SB15 passes CA assembly today....

Good Guy

New member
The bill would make it a misdemeanor to make or sell an "unsafe" handgun in California after Jan. 1, 2001. Handguns would have to have a safety device and pass firing and drop-safety tests in independent laboratories. Sales between private parties (through an FFL), and curios & relics are exempt.
First SB23, now SB15. CA is really on a roll with anti-gun legislation. What's next? Air rifles?

Looks like I might finally have to break down and buy that 3rd Generation Colt SAA that I've always wanted before it's too late. Before 1/1/01, that is.

Just one of the Good Guys
What's next?

If Gray, Feinstein, et al keep it up, "what's next" is an armed revolution.

Don't these maroons realize what they're doing? Are they retarded, or just smug?

Dammit, Californians, how much more are you gonna take?!

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Don't know about the rest of CA, But I'm fed up. Not taking it anymore. I'll continue to fight in the legislature and in the courts, but in the meantime, i'm ignoring the laws. Hey, with SB 15 & SB 23 that makes three of my five guns illegal. As a felon by fiat... well what else is there to loose.

I'm working as hard as I can on the Veto the Governor petition. I'm the treasurer of our local gun club. Work on the campaign for the good canidates. Talk to everyone I can. Make as many converts as possible... Don't know what else to do?


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
well, in los angeles, this is what some of the public officials, especially the chief of police has to say on this matter....

<a href= >LA Times Article</a> (link edited only...DC)

Officials Raise Battle Cry Against Gun Proliferation
Proposals: Baca and Garcetti join Parks' call for a ban on all assault weapons and Saturday night specials. Feinstein plans assault-gun bill with 'turn-in' program.
By MATT LAIT, TINA DAUNT, Times Staff Writers

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca and Dist. Atty. Gil Garcetti on Tuesday joined LAPD Chief Bernard C. Parks in calling for new laws that would allow for the collection, destruction and prohibition of all assault weapons. Garcetti and Baca also supported Parks' call for elimination of small, cheap, poor-quality handguns known by some as Saturday night specials. But Baca said he would not ban small handguns that are of higher quality. In a related development Tuesday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), spurred by Parks' comments, announced that she would introduce legislation banning possession of all assault weapons.
A spokesman for Feinstein said the proposal would seek to collect weapons already in the hands of gun owners. Details of the "turn-in" program, such as how the owners would be compensated, have not yet been worked out, the spokesman said.
The flurry of activity follows the shooting rampage last week, allegedly by a neo-Nazi, that left five wounded at the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills and a postman dead in Chatsworth. Baca, a former member of the National Rifle Assn., said the country's policymakers should not be afraid to enact more comprehensive gun control laws.
"Political cowardice is not something that is going to apply to solving this problem," said Baca at a luncheon hosted by The Times, which Garcetti and Parks also attended. "You have to stand up and say that common sense and doing the right thing are more important than holding political office. "If you can't take the heat from the NRA, then go do something else for a living," he added.
Parks, meanwhile, stepped up his campaign for more restrictive gun laws, proposing that firearms be ballistically tested and the results recorded before the guns are sold so they can be better traced if they are used in crimes. The chief said he intends to expand on comments he made last week on the issue at a news conference today.
Parks, who is hoping to use his high profile in law enforcement to press for tougher gun measures, has also proposed banning gun shows, where firearms are bought and sold with little regulation. Additionally, he said people with mental health problems or histories of committing violence should not be permitted to have guns. Parks said he plans to chip at the gun control issue "little by little" and realizes that the subject is a volatile one. "You can't get fuzzy and go too far and say, 'All guns have to disappear.' Then we lose folks," he said. "It would be wonderful to get federal legislation, but [local] jurisdictions should not be preempted from addressing their own concerns," he added. Parks said he does not object to people owning guns for hunting or home protection.

and you know, that chipping away is working....

[This message has been edited by cm (edited August 20, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by DC (edited August 20, 1999).]
Is the California National Guard big enough to hunt down and kill every gun owner in the state, or will they need federal help?

These people aren't stupid....they are power mad, arrogant, but not stupid.

After Jan 1, 2000 they will quietly go after the non-complying 1600, one at a publicity, no headlines. Depending on what tactic they want to show later, they will either have the guns; or they will have the guns and the owners in jail. After that is done, then they will announce what they did and how successful they were at making the State safe. If they choose the Gestapo tactic, they will tell us that all non-compliers are in prison with $1000's in fines as well. They will try to intimidate the other 50,000 that way as they now announce confiscation of their guns. Thats when it will get really really ugly

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
They come, they eat... they eat... they eat... they eat... they eat... they eat... they eat...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
So I wonder if the mere fact that your name is on a government list somewhere as having once bought a now-prohibitted weapon is enough cause for a judge to issue a search warrant.

(shouldn't this thread be in legal/political?)

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited August 21, 1999).]
Hmmm, interesting thought. I'm sure some of us know a few of these people that are going to most likely have the JBTs come for thier guns and thier persons. Is there anyway we can help them, when it does happen? I'm not talking about starting a shooting war, but perhaps if five of us show up with 100000 candle power spotlights and some lawyers, we might expose, at least, the low, underhanded method being used.
I say those 1600 hundred people who are on that list you guys are talking about, oughta send their EVIL black rifles to the rest of us.
1 rifle, 1 out of state buddy....then let them come looking for them.
When they spend a million hours of LEO overtime wringing their hands and wiping the egg of theirs, and the FEDS faces...we can return the rifles.

And I don't want to here about not trusting a friend to hold your rifle for you. Anything beats letting them have them via confiscation.
I sure know if it was me I would trust one of you guys to hold my EVIL rifle for a little while.
Their is, HONOR among rifleman!

Especially if it is a peacefull civil disobedeince issue we are trying to establish.
I am sure after we embarrass the politicians in CA, and the FEDS in Washington, and piss off the CA public with the overtime BILL.

We will each take great pride in returning the weapon to it's owner in the same well cared for condition they trusted them to us.

This posting is for discussion only, to generate the free discussion of legal ideas in shaping the future of firearms ownership in America....and should not be taken as to promoting anarchy in our current form of goverment.. ;) ;) :)

[This message has been edited by WOLF (edited August 24, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by WOLF (edited August 24, 1999).]
I enjoyed my off-duty time in the beautiful state of California. I despise the current rape of California freedom. My e-mail address is readily available.
Ground Level & All,

So once the gun is registered:
1) You can not keep it,
2) You can not dispose of it yourself,
3) You MUST turn it in to the State.

Is that correct?

Can the gun be sold through FFL-holders to someone out of state PRIOR to the confiscation date? Say "for the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration?"

If so, we could all buy a gun (or gunS) from and for our California friends if we act quickly. Is THIS an option?

Is there any way to work WITHIN the law to get Californians' guns out of California for safe-keeping?
I think DC's scenario regarding the 1600 or so late AW registrations in CA is the most realistic;

"These people aren't stupid....they are power mad, arrogant, but not stupid.
After Jan 1, 2000 they will quietly go after the non-complying 1600, one at a publicity, no headlines."

Even though so many of us, myself included, seem to (at least occassionally) enjoy poking fun at the blatant senselessness and illogic of the anti's agenda, we should NEVER underestimate them. This is, in one form or another, WAR! The anti's certainly have some more than capable generals in their ranks.
The antis are guilty of a host of crimes and improprieties, but one thing they are not is stupid. Treat them accordingly and fight the smart fight. We need to start winning again.

Just one of the Good Guys