Sarah is Getting the VP Speculation from the Press

Dear Sarah

As an Alaskan I love her. But projecting the race with her as the VP candidate I see no gain for McCain. She'll get beat to death with her minimal experience as governor and the lines about how some cities in the lower 48 are more complex to manage than the entire state of Alaska. Besides with a new baby she just might not be willing to play politics on an international basis with alll the time away from home traveling out of the country.
She'll get beat to death with her minimal experience as governor and the lines about how some cities in the lower 48 are more complex to manage than the entire state of Alaska

Who's going to do that..Barack "The Freshman" Obama:D?

WildnowtheresexperienceforyouAlaska TM
WildAmazinglyInsultingAlaska said:
Amazing how the libertarians are not rallying around her as she is the most libertarian of ANYONE suggested for it because she isnt a man? or is it that she is married to a part Alaska Native?

Why do you ask such insulting questions? I've voted for a Libertarian ticket including a woman on the ticket as VP. Did you ever vote for a woman for VP, or are you sexist?

I've enjoyed your posts about this woman, but what I have learned tells me she has absolutely no chance of being considered by McCain. Until you asked your insulting questions, I had never considered the possibility that he might nominate anyone that good. Now I have considered it, and I consider it a ludicrous suggestion.
Why do you ask such insulting questions?

And its insulting because......? [you dont' like it?]

Did you ever vote for a woman for VP, or are you sexist?

Probably could have but she was saddled with Wally Mondale LOL:)

Now I have considered it, and I consider it a ludicrous suggestion.

Politics above principles?

WildwhatawonderfulmorningAlaska TM
I'm a Libertarian. I have voted for my wife in two local and one state....she's, no, I have no problem voting for a minority or a woman so long as their politics are pro-liberty instead of pro-establishment
Apologies if you did not intend to offend, WA. Why would you assume that a Libertarian would not support a woman for elected office? Why would you assume that a Libertarian would not support a native Alaskan?
Gee, why has nobody mentioned Fred or Mitt for VP? Everybody keeps talking about people that most mainstream folks haven't heard of, (This is not a slam, I'm just talking about people that the alphabet news hasn't covered, and unfornutately, that's where most people get there coverage). My first thought when both of these dropped out was maybe some backroom deal was going on with one or the other, and this could be a good thing. Just my 2 cents worth.
I think that Mitt would have been a logical choice if those two boys could play nice together; since they cant I dont think that he will be the choice. I like Fred, but he did not project himself well while running for President. Its probably not going to be either one of those two guys. Quite frankly I have no clue who he is going to pick; its going to be interesting and very important to McCains success. If he chooses the wrong person it could very well cost him the election.
Nobody knows who she is, just as most Americans don't care who Ron Paul is. Libertarians are irrelevant to our political system.
As much as I'd like to see her hold office at the national level, we still need her up here for awhile yet.

Where do you get the idea she's libertarian?:confused:
Gov. Palin received widespread criticism for her handling of Matanuska Maid Dairy, a state owned dairy. When the State Dairy Board recommend the closing of the unprofitable state owned business, Palin fired the board and appointed long-time Mat-Su Borough associates to run the board, including influential real estate businesswoman Kristan Cole. The new board quickly approved raising the price of milk offered by the dairy in a vain attempt to control hemorrhaging fiscal losses and despite the fact that milk from the state of Washington was already offered in Alaska for much less the Mat Maid milk. In the end the dairy was forced to close and the state tried to sell the assets to pay for its huge debts, but because the initial minimum asking price was set too high no bids were received.

This is a libertarian ? This is what happens when socialists try and run a business. They need to learn to leave business to competent people.


State Board Votes to Replace Mat Maid CEO

Creamery Board Approves Milk Price Increase for Dairy Farmers

State to put Mat Maid Dairy up for Sale

State Gets No Bids for Mat Maid

What a fiasco.
I was going to say we needed a reliable source for grizzly jerky and frozen vegetables, but you're right: we didn't have to make them a state for that. :p
Silver, that's only the beginning...

SOCIAL ISSUES - I am pro-life and I believe that marriage should only be between and man and a woman. I am opposed to any expansion of gambling in Alaska.
(source: )

Not libertarian. I suspect, despite her vague claims of support for free-market capitalism, she supports a variety of federal social programs (including the dept. of education).

She claims support for the second amendment, but every specific statement I saw revolved around sporting use of firearms. While I suspect she also supports, in general, use of firearms in self defense, if she were in D.C. and had people screeching about evil black rifles that can hold 30, 50 rounds or more, I have to wonder how she'd respond.
Ron Paul? He was not well known at all before the election, and even after all the media exposure, he still performed miserably.

That's like saying, "and even after all the blows to his head, he was still dizzy." The sort of media exposure you get makes a difference, you know.