SASS question

There are a lot of "conventioneers" at SASS matches. They don't shoot, they just dress up and party.

Where did you hear that? It sure does not happen around here. The only place I have heard of where guys dress up and don't shoot is the big Regionals or National matches. Even then, there are not many 'conventioneers' who show up not to shoot.
True, the mainliest ones wuz at End of Trail and suchlike other extravaganzas, but I saw some at places like the Ambush. Mostly wimmenfolks, tho.
It still remains to be seen if that rifle shoots reliably when you rush it. You may indeed need one of those "$1500" race-reading rifles when you get good at it or simply want to get through a match without a jammed rifle, lost stage, dismal total times, and poor category ranking.

You could have you rifle worked on, but a better investment would be to plan on a gun upgrade, if you stick with the sport. The seemingly oppressive advice you may get on SASSWire is actually from those who have been there and wish the best for you. It is difficult to escape that CAS is a pretty expensive sport for gear.
I didn't ask the SASS forum because I don't need a load of crap about how the 92 is garbage and I need to drop $1500 on a race ready 1873.

Funny, I post on the SASS Wire all the time. I never told anybody a '92 is garbage. I started the sport in 2000 with an original Winchester Model 1892 made in 1894. Eventually I went to a Uberti '73, then an Uberti 1860 Henry. Did it because I liked the models, not to gain speed. Couldn't care less about how fast I shoot. Shooting old guns with Black Powder is not going to win me any speed awards anyway.

I'm pretty sure most guys on The Wire would not give you a load of crap about anything.
The SASS Wire is just like any other forum, you've got the guys that want and try to help and you have the other guys that think their way is the only way and they're very vocal about it. At least that's how it was when I was going there. I haven't been on it in a number of years.
So, I cut 7 coils off the mag spring, shaved a 1/16th off the plug and 1/8th off the back of the follower and it's all good. 10 rounds of .38 in the tube and we're good to go.

Have to wonder if the last round will still load under spring tension. You can now get them in, but can you get them out?
Have to wonder if the last round will still load under spring tension. You can now get them in, but can you get them out?

Lay the rifle down on a table with the muzzle pointing in a safe direction. Push down the loading gate with a stick or something. You can usually wiggle stuff around enough that you can unload the gun through the loading gate. Just be careful, don't use any tools that might somehow set off a primer.