Say it isn't so Scully....

I watched the show and found it ok. I quit worrying about gun goofs on TV years ago. What bugged my was that the writers blew the perfect ending. When they were standing there watching the ball drop in Times Square, as the clock struck mid-night the perfect ending would have been for the lights to go out. Now that would have been cool!

I was hoping the lights would go out also. then as the went to kiss, I was hoping the lights would go out, I mean really, they have gone so long without a real kiss (the cpr is the movie doesn't count) it was just such a shame.

The backup gun is on his ankle. its been in more than one episode.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
George, there was an episode of Millennium in which Frank goes to the indoor range for some practice. at about 25 feet, with his 1911 he puts the holes in nice even rows of five with about 3/4" spacing. one handed, no flinching, both eyes open. wish I could do that!

ditto on Millennium. the last year lost its edge; they tried to mainstream it too much, which didn't make any sense. but I enjoyed the overall concept; I like to read up on all of those secret societies like masons, Illuminati, Knights Templar etc. fun stuff.

if I were in the hero business, I'd make Aaahnold's shopping excursion in Commando look like a drive-thru at Wendy's. of course, the *first* thing I'd do is empty a Benelli into Kraichek's back the first chance I got...
Well - Frank may have been a good shot on the Range... But in this episode - we see that applying practice to a dynamic, stressful situation is a lot harder.

Train the way you fight.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
Additionally, Mulder's P226 would carry 15+1. Seems like a bunch O'undead coming up the stairs to get him would receive a bunch of head shots and drop because of his higher angle, unless he's the worst shot on the planet.

Just another case of why it's good that this is the last season. it can't comapre to the first 3

I remember the first time Mulder showed his back-up, I was thinking "Oh, no. here we go again. Someone's going to knock the pistol out of his hand again. Then they did. I was quite surprised when he pulled out a back-up PPK and said "I got tired of losing my gun."
Ah yes well if it was ME.. kissing Scully FADE to black..

next episode opens with ME cooking her breakfast ;)

But I digress...

And oh so sorry if i mistook a webly .445 for an enfield .38, but i make no aplologies for liking the show.

Going now to read about mulder's errors...

Trust no one....

You guys think Scully is all that huh?
You should see my Wife... she LOOKS just like her. cdf can verify that.
I guess I am luckier than I thought.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
All I have to say is:

(Homer Simpson voice)- Scuuullly, mmmmmmmm.
:) :) :)

Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi
Ok, over the last seven years you have dealt with vampires, mutants, zombies, aliens, invisible elephants,man eating trees, a radioactive fluke boy, enemy agents, el Chupa Cabra, right-wing terrorists, left-wing terrorists, killer cock-roaches, demons, a dude with a brain eating probiscus, flesh eating mushrooms, serial killers, chain smoking evil dudes, werewolves, and Janet Reno.

Now would you only carry around one sig, and maybe a backup ppk?

I think that if those things had happened to me, I would be carrying so much hardware that I would make clanking noises when I walked. And the shocks on my car would be bottomed out from all of the guns, rockets, flame-throwers, claymores, gallon buckets of consecrated oil, etc. in the trunk.

And aren't Mulder's neighbors sick of people dying in their apartment complex? I get tired of my neighbors playing the stereo loud.
Lol Corriea!!!! ;)

Yeah there would be a DISTINCT case of "what's with those paranoids in the basement?" over at the Hoover building if it was ME. Like for starters the car gun would be a full auto HK21 with a 14 inch barrel., and Scully would carry a sawed-off benelli under her trench coat. we'd drive armored rental cars and sleep with crucifixes and wolvesbane and garlic and always in the same room with one eye open back to back and our foot lockers that pass for carry on bags would be filled with stakes, salt, voodoo charms alien bug repellent, ice picks and whatever kind of ammo we deemed appropriate. Werewolves?? Guess its time for the silvertips.... Flukemen?/ Sounds like a Glaser will do the trick. Vampires? AK pistol with wooden israeli training rounds. Creepy double agent one armed psychos?? Which ever round HURT the most. and so on and so on...

Guess the show would be more pyrotecnic... but hey Scully wouldn't spend so much time alone either ;)

Chris Carter are you listening?? There are a WHOLE bunch of us gun nuts that would just LOVE to play Scully's next HRT/Bikergang/Errant Mutants/etc. really.. we work cheap.

I don't want to start a new thread for this.

Did anyone else catch the 2 gross errors in last nights show? One plot error and one firearm related error. Both of them in the cave at the end. Let's see what you come up with.
Two errors:

Duh - I don't know about the plot, I
wasn't paying that much attention.

Firearms mistake: The kids grabbed the
officer's Beretta. The round fired looked like
an unexpanded (of course) FMJ. Not a
hollow point. Does this agency issue
FMJ? Of course, without complete penetration,
we could have that ending.
Ah, I had forgotten I had asked the question.

The problem with the plot was that both the girl and the boy were apparently going at hyperspeed after she shot the punk. So why was it that only she could control when they went in and out of it? And why couldn't the boy push her out of the way of the bullet when he saw what she was going to do? No answers are necessary, it was kind of a dumb script anyway.

The firearm problem was the rotational speed of the bullet. Roughly estimating its speed at around 1 inch every 3 to 5 seconds and its rotation at around 150 rpms (it was rotating quite rapidly as it mosied along), I figure that it was actually rotating around 50 million RPM's when the time dilation was stopped.