Saturday CHAT (Long)

David Schmidbauer

Retired Screen Name
As some of you know HS Hosts a Saturday Chat at 0800 at Parachat. This Chat is an open forum and anyone can access it. This leads to people just checking in to see what it is about, usually just lurking.

The following thread was copied from this morning CHAT and is now considered Standard Operating Procedure on how to deal with these people. It is GREAT fun, only limited by your imagination!

-------------------7/10/99 Parachat ---------------
{Ana} Si Nieto, Hola
{Carolina} i am from bolivia
{HS2K} We're (me & Shmit) a coupla guys who talk guns &
stuff here with other like minded people who enjoy the
shooting sports
{Carolina} and you ?
{{HS2K to Schmit}} THAT usually pisses 'em OFF !....big
{Schmit} So HS. I'm taking out my Assault Rifle today and
getting it sighted in with the Night Vision Scope. Hope
to be able to engage targets of opportunity out to 400
yards in the dark.
{{Schmit to HS2K}} {ROTFLMAO}
--} [Ana] has left the Chat room
{{Schmit to HS2K}} One down...
{HS2K} Would they be man sized targets or vehicle sized
{{HS2K to Schmit}} Two can play this game !{g}
{Schmit} Man of course. If it works on the Assault Rifle
I'll try it on my Sniper Rifle and see if I can extend
the range to 600 or 700.
{Carolina} que te importa
{HS2K} How are those exploding armour piercing rounds
shaping up?
{{HS2K to Schmit}} LMAO !
{Schmit} Only wish I had a Silencer for the Sniper Rifle
also. Just got one for the Assault Rile.
{HS2K} The 150 round magazine feeding well?
{Schmit} Not bad. I'm still trying to get more penetration
out of them. They are only penitrating 4" of Steel now
prior to exploding. Would like to get that up to 8".
{{HS2K to Schmit}} God I'm GOOD !
--} [Carolina] has left the Chat room
{{HS2K to Schmit}} TWO!
{Schmit} GREAT. It is soooo cool. I line up all 6 of them
and then just crank out round for like an hour.
{{Schmit to HS2K}} One to go!
{HS2K} What was the last test you did.... Went through 5
"bullet proof" vests & an engine block?
--} [Guest] has joined the Chat room
{{HS2K to Schmit}} Oh I can't stand the suspense !
{Schmit} Yep. But like I said. Only 4" of the block.
Would like to make it to the middle of the engine prior
to detonation.
--} [Guest696] has joined the Chat room
--} [Guest696] has left the Chat room
{Schmit} Got a guy that is working on a heat seeking rifle
round. Looks interesting. Kind of like a Smart Bomb
for a rifle/pistol. Fire and forget.
{HS2K} Well my .40 calibre is now capable of FULL AUTO fire
after I disengaged the sear spring with a hair clip
tonight !!!!
--} [Guest] has left the Chat room
--} [Guest691] has joined the Chat room
{Schmit} HEY. I'll have that guy send you some of the Heat
seeking rounds.
--} [Guest691] has left the Chat room
--} [Nieto] has left the Chat room
{HS2K} The ones that GO AROUND CORNERS !....YOU BET I'LL
{HS2K} YAAAA1!!!!!
{Schmit} Aaaaa they are all gone!
{HS2K} About bloody time !....Extremely big grin :o
{Schmit} That was kind of fun! ROTFLMAO
{HS2K} Learnt a thing or 2 wouldn't you say?
--} [barbie] has joined the Chat room
{HS2K} And all the other guys missed it !
{Schmit} And we are off again!

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited July 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited July 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited July 10, 1999).]
Since I work Saturday mornings - I would love to stop by - But I am behind the worlds best firewall that kills chat server connections faster than Janet Reno can kill Davidians...


Any ways...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


HS, Schmit ... sorry i missed out on that one !! :) - Now, about those "Los Alamos" thermonuclear w-88 warheads we got from Norinco - I guess we woudn't want to talk about them would we?... could start a panic.

hasta pronto!
Guys, you are evil. No, make that Evil.

Beers are on me!

Thanks for the chuckle; I needed it. :)

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
It looks like I'll have to give up working and join the chat. Kinda hard to give up my rate of pay though.

You forgot about the rounds that were coming close to 10% of light speed out of a handheld railgun. Sustaining the electromagnetic pulse for more than 5 picoseconds has got to be a bitch using 9volt NiCad batteries.

You can also tell them about the rounds that you are working on that home in on the heart beat. (only human)

Then there is the totally ceramic pistol, firing ceramic bullets from ceramic cases and containing no metal at all, or so little metal that it would not register on magnometers.

Oh, to be there. LOL

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Who are all those bimbos who stumble into that chat? Gawd, thankfully the disappear soon enough.

I'd join you guys, but I work weekends.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
That was rich! I don't think I could think that fast so early on a Saturday. You didn't scare off "barbie" did you? She may have had possibilities - she might have needed some Christmas suggestions for Ken like a new .50 BMG. ;)
Sorry but Barbie was a card totin' PITA member & Ken dont shoot 'cause he ain't got no b@lls ;)
Now if we could get Barbie hooked up with Action Man ... HOO YAH !
I really like his Jeep !
The .50 BMG would be a nice add-on :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Just came back. Plenty of TFLers, and some hilarious moments. Recommended to all.

HS is "King of Claymore Commie Killing." :D

I'll be there next week, for sure.

Donning my flame-retardant undies -- gentlemen, you have given the know-nothings some more ammunition. Those of us who are firearms knowledgeable can enjoy the wacky
and sometimes clever remarks made. However,
when the next anti-gun pol starts yapping about banning "long range sniper weapons" or expounds on "cop killer bullets", the know-nothings will scream "I know EXACTLY what he's talking about, I saw some crazies on
a chat board talking about that very thing!". Amongst ourselves, humor like the above is fine, but (and it's choking me to say this -- free speech doncha know), we have to be on our best behaviour on these public boards. If we're going to cut up, maybe a disclaimer to the lurkers -- it seems to me we have more to lose than gain with this. My 2c.
I knew it was just a matter of time...

Have they outlawed fun? :D

I understand what your saying, and kind of agree... but it is SOOOOOO much fun

If you will notice at the log on screen there is a block for password (if required).... hint, hint

There was a board I use to frequent on Prodigy many years ago... Insult Chat. GREAT FUN... everyone flameing on everyone else... aaaaa those were the days.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited July 17, 1999).]
Oatka: Check out the link to the chat, open it up, now check out the list of available forums. I doubt if there is anything to worry aobut. People that are looking for conversations about sex with 12 to 15 year old bi-sexual exhibitionist ma$turbating indian women deserve what they get.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.

I did what you said. Now I am in total agreement with Oatka...

Think about our current crop of polititions... Clinton, Kennedy, etc... monies on there is 20 or 30 in some of those rooms at any given moment.


Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Oatka, my Wife said the very same thing !
I switched my tactics to "How to terminate with extreme predujice VC forces" ;)
I figured that any pro gun person might stick around to check us out. :D
As for the password idea, here's the command from the Admin. Centre for deleting a user.

*In the above example: john,secret,km user john (with password:'secret' ) is granted access to commands k (Kill User) and m (Moderation) only
I love the "kill user" command, don't you !....LMAO :D :D
If I put in a password, passing gun people wouldn't be able to access the room :(
In the future, we'll try to be nicer eh people ? ;)
Well, as nice as the situation allows...grin

"The Gun from Down Under !"