SC was an Obama blowout

If Obama wins the Democratic primary, the Republicans will lose, because all the major candidates have built their campaigns around fighting Hillary.

If Hillary is taken out of the equation, the Republicans will have nothing. They won't be able to use the "Vote for me because I am not Hillary" strategy.

The only hope for a Republican victory was that the Democrats would dumbly choose to run Hillary. If they do that, then there will be massive Republican voter turn out to vote against her. If Obama runs, there will be Republican apathy and a poor turn out. Obama is a wonderful motivational speaker. Its hard not to listen to him and like him. He will enthrall the average voter who looks only at style and not at substance.
There's one real republican who can use "vote for me because I talk substance, have real plans, understand foreign policy and the intended role of American government set forth in the constitution" you can probably guess who that is....
I think he'd beat Hillary or Obama. I know there's many ignorant citizens out there, but I have to believe that the majority will see what's best for the future of the country. Obama lacks experience period! 1st term junior senator who's been absent most of his term for this election!
When I look at all the endorsements he's picking up, he just looks like he will be more of a puppet if anything should he be elected. :rolleyes:
Obama only gets my vote if the other choice is Rudy. I'll vote blue before I go gun control red. Unless it's Hill against Rudy. That calls for a protest vote IMHO.

I just think it's easier to mobilize RKBA support against a straight up liberal as opposed to a stealth liberal. YMMV.
Either Obama or Hillary will adequately motivate the Republican base. Hopefully, Hillary will get the DemocRATic nomination and will have pissed off the traditionally-DemocRATic black voters while she's doing it. Without a huge black voter turnout, no DemocRAT can be elected to national office.

Motivational speaker? Very few speakers more motivational than Hitler. Really hard to hear him and not listen to him. There's no substance to either Obama or Hillary. However, if Obama were proven to be the Antichrist, he'd still have a higher standard for moral and ethical behavior than either of the Klintons.
The election is still nine months away. A lot can and will happen in that period of time. IMO: I see a major third challenger in addition to the Democrat and Republican convention picks. It may be Mr. Ego himself, Bloomberg. It could be a candidate who lost his/her primary.
1. Hardcore socialist leftist.
2. Product of the Daley machine, beholden to Daley. Will probably have influence.
3. Wants a national ban on concealed carry.
4. Wants to ban all semiautomatics.

Enough said.
1. Hardcore socialist leftist.
2. Product of the Daley machine, beholden to Daley. Will probably have influence.
3. Wants a national ban on concealed carry.
4. Wants to ban all semiautomatics.

Enough said.

Agreed, that might mobilize the sleeping BOHICANS
1. Hardcore socialist leftist.
2. Product of the Daley machine, beholden to Daley. Will probably have influence.
3. Wants a national ban on concealed carry.
4. Wants to ban all semiautomatics.

Enough said.

Sorry, Wolf. You're didn't add item #5.

Ban all .50cal guns, too.:p

The election is still nine months away. A lot can and will happen in that period of time.

Yes, it can. And will. In Real Clear Politics' avg. poll, they have Clinton at just the opposite. She's blowing Obama out of the water on the likely candidate to be elected if the election were today...

There's one real republican who can use "vote for me because I talk substance, have real plans, understand foreign policy and the intended role of American government set forth in the constitution" you can probably guess who that is....

Ummm. He's been dead for a couple of years, not on the ballot, and was already president...:p God rest his soul....
been here, done nothing..

Obama has done nothing for Illinois. "Present" is his mantra. Well-Spoken gas bag who has been campaigning for president since the 2004 democratic convention. IE: Not doing his job as my senator!

Guess who else just endorsed him? Ol red-nose himself.
Guess who else just endorsed him?

I would think that would hurt him rather than help him...I know the Kennedy's are an influential family, but that pretty much removes the swing voters if they know Kennedy backs him doesn't it?

Maybe it's just me and wanting to be as far away from anything Ted does or drives :D
The Hill/Bill machine is gearing up to trot out all the dirt they have on him including Rezko and Giannoulias. By November, if he's the nominee, the ammo will be pilled high and deep for the R's to use on him.
I don't think the experience card is worth much. We have elected governors with little foreign policy experience like Bill and George. They were both fantastic as President. :rolleyes:

I think except for the GOP economic conservative crowd - Romney has no intrinsic appeal. The social conservatives may vote for him as the lesser of two evils given he is a weasel on these issues (yeah, he really saw the light on gays, guns and abortion). He's just a rich boy who wants the Presidency as a new toy.

Obama will be very hard to beat if folks are sick on the same old, same old.

So he took drugs as a kid, he beat them. Bush was a flat out drunk and beat that, to his credit.

I said before McCain might have a chance but I doubt the others will. If McCain is the candidate and conservatives decide to vote for the Constitutional Vegetarians or some other fringe, that won't help.
Nobody's talking about his drug use, though there is that too. Obama is shaping up to be outed as a run of the mill corrupt Chicago influence peddler.