Sarah is Getting the VP Speculation from the Press


Our lovely weed smokin, gun owning, hottie libertarian oil company enemy establishment white man beating guv, Sarah Barracuda Palin (who is now preggers with kid number 5) is getting noticed by the Press as a possible VP candidate. (saw it in Yahoo this am)

Amazing how the libertarians are not rallying around her as she is the most libertarian of ANYONE suggested for it because she isnt a man? or is it that she is married to a part Alaska Native?

Why arent the Ron Paul supporters here jumping on her as the last best hope for a libertarian in national office....

WildimconfusedAlaska ™
Why arent the Ron Paul supporters here jumping on her as the last best hope for a libertarian in national office....

Maybe because no one has ever heard of her?

I just googled her, and she sounds good to me. But I am not sure what she would offer McCain in terms of getting elected. McCain needs to pick someone that the religious right is in love with, or he is never gonna make it.
I like her. :)

But she's stated a few times she wants to keep doing work for your state, that she has too much left to do before vying for national standing. As much as I'd like to see her up there - and with her as VP I could probably vote for McCain - I think she's too darned principled to leave you frozen yokels behind. :p
She actually hedged her bets a few times when asked recently...anyway this is the most recent one I have seen from this AM

By LIBBY QUAID, Associated Press WriterThu Mar 6, 12:19 PM ET

Republican John McCain praised Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, a potential running mate, as they campaigned together Thursday, although he sidestepped questions about a vice presidential choice.

During his first campaign appearance since clinching the GOP presidential nomination, McCain said he has not even begun looking at vice presidential candidates.

"You know, obviously, we have just begun that process, and we, in fact, have not even outlined how we're going to go about this," McCain said at a news conference after he and Crist shook hands with people at a local diner. "We're looking at how the process was conducted by other candidates and nominees of their party.

"But I know one thing about Governor Crist," he added. "And that is that he is a great governor. He does a great job. And I think that ... there are many ways for him to serve the country."

As soon as McCain wrapped up the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday with victories in Texas and Ohio, attention turned to his running mate. McCain, who is 71, has said his foremost concern is finding someone capable of serving in his place.

He talked with President Bush about making that choice over hotdogs when they lunched Wednesday at the White House.

As he told reporters later, Bush joked, "You know, you want to be careful who you select to run it." That's because Vice President Cheney headed up the running-mate search for Bush, who ultimately chose Cheney.

McCain, who plans to mix campaign appearances with fundraising over the next week, also told reporters he wants to talk with people who have been involved with such a process before. Specifically, he mentioned A.B. Culvahouse, who served as counsel to President Ronald Reagan from 1987 to 1989, as someone he wanted to speak with.

Crist, 51, is among more than a half-dozen politicians mentioned as a potential running mate. His last-minute endorsement of McCain is credited with helping McCain win the pivotal Florida primary election on Jan. 29. He won election last year to serve as governor of Florida, a state that will be a battleground in the November general election.

"The process is really open," McCain said of his search. "But I know that Governor Crist will continue to serve this country in many respects in the future. He's still a very young man."

Also being talked about as possible running mates for McCain are Govs. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, Sarah Palin of Alaska, Jon Huntsman Jr. of Utah, Haley Barbour of Mississippi and Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota.

Also Thursday, McCain defended the country of Colombia, which is in the midst of the worst diplomatic standoff in years with Venezuela. Venezuela and Ecuador have each sent thousands of soldiers to their borders with Colombia.

The Bush administration is seeking a diplomatic solution. McCain said the U.S. would come to the aid of Colombia if it were invaded but quickly said he didn't see that ever happening.

"Obviously, the United States of America supports the government of Colombia and would assist if it were invaded, but very frankly, I don't see that transpiring," McCain said. "I think it's not going to happen."

See also

Imagine her campaigning with a new rug rat (named like Seal or something)....changing her in front of reporters while talking issues.

Eat that Barack.....give me the curmudgeon and the hottie vs a pap talking boilerplate liberal freshman.....

WildimactuallyenthusedAlaska TM
Libertarians are confused with racists because we tend to tell people to take responsibility for their own actions and opposes all forms of discrimination. Most evil of all discrimination is discrimination conducted openly by the gov't against its own citizens (Affirmative Action). When Bill Cosby tells black youth to stop sticking needles in their arms he is an uncle Tom. When a Libertarian says it he is a racist.

I think the problem is nobody knows her. It is hard to make a big impact on national politics when you are the governor of Alaska...

She sounds good but I agree with the other poster. McCain needs to make peace with the religious right to get the base out. I am pretty much against religious right (Libertarian and all that) but that's the facts of life.

I did look her up. If you go back and read my first post you will see I said that.:)

She looks like she would make a good VP. Why are you comparing her to Ron Paul? He was not well known at all before the election, and even after all the media exposure, he still performed miserably. Do you think the same would happen to her?

It will take a good bit of media exposure for the governor of an obscure state like Alaska to get enough national attention to be a good VP candidate. I just don't think she has much to offer being from Alaska. I mean, you guys have three electoral votes. There are fewer people living in Alaska than voted for Ron Paul nationally. You are therefore even more statistically insignificant and unimportant than the lunatics who voted for him. I don't understand why you guys even bother watching the news up there.

I wish he would pick the governor of the State of Georgia. No one has ever heard of him either. He is named Sonny Perdue. I voted for him twice. He's a complete idiot and moron, but was better than anything the Democrats could run. At least if McCain picks him, he will have to leave Georgia.
why get all worked up over who McCain chooses as a running mate?

I think it is important because McCain is very old, and has had melanoma. He might not live through his first term, and if he does he probably won't get elected a 2nd time. So whoever gets picked to be his VP will probably be the Republican nominee in 2012
He might not live through his first term, and if he does he probably won't get elected a 2nd time.
All of which is predicated upon his ability to get elected the *first* time. May as well get excited over who Nader may or may not pick as a running mate.
Still, whatever helps push libertarians to the fore...
Also, could WA please post a link to the news stories you mentioned? The reason I haven't personally commented is because I haven't heard about it.
It's aluminum foil hats or no hats _DUH_ Step away from the governor's stash.
A libertarian VP sounds good to me. It really does not matter who the veep is.

Given a choice between voting for a man who wants to do away with civilian ccw and and somebody who does not....... pretty simple.

All gun grabbers are bad. Those who are gun grabbier are worser. You may quote me.
All of which is predicated upon his ability to get elected the *first* time.

Of course. But we might as well optimize the chances of getting a good nominee next time around. McCain might win, or might not. But if he does I would rather have the governor of Alaska as the VP than Rudy.
Why arent the Ron Paul supporters here jumping on her as the last best hope for a libertarian in national office....

Hey! I mentioned her name here before you did. :) (and you said we couldn't have her for VP because she wasn't finished governating up there yet)
You are therefore even more statistically insignificant and unimportant than the lunatics who voted for him.

I resemble that remark.

All humankind is statistically insignificant.

You quit dissin Alaska you meanie or no more seal oil for you!


here is some coverage
It's a caribou numbnuts, not a deer
Bill says...
