Say one of your guns....uh...died....and..uh


New member
Say the gun died and felt a need to....uh....bury it.

What would be the most...uh...respectful way to do it?

Do you think synthetic motor oil or 50W would be the most loving interment?

And would you trust a casket of PVC or is something else more...uh...durable for the ages?
Ya know how some people have Fluffy freeze-dried and mounted after she crosses the Rainbow Bridge?

Well there ya go: just hang the dead critter over the mantel. :D
PVC is a good choice. You might want to coat your "departed" with a grease like substance so it will not fall off the metal. I have a feeling a fatal epidemic might hit alot of guns over the next few years. I guess a dictatorship is as bad as AIDS. Good luck to all the departed.

"Out here, due process is a bullet"
I think the ... uh ... PVC casket is the way to go. With some teflon tape and a screw on cap it can keep any thing from harming "old faithful" as it rests in "peace" for your lifetime. After that, well, you wouldn't care anyway would you? I would oil it real well and add an overdose of dessicant in the container. Also, I would never tell anyone where I buried my beloved, no one. They might want to bring flowers to the grave and that would just spoil your memories of her.
Oh, Coinneach, how can you see humor at such a delicate time?

Here we have a looming national epidemic of dying firearms and you are suggesting the MANTEL of all places.

Oh, boo hoo. My poor lost little Colt.
PVC sounds good. You can get Cosmoline from Brownell's. Maybe put a nice stone on top? Guns like to be buried in rocky areas, I think.

[This message has been edited by Ledbetter (edited August 18, 2000).]
Mal H. Good idea. The thought of hundreds of former envious geeks tramping on her last resting place would be too much to bear.

So I am cancelling the order for the BATF headstone and opting instead for the secret map.
The military uses thick bags (similar to MRE material) that prevent corrosion. They also change from dark bron to black as their corrosion protection fades. They are supposed to be much better than cosmoline (and easier to make weapon functional after long storage).

However, I haven't used them and can't say - Brigade Quartermasters was selling them.
Sorry, Lavan. I didn't mean to make light of this impending tragedy...

...that gun owners are bringing on themselves. Why the hell are we talking about making our guns unusable? :confused:
Dead guns apparently like "Pam" the frying-pan stuff. It apparently leaves the dearly departed looking as if it were brand-new, even after many years of burial. I'd suggest an outer coating of the stuff, along with an embalming with it too, wrap in a dry celophane bag, and bury inside a PVC tube with plenty-o-dessicant inside. Teflon tape too.
Ya know how some people have Fluffy freeze-dried and mounted after she crosses the Rainbow Bridge?

.....and midgets.....


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
I suggest a wall mounting above a closet door out of site... or under an insulation layer.

Should you ever need to... uh... perform a biopsy on the poor departed to investigate the reason of passing... well - you may need to get at it a little quicker than other methods... Having to clean out all the grease and other gunk applied to it... Not ideal.
Let's say the gun died and someone wanted to do an autopsy, better think about that! You know those Govt. regulations. doj o9 nmm,zfddddddsssssssssssssaasxxxxxxxikjjjk,k,,m.mmmmmmmmmmmmmoIOUKLILLLLLLLLLLLLJKHNNNN 788uNIJUhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Sorry about that, it was my daughters first post!

"permits, we don't need no stinking permits!"
Coinneach....I.....SERIOUSLY....doubt that all my guns would die.

If a few died, it would only be the decent thing to do to bury them.

We are all for decency, aren't we?

The guns that are still young enough to have been of course, those would not die and be buried. That would be ghoulish.

But.....u an me both....know that there could come a time. And we should be prepared with a plan.

Let us now observe a moment of silence.

Okay, long enough.
All my guns have signed organ donner cards.In the event of their death all usable parts will be recycled.Therefore they never die but live on

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.
After the ceremony, be sure to let me know where it is buried. :D
I'd strip off of it what I could salvage for use in other guns, then cut affected broken piece into several pieces, and throw it out.

I like my guns, but I don't acribe souls or manas to them at all. They're mechanical devices.

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.
The above discussion is missing a particle of terribly important information. Now I have a couple of...uh...sick friends that happen to be very famous, and I don't to find them when, and if, they go. So. Do I cover the grave with a 200 year old tree, a stack of hay, or perhaps a screen of stealth material?

I never realized that there were so many details to a fitting funeral for a friend or relative.