right passed Me,Sling mud & raisen hell.Talk about scary it was about 2 hours to the nearest hospital.Dont know witch was worse the heart attack or that massive movement I had in my pants.:eek:
BIG P, that reminds me of the stories about javelina "attacks". A hunter can wander into the middle of a resting pack of the critters quite easily if he comes from downwind. When they jump to go, they all head in the same direction. He's in the middle, right? Okay, some of them will go in his general direction. Remember, they're very near-sighted. One might even run between his legs.

Result: A wonderful attack story, to be repeated through the years. :D
I was on my first antelope hunt in Wyoming and came really close to stepping on a rattlesnake. I was walking and talking to my buddy as we headed back to the truck and my foot was going to come down directly on a small rattlesnake that was crawling across our path. Luckily my buddy saw it and grabbed me before I put my boot down on it.

Had I actually stepped on it, I doubt it could have bit through, or bit above my boots but either way it scared the hell out me.
I have a story of my own. I was hunting deer with my uncle and his friend who is also a very good friend of mine as well. It was Friday night and we were sitting at camp telling stories. I was in the mood to get scared so i asked them if they had any stories. My uncle told me the story of how a very long time ago before the owners of the land we hunted on were even born, a battle was fought and every night on a full moon if you walked out on a certain road leaving camp and into the woods you could hear footsteps and see the ghosts of soldiers walking through the woods. I thought on it and dismissed it. Well the following Saturday morning at 5:00, we get up and go to the stands. Our friend is already up and in his stand before we know hes gone, didnt even hear him leave camp. My uncle's and my stand are about 50 to 100 yrds. away from each other on opposite sides of the road leading into either side of the woods. I walk to my stand and i hear footsteps. Knowing its probably my uncle trying to scare me i dismiss it. Less than halfway to my stand i felt a small tap on my shoulder. I flashed my flashlight and noone was there. In my stand i txtd him if he was following me, he said no and that hes been in his stand for at least 30 to 45 min. Knowing it wasnt our friend because he got up before us made me think. Since that day its given me chills when i thought about it. Still not sure if it was my imagination or not....
The first time I went deer hunting as a teenager with my father, uncle and grandfather, we had literally scored the one and only camp site within a 10 mile radius outside of this small hunting town in CO. We had gotten there the friday before opening day and the site itself was the only one in about 20sq miles that had adequate trees for hanging game. It was surrounded by rolling hills of sage brush and prairie grass with only one entrance to the south that went over a hill and into an abandoned town. Around sunset we had finished setting up camp and everyone else decided to take a nap. While they were doing so, I decided to take out the binos and glass around for a bit.

I went off walking for about 30 minutes and had made a surveillance around camp-glassing in all directions. When I got back to camp, I noticed that there were a couple trucks on the ridge where the road heads back towards town, at about a mile away. Being a curious adolescent, I raised my binos to find that there was a man looking back at me through a pair of binoculars. At first I didn't think much of it and just went about my business about camp. About 15-20 minutes later, I had happened to look in the direction of the vehicles and noticed that they were still there on the horizon.

So, I picked up my binos and glassed over to them and what did I find? Yet again the man was still surveying our campsite. Well, this didn't feel right and I ended up waking up my father and explained the situation to him. He dismissed it after looking over at the distant cars and seeing them leave.

Well...later that night, well after dinner and after we had hit the sack, I was awoken by the sound of a truck's engine and the whiteness of someone's head lights shining on our camper. After what felt like eternity, the trucks turned around and left, but needless to say the experience left a weird sense of paranoia with me throughout the hunt.
Here is what happened to me 2 yrs ago. This is what I posted on another forum right after it happened.
I went out to hunt tonight and of course the stand that I have had for 2yrs was gone (thanks whoever took my stand). So to make it a worthwhile evening I sat on the ground. An hour goes by and I hear an approaching critter. I get ready and all of a sudden theres a cub and sow 15yds from me. I put the bow down and grab the pistol out of my belt and my phone. I somehow think this is a kodak moment and start taking pics on the phone. Now they are still coming right to me so I click the safety off and that is apparently a sound that bears dont like. The cub flys up the tree and mom starts wuffing and bouncing on her front legs at 10yds. I am very nervous right then and cant think of what to do so I do nothing and she leaves. The cub soon follows and I pack up and get out of there. What a rush that is.


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In 1995 my brothers and I had a lease down near Karnack in E. Texas. We were bow hunting and between my stand and my youngest brothers it was probably 300 yds with a small ridge running between us. At O'dark 30 we were already in the stands waiting for legal shooting light. As I sat there on this little 10' ladder stand I hear something scream/growl between my brother and I that made my hair stand up including the ones I was sitting on. So around 1100 my brother comes over and asks if I heard the "Cat"? I said hell yeah and it sounded like it was up on the little ridge. So we walk up on top of the ridge and there in the dirt were cats tracks that looked the size of dinner plates. I've never gone bow hunting with out taking a handgun with me since.