SC was an Obama blowout

Nobody cares about his drug use. He was smart and put that out there early on. Once you admit to snortin' coke as a kid, nobody cares. It wasn't that Bill smoked dope, but that he said "I didn't inhale" that got me angry.

Being that it is highly likely that more than half the adult US Population has used one illegal substance or another, I don't think drugs are the issue anymore.
I would think that would hurt him rather than help him...I know the Kennedy's are an influential family, but that pretty much removes the swing voters if they know Kennedy backs him doesn't it?

No, I think the Kennedy endorsement gives Obama Massachussets in a general election against Romney. Kennedy is more popular than Romney in Massachussetts. That is the big benefit to this endorsement. It will be embarassing for Romney not to carry his home state.