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Didn't want to hijack the other thread. So how many of you actually think the squatch is real? I'm inclined to think so. The mountain gorrilla wasn't discovered until the 1960's I think it was.
I think these guys have too much time on their hands. The one show I watched all the way through they were examing some police dash cam. The dash came was REALLY hazy and the cam they were using was high tech. They judge on the fact that it couldnt be duplicated. Call me stupid but if you have ever seen the movie ELF, when he's walking through central park, it looks alot like those big foot tapes. For the longest time scientist said that the crop circles couldnt be made in one night and it had to be a of E.T's. People are just bored. The funniest part is one they try to replicate its CALL. How in the world do they know what it sounds like?
lol @1hogfan. It is funny how all the footage is ALWAYS hazy and pixelated. But it could be out there, I guess, the pacific northwest has alot of wilderness. I'm downloading the first few episodes of finding bigfoot right now. And I might even watch my old movie the legend of boggy creek. I refused to go hunting one morning with my dad when I was younger cause I had watched that movie the night before LOL
Im gonna go get a gorrilla mask, cover in all black and sit on my buddies shoulders and make a movie. My step sisters boyfriend is a state trooper. I bet he'll help!!!! Its on video, its gotta be real!!! Then after they come investagate and say, theirs a squatch in these woods! Im going to say, you idiots I made that myself.
Another poster in the other thread made some good points about why there aren't any... no road kills, none ever shot, in all these years. I tend to say there are none. But there are aliens! :D
Another poster in the other thread made some good points about why there aren't any... no road kills, none ever shot, in all these years. I tend to say there are none. But there are aliens!

There sure are ! Legals and illegals, LOL:eek:
You can bet your sweet pippy that all the sasquatches that have been in hiding all these years are going to been seen coming out of the woodwork and popping up everywhere now that we have started talking about them.
Be watching the local news where you live for the reports soon.

Oh yeah, I saw Elvis today too. Really, I did. He was driving one of those little shoebox sized hybrid smartcars, mumbling something about how he couldnt afford gas for his Cadillac anymore. Thank ya, thank ya very much.
Art must be on vacation LOL....

While new creatures are discovered all of the time, I think a primate of that size would be too curious and would be dumping out trash cans after it discovered the joy of pizza.........especially New York pizza.
The deal is that when a family group moves, one of them is detailed to work with his leaf rake and broom to erase all the tracks. That's why the mysterious thefts at night from Home Depot or Tractor Supply.

I've never seen the True Believers address the issue of in-breeding in a very small population. That problem existed among the crowned heads of Europe, Rome and ancient Egypt. Serious goofiness ensued. Hey, hunt up the lyrics to Tom Lehrer's "Oedipus Rex".
I live close by the Texas Big Thicket and am surrounded by thousands of acres of forest. Some is new growth and some is old; I have had trees downed by hurricanes and the rings indicate 150 years old. The undergrowth is yaupons and these makes a tangled mess; a tropical jungle is an open freeway compared to here.

This tangled mess of yaupons was what caused the problem of recovering wreckage of the Columbia space shuttle. Go over it or around it but not through it.

There have been reports of Sasquatch here for many years.

Sasquatch? One guy has a picture but it looks “gorilla like” to me.

I’ve seen “something” which I have no idea what it was except it looked like a gorilla. Scared the hell out of me and the cat as we were sitting on the porch one night. Me and the cat got ourselves inside the house.

I suspect an escaped gorilla is wandering the Big Thicket. But I’ve seen no notices asking for anyone to help find their gorilla which got out of the house and ran away.

Anyone out there missing their pet gorilla?

I suppose I should check with Lowes or Tractor Supply about any missing rakes and brooms.
I have a friend, very intelligent guy, retired surgeon, who firmly belives they exist.
I don't. Most of the fuzzy sightings have been proven hoaxes. Even the famous film was revealed to be a prank by the, now elderly, pranksters. But 'believers' still use it as a basis for proving, to themselves, Bigfoot exists.
finding bigfoot is ridiculous, i dont know if they are serious on that show or what but i would rather spend my time hunting, cleaning some guns, getting layed or posting on this forum!:D
Finding Bigfoot

The show "Finding Bigfoot" kills me. :D

The "researchers" on this show knock on trees, hoot and hollar "squatch calls", and lay out things they claim entice the Sasquatch. On one show, they left a crying baby doll in the woods claiming that it would attract the curiousity of the Sasquatch.

They seem to know a LOT about something that has never even been proven to exist. :D
I dont think they're in the wild but my wife is from southeast missoura and after the last family reunion, I do believe they exist! I'm glad I was packin, If I woulda had a laser it would have been set on stun. Speaking of roadkill, I have hit some rather questionable things. And again, speaking of interbreeding, the family reuni...............nevermind.
I have lived in the nether regions of the Pacific NW all of my life - Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. Spent lots of time working and playing in the woods. I have never seen a Sasquatch or any sign of one.
However, I have talked to several people who claim to have seen them. And some of those people are definitely not the kind of person who is going to pull somebody's leg about something like this. I have talked to several superannuated Native Americans who will tell you outright that Sasquatch is real. A few of them believe that they are possibly extinct now, but have no doubt about their reality.
There have been just too many reports to just shrug this off, IMO. I don't think this is a matter of 'belief'. All I know is that several people I have known who have nothing to gain (and probably a lot of credibility to lose) have quietly told me their story or the stories they were told by their elders and they seemed very serious. Usually the subject would come up as a joke by someone during a barroom conversation or while playing cards or fishing or on break at work.
I am not a Sasquatch researcher and I really don't have that much interest in the subject and I'm not saying they exist (or existed) or that they don't (or didn't). All I'm saying is I have been quite surprised at the stories I've heard over the years from people who you'd think would be the last kind of folks to claim to have seen a Sasquatch, for God's sake.
Just sayin'...
Didn't want to hijack the other thread. So how many of you actually think the squatch is real? I'm inclined to think so. The mountain gorrilla wasn't discovered until the 1960's I think it was.

The mountain gorilla analogy is a bit spurious. The mountain gorilla has undoubtedly been known to locals for thousands of years, but was not known to westerners until 1902 (not the 1960s).

Along those lines is the argument that people have long histories going back in time at least several hundred years that bigfoot creatures exist, just like the locals in Africa knew about the mountain gorillas. This is another spurious argument. There are groups around the world that believe humans can turn into animals, but just because a bunch of folks have a belief that can be documented over a wide area doesn't mean the belief is true.

I've never seen the True Believers address the issue of in-breeding in a very small population.

Right, primates need approximately 500 individuals to have a viable population to prevent serious inbreeding.

Grover Krantz, the WSU professor who was a huge proponent of bigfoots made a lot of cryptozoologists mad when he said that the only way the scientific community and the rest of the world will ever actually believe that these exist is for someone to bring in a body. Lots of hunters have claimed to shoot one, but either the animal gets away or the body is abandoned for various reasons. Given all the folks that have shot them, I can't believe that NONE have ever brought one back as a trophy.

It would be cool if they existed, but countless people have looked for these animals over the last 100 years and have produced 0 confirmed results. Believers go way out of their way to convolute reasons why they 'known' them to exist, but strangely always lack the one simple thing that would unequivocally prove their existence, a body. It is a very simple criterion, yet seemingly impossible to produce.
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