Saw it coming-man pull knife

There might not have been time but I would have given it my best effort. I CERTAINLY wouldn't have been there when the cops showed up.
Ok, you would have taken off, that is your right and what you would have done. That is not me.
I was still on the line with 911 giving the locations of where the chase was headed etc. which were behind different building 100 yds away when the Police showed up. I was out of harms way and doing what I thought was right as a citizen and helping the Police.
I get it. Some people do not like the police or feel they have no responsibility to help them at all. I just was not raised that way.
I posted this just to show that Crime can happen anywhere at any given time. This was a nice part of town on a busy day.
But this post was interesting. It also shows how so many will JUDGE a police officer in a shooting. A lot of 'I would have done this, or he should not have done that' crap.
A cop is now always caught between a rock and a hard place. No matter what he does he will be judged by the public. I simply made a phone call to 911. And in some cases like this that can be bad enough with the Public. Some will say, they would have done things differently. Well maybe you would have, or maybe you would not have. But just doing what you think is right, might get you a whole lot of judgement with the arm chair public.
And in hind sight, I would have done the same thing and made the call. I have no regrets. I did not stick around. I left immediately when the 911 dispatcher said. OK, I can release you now, Thank you.
And hopefully a Bad guy is off the street. And hopefully no Officer injured. That I do not know as I did not stay around to find out. I did my duty as a Citizen and that is the best I can do.
There might come a time when you are your family need Police Help. I pray to God that a citizen makes that call to the Police. And does everything to safely aid the police which might save your life or the life of a loved one.
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If you want to be johnny on the spot, go for it... there certainly isnt anything wrong with it. Some people simply have the forethought to see how getting involved or loitering around a volatile happening can come with its own unintended consequences. Some people have had negative experiences in "getting involved".

I have called 911 on a few occasions to advise them of a person in some manner of distress. I dont hang around, I dont give my name and I just keep on keep'n on. The person with the greatest responsibility to protect me and mine, is ME. I aint mad at anyone who decides to stay out of my business. I in turn, stay out of everyone elses business ( generally).

This is not an emotional issue with me, its just practical thinking. I dont want trouble, I dont want your trouble and I dont want to be involved. Plain and simple.
If I personally see what I think is a crime occurring I generally call the police. If the police ask for a name I generally give it, though it is fair to point out that 911 calls are often public record (if you are concerned about potential retaliation). By my definition reporting a crime occurring in a public setting is loosely getting involved, though again I understand the people involved in the crime may well not think the same. I don’t intend to intercede myself physically unless to protect myself or a third party from death or serious bodily injury.

I like to believe I can protect myself and I do agree that the only person that cares about you as much as you is, well you. That said I’ve been witness to events that went poorly and fortunately some people did choose to get involved and at least call the police. Those people that did help may well have increased their risk profile for in turn saving someone else. Was that the smartest choice in terms of self preservation? Probably not. The people that were the victims were grateful for the assistance, however.

Some years ago I watched a video of a man who was the victim of an assault outside a convenience store. He was struck in the head from behind, his pockets were picked, and the attackers fled. The man lay unconscious on the crosswalk for at least a few minutes. No one moved to help him, despite a number of people in the vicinity, and some people actually stepped over him. Eventually the man was run over by a taxi cab and died of his wounds from the vehicle. The people that didn’t intervene likely did the smart thing purely from the perspective of self preservation. Still, a man died seemingly needlessly.

I would never encourage anyone to be a hero when carrying a firearm. If anything a firearm on your person makes you a liability in many cases when you get involved. We all have to determine for ourselves what, if any, sense of duty we feel towards anyone else.

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When I worked as a security guard calling the police was part of my job but I almost never called 911.

In MY experience with MY local dispatch center your name and phone number are almost the first thing they ask. My employer required us to identify ourselves and tell dispatch that we worked for XYZ Security. I'm positive their software captured my work phone number anyway because I never knew it and never gave it but everytime they called back they call that phone.

The last year I worked they routinely ignored any call that wasn't a violent crime in progress. Sometimes they even refused to start a call, so I couldn't even get a reference number to prove I had called. I called one night to report a broken window in a building I was supposed to check. Multiple witnesses saw a little Tweaker girl throw a rock through the window. The dispatcher told me only the owner of the building could report the damage and that had to be online. I've also been subpoenaed and had to give up my day off to go to court and wait around for an hour or two only to find out the defendant had plead out.

Unless I am DIRECTLY involved I don't call the police.
I was walking home from work late at night many years ago (before cellphones) and I walked into a situation where a guy was beating his girlfriend while her female friend was trying to pull him off. I immediately lit into the guy, and immediately ended up fighting all three of them. Big mistake, fortunately someone else must have called the police and a cruiser showed up before it got too ugly.

Since then I've laid back and called 911 on several occasions. Once I got subpoenaed to testify, but the case never made it to trial. This stuff happens so fast, best to observe and report.
Was visiting our parents grave this past May, pulled up to where that Wife parents, were buried and as I am trimming around the headstone, and car pulls up and stops opposite my car and operator lifts a phone to is ear. But he is not looking down the road, just across the my group. Hair is risen on my neck. Told the wife and sister inlaw to move to the corner of the headstone , while I got another tools from the car. My M39-2, that fits nicely into my cargo pants. Keep my face towards him as I finished the job, then he left.
Was visiting our parents grave this past May, pulled up to where that Wife parents, were buried and as I am trimming around the headstone, and car pulls up and stops opposite my car and operator lifts a phone to is ear. But he is not looking down the road, just across the my group. Hair is risen on my neck. Told the wife and sister inlaw to move to the corner of the headstone , while I got another tools from the car. My M39-2, that fits nicely into my cargo pants. Keep my face towards him as I finished the job, then he left.
I want to be sure I understand what I'm reading.

You had time to go to your car and retrieve a weapon and instead of leaving, instead of removing yourself from the situation, you went back to the grave and continued what you had been doing?

Best way avoid punch, no be there
Perhaps the guy was just pulling into the graveyard to make a cell phone call, trying to stay off the main road? Once distracted in conversation, he was talking and staring rudely without realizing it. One never knows.
S&W 39-2 is an excellent weapon... provides nice peace of mind.