Sarah Palin and the Bridge to Nowhere.


New member
When she was introduced by John McCain, Sarah Palin proudly boasted that "I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere," unfortunately that's not quite factual.
Palin, a backer of Alasaka Senator Ted Stevens, was also a big supporter of the $398 million dollar bridge from Ketchikan to Gravina Island. She campaigned on the issue in her 2006 run for governor.
The earmark that specified that the bridge be built was removed by congress, but they gave the money to the state anyway.
Something Palin could have canceled was the road on Gravina Island that is still being built.
Meanwhile, Weinstein noted, the state is continuing to build a road on Gravina Island to an empty beach where the bridge would have gone - because federal money for the access road, unlike the bridge money, would have otherwise been returned to the federal government.

After all it's federal money, it's not like it comes out of my pocket.
So when she said no thanks to the bridge, she didn't say no thanks to the money. Now it makes sense. Of course she didn't want the bridge; if your quote is accurate then it seems that the bridge was just a cover to get the money in the first place.

It's sad that there just seems no where to turn for honest government. Perhaps had Ron Paul spoken as forcefully during the campaign as he is now at the Ron Paul rally in Minneapolis...
Well documented

that during her campaign for Governor she spoke in Ketchikan (home of the infamous bridge) and proclaimed how great an opportunity for Ketchikan to get this funding to build the bridge. Palin did not oppose the bridge until well after she accepted the votes from Ketchikan residents. Then she changed her outlook and wanted to stop the Federal funds for the bridge. Sarah forgets the part where the return of funds was based on the bridge being underfunded by multi-millions of dollars that would have come from the state coffers.

A very well documented case of a politician changing positions and then claiming they did not. If you want to verify the facts on the returned money you need only goggle, Palin bridge to knowhere, and find multiple sources documenting the complete history of the issue and Palin.
My goodness, so Palin was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against the Bridge to Nowhere.

So what?

Surely noone's ever been criticized for something like that?
A few years ago the city of buffalo ny was given 50 million for water front renovation. They couldn't decide how to spend it, too many chiefs. The Fed. gov. gave them a few years then told them to spend it on something or lose it.

Only an Idiot would give it back so it could be handed out to someone else. A smart person would invest it in capital gains and stimulate local employment. Road building is at the top of the list, nothing new here.

kenny b
So to summarize, the best that the BHO campaign can throw at her is:

1 She wanted to bring Federal money into her state (after all, as Alaska's governor, she was looking out for what was best for Alaska)

2 Her daughter is pregnant. We all know that kids always do exactly as they are told, so any time they screw up, it is a direct reflection on the values of the parent.

3 She fired a guy that she had a personal conflict with. Bosses never do that. How astounding.

That's it? I would say that is pretty clean living. Keep in mind, these are all attacks coming from the best funded presidential campaign in history. With funds that are effectively unlimited, this is all the dirt they could get.

The issue with her daughter is a non-issue, as is the firing. On a personal level it seems to me the auguments being made that touch on Sarah Palin's daughter are actually making the other side look bad.

If this is the best the opposition can do it's smooth sailing.


The Commissioner of Public Safety, who serves at the pleasure of the Governor, was let go, after refusing an offer of another position within the administration.

The enemies of Palin are attempting to paint this as a politically-motivated firing over his handling of Wooten, which the Commissioner denies, rather than Palin's disagreement with him about his stubbornness over cutting costs and saving tax dollars within the department.
Here's a question. In the years that Obama has been active within the Daley machine, the most corrupt political machine since Boss Tweed, has he ever at anytime found anyone so corrupt that he didn't want to play footsie with him.


Doesn't sound like change I can believe in.
Democrats.... Republicans.... they all lie. It is hard for us to understand maybe, but they seek power for power's sake. It is said to be more addictive than heroin. They pretend to be different, these dems and reps, but, we have been given a glimpse in this election that they are, in fact, very much similar. Look at the republican party.... they have thrown their weight behind a liberal republican named John McCain who the average American conservative cannot stand. They tell us to suck it up for the party's sake. "For the party's sake?". The party that has given us the biggest spending in congress in the past 50 years and the party who has given us a war of aggression that has cost us nearly 1/2 trillion dollars? WTF are they thinking?:barf:

And the dems? Barry was in a fight with Hillary in the primaries, and he said he wanted to pull the troops out of Iraq. He beat hillary and then he says that he didn't say he wanted to pull the troops out of Iraq. First he was against drilling for oil off our coasts, and now he is for it.

You see, republicans take liberal positions and democrats take conservative positions. This is because they are the same, they have just become confused while playing the politics game. The truth is in the open for all of us to see. Are you still playing along with them?
Haha...It is so funny to see how quickly some people turn a legitimate question about Pain's honesty (seems she tends to change her story quite often) into an attack on Obama instead of dealing with the issue at hand. The double standard is also funny. It seems some people just say "oh well" as long as the person has an R after their name.
Did someone say earmarks?


Haha...It is so funny to see how quickly some people turn a legitimate question about Pain's honesty (seems she tends to change her story quite often) into an attack on Obama instead of dealing with the issue at hand. The double standard is also funny. It seems some people just say "oh well" as long as the person has an R after their name.

It's almost as bad as some people not being able to admit that the story they've been flogging that Palin faked her own pregnancy is a lie. They'll attack as long as there is an "R" after the name.
It's almost as bad as some people not being able to admit that the story they've been flogging that Palin faked her own pregnancy is a lie. They'll attack as long as there is an "R" after the name.
You really are sounding like a stuck record. You trying to get this thread off topic too? I asked you more than once to PM me with any evidence you have. I have not heard from you yet. Put up or, for goodness sakes, shut up.
I asked you more than once to PM me with any evidence you have. I have not heard from you yet. Put up or, for goodness sakes, shut up.
Ha, ha ha! That's rich. "Send me some evidence that these viscous, outlandish and despicable lies I am spreading aren't true or shut up!" Thanks for the best laugh of the day so far. Brilliant! :o