Sawed off Shotgun for a backup???

Don't ruin a perfectly good shotgun like that. I tried it with a pardner from walmart and cut it down to 18-1/4. Tried shooting it like Whats-his-face in the movie el dorado or mad max and believe me it won't stay in your hand. The next thing you will know is St Peter is asking your name because that boar had a great time chewing your butt and then some for missing while you were too busy knocking yourself out with that gun. Movie guns don't have 1 ounce of lead coming out just a lot of pyrotechnics/flour/baby powder to make them look cool.
geezer i have to say for some reason you post struck my funney bone something ferious...

ok guys let me show you where i got the idea...870 MCS Spec sheet PDF

it was something that just started my mind going with practical use's for that Breeching weapon.

but deffently you guys changed my mind agienst using it for a backup weapon..

BTW the Hog Reffrance was just a Exsample.. i realize that the hog would probably kick my freakin ass..

but please see my new post in the shotgun forum if you use one for hunting.
First Freedom said:
and he subsequently failed to appear for court on that charge

I also believe he never got the notice he was supposed to appear in court, until after the actual court date! So how can you be responsable for not showing up for something you never even knew was happening? :mad:
Ah yes; the tax collectors, and your tax dollars at work.

Rather than mess around shortening a shotgun, get one of these ....

But personally if it were to be a handgun, a .41, .44 magnum or one of the .45 class revolvers with the heaviest hardcast bullets would be my choice.
maybe not for a hog but I have a shortened scattergun, legal of course. It is a good barn gun and has taken a number of bothersome geese on the riverbank. I also take it backpacking with me. It would be a good deterant for cyotes in a frenzy and other such critters that might think of hitting my jerky stash. lastly I have removed the heads of a few snapping turtles with it. That should give you a few good ideas of what you can do with a sbs.
wow thread resurection...

well guys i havent been on this forum at all lately but heres what i found out about that...

a Pistol Grip SBS is aucully regesterd as a AOW theres a group called Serbu Firearms that puts one out based on the Mossberg Mavrick and 500.

it still does have to be regestrd with the BATF but if you buy one allready made its only a 5 doller transfer feed but if you make one you might as well make it as a SBS becuse you would have to pay the 200 dollers to make a AOW etc..

so that is that as far as the legality of it.. still the question of large game hunting is up in the air..

i still like the idea of a SBS for Home Defence and of course back packing.. anywhere where it would be useful to have a compact shotgun..
