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Its funny to me that with all the super high def. cameras and video cameras we have today, its always the crappy cameras that record grainy videos that get the "Squatch" on film. Seems to me IF there was a real one someone would eventually get him with a high def. camera that could be better studied. The "squatch" always seems to be way off in the distance too..........?
While new creatures are discovered all the time, I think a primate of that size would be to curious and be dumping out trash cans after it discovered the joy of pizza....especially New York pizza.

Last pizza I got in NYC was so nasty, bigfoot wouldn't eat it. He(bigfoot) would have taken one bite of it, slapped the owner of the pizza place for calling that hunk of garbage pizza and threw it in the trash.
If I ever catch a bigfoot, I'm taking him to that same pizza shop and we'll film a 'messing with Sasquatch' pizza video. I hope Mr. Sasquatch thumps my $30 out of him.:mad:
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We have groups of scientists that go out to some of the most remote and uninhabited regions of the world and routinely locate and relocate time and time again small pockets of endangered or nearly extinct insects, frogs, rodents, Lizards, etc, etc. Yet some people find it feasible that a 7 foot tall 400 lb primate could exist in genetically viable breeding numbers in one of the most populated and well explored countries on the globe for hundreds of years without so much as a single bone being found. It's laughable folks. LAUGHABLE!
We have groups of scientists that go out to some of the most remote and uninhabited regions of the world and routinely locate and relocate time and time again small pockets of endangered or nearly extinct insects, frogs, rodents, Lizards, etc, etc. Yet some people find it feasible that a 7 foot tall 400 lb primate could exist in genetically viable breeding numbers in one of the most populated and well explored countries on the globe for hundreds of years without so much as a single bone being found. It's laughable folks. LAUGHABLE!

For example:

I went backpacking in the Cascades a few years ago, deep in prime bigfoot country. I was out in the middle of nowhere. Yet I saw a few other hikers, and on my drive back to Seattle I saw thousands of cars full of people who were heading into the woods to hike, kayak, hunt, etc... And I'm sure that most of them had phones they could shoot a picture with.

Bigfoot is a myth.
The Squatch lives in the center of the earth and only comes out ever so often when the earths crust opens up to let them out LMAO!! This thread is really comical. fun stuff
As has already been said, where's the actual proof? A dead Sasquatch, for starters. Verifiable video, perhaps. As soon as I am shown definitive, unquestionable proof, I'll believe in them.
It's as real as you want it to be? I joke...But seriously, you ever meet up with one, ask him where can someone find a RFB in stock.
When I was a kid growing up in Pennsylvania there were a series of bigfoot/ufo sightings. I'm not making this up:

Imagine being seven and reading about this stuff in the paper. Pittsburgh Magazine reacted with a joke cover that had an illustration that portrayed hundreds of sasquatches leaving ufos downtown and invading the city.

That issue arrived in the mail the same day that my parents decided to try leaving me home alone for a few hours for the first time. I was too young to realize that the magazine cover was a joke, I assumed that it was real news. I spent that afternoon under my bed with my dog and a baseball bat.
We have groups of scientists that go out to some of the most remote and uninhabited regions of the world and routinely locate and relocate time and time again small pockets of endangered or nearly extinct insects, frogs, rodents, Lizards, etc, etc. Yet some people find it feasible that a 7 foot tall 400 lb primate could exist in genetically viable breeding numbers in one of the most populated and well explored countries on the globe for hundreds of years without so much as a single bone being found. It's laughable folks. LAUGHABLE!

At <88 people per square mile, the US is hardly one of the most populated countries in the world. Washington State, home of the bigfoot, only has about 101 people per square mile which is still a pretty low population density compared to much of the world.

We do have a lot of people, but we also have a lot of area. So I am not so sure that the human population count necessarily supports that we should have seen a bigfoot, or if it does, it is a weak point. These various other reasons are much better.

If Bigfoot does exist,why is it that remains of one of these creatures have never been found?

Bigfoot experts (how can you be an expert in something not proven to exist?) will argue that the bigfoot is a forest creature and that bones do not remain for very long in the woods, getting scattered and destroyed by several means and they note that you don't find the bones of other animals in the woods. I love this argument since I have spent the better part of the last 25 years involved with studying and identifying animal remains from archaeological sites. Everything that happens to the skeleton from the time of death of the animal and until recovery is called taphonomy. While a carcass may be scattered about and some bones destroyed, sometimes even all the bones, often is the case that bones are not readily destroyed. Where there are numerous destructive factors/agenst at work, there are a number of protective agents/factors at work as well.

My guess is that these 'experts' probably either do not spend much time in the woods looking for bones or fail to realize that things are often hidden from site under a layer of leaves. Put another way, they are not going about the process of seaching in a manner that is likely to yield results.

Also what I like about their argument is that while bones and teeth, the hardest and must durable parts of an vertebrate's body are supposedly NOT preserved well according to bigfoot experts, they continually have recovered hair and blood samples that they note cannot be identified and are evidence of bigfoot. I find it amazing that something as perishable as blood gets found hundreds or thousands of times more often than bone. Hair preserves better than blood, but is also quite perishable.

To keep this discussion hunting related, according to his bit of research, bigfoots are reported to be killed about every 4 years, which is much more frequently than I would have thought, yet in every case, the proof if the kill is abandoned, buried, destroyed, or lost. If you read carefully, you will see that there is even one guy who has managed to shoot 2 bigfoots, each one in a different state. The rest of us don't hardly get a chance to see any and he shoots 2. Amazing.
The consensus of this thread and several previous threads on this subject is rather uniformly, "There ain't no such critter."
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