Sarah Palin and the Bridge to Nowhere.

And she was once 'caught' fishing without a license too. My goodness how could she even be considered for any office with such serious crimes????

Hard to believe she might be the first politician to ever change their mind on anything. Or did Kerry vote for the war before he voted against the war or something like that??
is there a pattern

As Mayor Palin had the same charges brought against her for firing the police chief. I honestly do not know the outcome of that incident. I do know it was not the first time her actions were questioned over her doing things her way over the policies and procedures established by the Wasilla City Code. Does Sarah not like following the rules she swears to uphold?

One version of the police chief incident can be found at and another

Note in the second article Wasilla was then a town of 4,600 residents in 1997.
The Huffington Post would definitely be my first choice for information, fairy tales, ghost stories, the whole bit. (US ain't far behind)
Anchorage Daily News 2/1/1997- Now he's talking to an attorney. While both Stambaugh and Emmons serve at the mayor's pleasure, Stambaugh said he has a contract that prohibits the city from firing him without cause.

huffington post 9/3/2008
The police chief took the matter to court, where a judge sided with Palin, saying city law allows the mayor to fire the police chief without cause.

Were/what is the story here? Are you are trying to say that former police chief Stambaugh is illiterate and can't read a contract or that he is a liar. Which is it? Hmm...? :o
Rueters probably has the news story closest to the facts. These days we seem to have developed media/internet anal spoonitis. We put our heads up a certain part of our anatomy and eat up whatever we read in the printed press, tv media and the internet media and blogs. I think there are more facts in the Enquirer than I have seen on the network and cable media lately.

The major complaint seems to be that she supported the bridge before she became governor then after she became governor she changed her mind. Perhaps after she became governor and was privy to the plans and contractor list she was like what the hell this is a gravy train for the good ole boys network.

The cost of the bridge was "projected" at 389 million dollars. We all know that projections are always lower than actual costs when it comes to the government and the good ole boy contractors. The bridge would have probably ended costing above 450 million and 500 million. Uncle Sugar was only paying 200 million. So as Governor she probably decided that she didnt want to have the Alaskan Taxpayers ripped off for 200 to 250 million.

Ketchican is part of the project. If I remember right Ketchican is a major destination for tourist cruise ships, they have a fishing industry there and the islands need a route to the airport. A road makes sense to me just not at over 400 million. Infrastructure like that will probably put money into the economy.

For the record Congress gave the 200 million to the transportation department to use at its discretion on other roadmarks. Every state in the money gets road money back from the federal government. Does every state have 100% funding for its roads and highways...nope.

makes sense to me......but then I dont have to make drama to get ratings and customer base to make $$$
Eghad: "These days we seem to have developed media/internet anal spoonitis. We put our heads up a certain part of our anatomy and eat up whatever we read in the printed press, tv media and the internet media and blogs. I think there are more facts in the Enquirer than I have seen on the network and cable media lately."

Outstanding statement that clearly defines what's generally going on in the media these days - especially on the political front.
P.S. I love this headline

Palin "bridge to nowhere" line angers many Alaskans.

How many Alaskans constitute many Alaskans? Maybe Wild can tell us?

Did the reporter count raised hands to come to this conclusion?

Are they angry at the fact that Palin cut them out of bilking the Alaskan taxpayers? :confused:

I see this mayor talking about her. I wonder if he had any money dogs in the hunt for taxpayer dollars?

I will have to look and see I guess.

How many Alaskans constitute many Alaskans? Maybe Wild can tell us?
I think in Alaska they judge it by the number of teeth involved. If more than 100 teeth are involved it is considered significant. Often that requires more than 200 people though. :D
You might ask the residents of Ketchikan

or maybe just read a few of the stories published after Sarah decided to stop the bridge project. Does it really matter how many she disappointed after she initially ran a campaign where the bridge funding was promoted by her a great benefit to the State of Alaska and the residents of Ketchikan? But lets not let fact get in the way of the matter. She promoted the bridge as favorable to get votes and then she dumped the project to influence a few more voters like those on this board who see her actions as a measure of her conservativeness rather than a measure of her disingenuous praise for the funding to those who supported her.

and remember Playboypenquin even if it takes 100 people to muster all those teeth they can still bite you in the ass.
I'd just like to point out, once again, that the significant part of this story is that at her first public appearance as John McCain's VP choice, Sarah Palin lied.
Not just a lie, but a stoopid lie that was incredibly easy to find out. That shows extremely poor judgment. Palin has been advertised as a person of integrity. She had to know that, yet she blows that out of the water the first time she opens her mouth.
I know that many people think that the flip flop on the bridge to nowhere is not a big deal, but that isn't the point.
I'd just like to point out, once again, that the significant part of this story is that at her first public appearance as John McCain's VP choice, Sarah Palin lied.
Not just a lie, but a stoopid lie that was incredibly easy to find out.
Did she actually say "I never supported it" or did she simply say she said "no, to congress" when it came down to the final decision?
Palyboypenguin: Palin's meaning was pretty clear. She claimed to be against the bridge. Further her claim that she was the one responsible for saying "no" to the bridge is also a lie.
As indicated earlier, there's lots of evidence for those willing to google.
Palin's meaning was pretty clear. She claimed to be against the bridge. Further her claim that she was the one responsible for saying "no" to the bridge is also a lie.
In all fairness, "being against" something and having been "against something all along" something are two different things.