Say it isn't so Scully....


Staff Alumnus
I'm not sure I've EVER seen an actor/actress flinch as bad as Gillian Anderson did on last night's X-Files. Maybe her new compact Sig has too much muzzle flash/recoil for her but MAN she wasn't even LOOKING at the target on one of her three shots. Of course all 3 rounds hit center chest.

Gillian.. its time for a refresher course at the firing range. I'd be more than happy to teach you how to shoot all over again ;) Remember its TWO to the body one to the head.

(i know i know its only TV... this episode featured a 38 enfield revolver..{not exactly a man-stopper} instead of Frank Black's trusty 1911) And Dammit Mulder.. you should be carrying a spare magazine or TWO.

Anyone else have a favorite pet peeve on actors flinching/making OBVIOUS mistakes??

(saw a REALLY bad one yesterday while watching Albino Alligator on tape... the FBI ATF Swat team cocks their shotguns TWICE in preparation of an entry)

Frankly, I'm not sure how I would act if a zombie was two feet away from me! She couldn't miss at that distance and she was at least prepared. I've usually found that Scully handled firearms better than Mulder (she keeps her finger off the trigger, he usually walks around with his finger on the trigger). You notice that she had her gun out when her gut feel told her something wasn't right instead of waiting like most of the schmucks on TV.

You're right about the spare mags, I was tiinking the same thing.
I saw the episode and was thinking the same thing. "Why is she closing her eyes?" And: "Don't FBI special agents learn a failure to stop drill?"

I also noted at the end of the episode that the top-break revolver, seen loaded with six rounds, stopped shooting after the fifth shot. It must have been a bad primer. :)
My wife was really spooked when I produced a .38 Webley to show her after that scene. She asked 'What don't you have?' In any event I counted the five rounds also and assumed a bad primer as well.

Someone really ought to show them a proper two hand hold -- the quasi propping up of the pistol with the weak hand under the strong hand by Scully has got to go!

Nice how they worked in Millenial right wing militias in there as an aside as well.
Dr. Rob, et al,

Actually, at least one of her three shots had to have hit the head of the zombie, else he would have kept coming.

I guess extra clips would leave Mulder looking too bulky for those cool suits he wears. Does anyone else remember an episode where Mulder had a backup in an ankle holster? Or was I dreaming again? (I usually dream of Scully, not Mulder)


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale

The necromancer shot the zombie in the head.. NOT Scully (this gaping plot hole was not explained why did the necro do it?? why not just shoot the body in the head IN SITU after burial?? ) and HEY if a shot to the HEAD killed a zombie, WHY did the 4th dead fbi/millenium group guy commit suicide by putting the gun in his MOUTH (remember the autopsy pics??)

And YES Mulder produced a 32 cal walther ppk from an ankle holster in a recent repeat of a serial killer episode. Mulder shot the SK point blank in the face with it and the end of the episode.

As I recall in the first season Scully was carrying a sig 230.. (a bit under-gunned for a service wepon) and then two seasons ago switched to a full sized sig, this episode she was carrying a compact sig with a round trigger guard.. not sure of the model.

Mulder carried a Glock 17 for a long time on the show before switching to a Sig p-226, though the glock still seems to show up now and again.

ah well Its still one of my favorite shows. ;)

(did you catch the repeat episode 2 parter featuring Scully with an MP5 and Mulder with a shotgun in SWAT gear??)mmmm Scully with a sub gun nummy.

Listen, I'm married to a redhead, and they are a different species of woman altogether.
Redheads don't have to aim...
Actually my wife doesn't like the show because they act so goofy and not like a trained agent would.
But I watch it anyway.
Haven't they seen Dawn of the Dead? Everybody knows that only a head shot will stop a zombie.

In the 3rd season they were carrying S&W autos.

I always liked Millenium better. Too bad it tanked.

Scully's MY GIRL. Any more criticism of her and I'm just gonna have to throw down...


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Dr. Rob---
Full agreement on Scully's flinch--Seems I recall her not only jerking trigger, but actually turning her face slightly to one side. Not at all up to standards. Kind of you to volunteer to give her the refresher course. If it is inconvenient for you, just holler at me--I'll do it any time.

yeah, she should have learned some kind of failure to stop drill--The Mozambique or equivalent. Remember, though, she did tell her collegues that she had hit center mass and then the Necromancer did the deed with a shot to the head. So, at least she learned from the mistake.

Also--beg to differ--The revolver from the Necromancer's drawer was NOT a .38 Enfield, but a Mark VI Webley .455. Many thousands of the various Marks of Webley .455s were sold in the USA after conversion by facing off rear of cylinder so it would take either .45 Auto Rim or .45 ACP in half Moon clips. I looked closely and this one didn't appear to be modified.

If it HAD been a British top break .38 revolver, yeah, it would have been a weak sister, because almost all of those in the USA would be loaded with .38 S & W ammo--146 lead round nose at about 700 fps. The .455 Webley, however, in the CIL and Dominion and Kynoch loadings, is a 265 RN, either lead of FMJ, at about 750 fps out of the six-inch barrel. Shot for shot, this compares quite well to any .45 ACP load, as far as power goes.

While I was looking closely, Matt VDW and Chris L, I saw that the chamber under the hammer was empty. I had time to think that this was one of the first revolvers which was truly safe with six rounds in it, but maybe somebody just thought it was so old, it MUST need the empty chamber for safety, like the Single Actions and early DA revolvers. (The Mk-IV was adopted in time for WW-I and continued as substitute standard for a long time after the Brit forces adopted the .380/200 and .380/2Z revolvers.)

Also, in yet another faux pas, when Frank took the Webley and did the inspection which allowed my observations above, he thumb cocked the hammer and then opened the action with the hammer at full stand. Actually, given the age of most of the .455 Webleys, it is a good idea to open action, THEN inspect hammer nose (firing pin) to make sure it is not broken off.

Full agreement about Mulder and Scully BOTH needing spare magazines, especially for their main battery armament. I seem to recall seeing at least Mulder replace magazines in earlier seasons. And yes, The BluesMan, it was just last week that we saw Mulder use his PPK (I'll bet it was a .380 rather than a .32) from an ankle holster. We've seen it in at least two other episodes before that one.

Hey, this is fun, but I gotta drop off line and return a phone page.

Best to all.

---The Second Amendment ensures the rest of the Bill of Rights---
Didn't I read somewhere that Gillian Anderson, Whatisname (The partner) and Chris Carter visited the FBI Academy at Quantico? I seem to remember that the Fibbies brought all of them up to snuff on tactics, etc. It sticks in my mind because apparently Gillian Anderson was pregnant at the time and the Fan Belt Inspectors wouldn't let her shoot at the range.
If so, strikes me that maybe a refresher course might be handy...

Nebob, I'm with you.. Redheads are whole other species. My fiancee is red in the head and could hit a dime from 100 feet blindfolded. Not to mention all her other great qualities....
Once as a hoot I posted a list of
"How to be Tactically Inept like Agent Mulder" to an X-files newsgroup and the tactics list. Imagine my surprise when someone emailed me asking permission to put my treatise on their X-files web site.

I agreed as long as I got the credit.

So for anyone who likes to laugh at X-files
tactical ineptness, check out
and click on "How to be Tactically Inept like Fox Mulder"

BTW those X-files fans don't want to hear anything about how tactically stupid that pair is. Not to mention that Agent Mulder has been paired up with this gorgeous redhead doctor FBI agent and he hardly ever makes a pass at her. The boy ain't right. Too busy staring at the stars. If it was me I'd be like, "Let's take an extra day to get back to the office, huh, Dana?" 8-)

nobody has mentioned the glaring procedural problem; those two never seem to have a long gun! geez, they go up against aliens, vampires, the Undead, etc., yet never carry a gauge or carbine.

of course, if you can shoot as well as Frank Black, you probably don't need anything more than a 1911.


This is who we are.
Frank Black? He didnt shoot all that well.

Scully shot very well. Even for flinching she had a good shot group in the Zombies chest. Then at the end - she landed a solid head shot from the top of the stairs down into the darkened basement. Thats some good shooting. Nevermind the fact that the target's head was near a friendlies head... and it was a freaking UN-DEAD ZOMBIE for crying out loud!

Mulder gets a minus 50 cool points for no spare magazine.
Frank gets minus 100 cool points for Not Bringing a Gun in the First Place!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
I watched that episode too. Funny thing, it was my red-headed wife :D that aksed me,"why did she turn her head and squint her eyes like that!"

Hmm, looks like all that training I have been spewing at her is working.

As far as that Mulder, how in the world can he kiss Dana, back off and think "well it's time for a cup of coffee, let's go."??

Maybe he's really a "she"...


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the truth is out there

I've been wondering the same thing.

I don't think Fox should have Kissed Dana, cuz now I'm gonna have to kick his ass

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Dan and others:

I liked the show "Millenium" much better as well. As much as I like Gillian Anderson's character, Scully, in "The X-Files," the fact is that, frankly, Frank Black is played by a much better actor, Lance Henriksen.

Plus, X-Files has lost something of its earlier "edge" whereas Millenium, especially during its first two seasons, was intelligently written and superbly acted. I really disliked the third season however.

To me, it really is a testament of the state of the public taste that Millenium has been cancelled, but "The Profiler" is still on.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
the necromancer shot the cop zombie not so much as to save scully but for the reason that there can only be four (the four horseman) zombie's and the cop had salt in his mouth so as to prevent him from returning to life. that is why he said to frank "you were meant to be the fourth"