Savage 30-06 take off barrel

With broken in barrels, mine didn't take many shots, but I have that ONE rifle that takes several...
If you own enough rifles, you will find that ONE barrel!

I got a shoulder/neck busted up pretty bad in the military in my mid 30s, I rebounded pretty good from that, but loosing muscle mass as I age has compounded issues along with arthritis.
The doctors told me it was coming, I just figured I would do like I always do and power through it.
I was wrong.
I went from being told I'd be in a wheelchair to walking without cane or crutches most times, I chopped wood, dug fence post holes, put up hay, built buildings...
I figured it was mind over matter... Matter caught up with me!
After all the fuss with this gun last winter I learned quite a lot. This particular gun has some pitting and copper fouls rapidly. After 1 fouling shot it seems to really hold it's group (.5 to 1.5 MOA) for the next 15-20 shots then declines. Last weekend I took my hunting guns out to see how they are firing. My freshly cleaned Savage was shot once to foul it. The second shot was at a 2 lb. tannerite container at 400yds. I did not shoot a third shot. :)
That is what counts is finding what works and then you are good.

JH: I wound up with ruptured disk and one bulged. The Doc said if I behave myself, ok, if not.......

Fortunately I am old enough to have listened. Doing ok, never back to what it was but I recently ran into a project that took a lot of upper body and no lifting or bending. Having a lot of fun with it.
Yosemite Steve,

I've had a couple of barrels like that, one Savage, one GI. I solved it in both instances with firelapping. It takes some courage to put the first abrasive bullets down the tube, but once you've done it a couple of times it ceases to be intimidating and you appreciate how much harder the gun is to foul and how much easier it is to clean. My GI barrel (on a Garand) wasn't quite as bad as yours. Accuracy deterioration took about 35-40 rounds to get bad. As Murphy's Law has it, that's right in the middle of the 600-yard prone slow fire phase of the National Match Course. It also took about four hours of patch after patch of Sweet's 7.62 (the strongest copper remover available in the 80's, though the modern chelating copper removers are much better) to get blue patches to stop coming out. After firelapping I could shoot regular High Power matches of 80 rounds plus sighters with no accuracy loss and cleaning afterward was a breeze. I used the NECO system. It'll take sharp edges off rust pits, too.
Unclenick, I might play with that post hunting season. Right now though, I seem to have it right where I want it and don't want to open a new can of worms. Hitting a 4 x 6 target at 400 yards on the first attempt was very rewarding. I really appreciate all the help I have gotten on this site from you and from a long telephone conversation with a local legend, Doug Wells. If you don't know him already, you should!
Agreed, done' mess with success. To many fiddle and ........

My aftermarket barrels are good for no more than one shot to get lined in.

One does not care cold or hot, puts em all the same place.

Barrels are the most interesting and least understood aspect of guns, despite its really what a rifle is all about.