Santa came! What did he bring??


New member
Santa came to my house! He brought me my first Glock, a 17 Gen4. I love how it feels and hope to go shoot it this weekend. Mine is Austrian made. Not sure how common that is vs USA made nowadays.

Any recommendations prior to shooting it?
Like any gun, clean her well, oil her and get several different ammos and loads to see what the gun likes. Different guns will like different ammos. Then most importantly, enjoy!!!

Yeh Don, I hear ya. Had to go out and play Santa to myself and pick up a Colt 1911...:D. Hope I can fire it some day lol.
I'm not sure about gen4 guns, but the gen3's were shipped with some sort of propriety gold grease that was to be left in place for break-in purposes. No need to lube, just swab the barrel.
My family sent me a case (1000 rounds) of Remington 9mm FMJ. Not what I would have bought but they are good people :D It came today so I didn't bring up a gift last night on the phone.
What did Santa bring?

Well since I generally lack self control when I decide I want some thing.
It leaves few options for those who think enough of me to want to present me a gift. ( I know!!! at least there are a couple):eek:

Pretty much have it down to, A new pair of slippers every year. ( I purposely dont buy them) and a hat or a hoodie.
And thats exactly what I got this year. two pairs of slippers actually. All good with me.
And thats exactly what I got this year. two pairs of slippers actually

I got two pairs of slippers this year too. It made me wonder of what my family thinks I do all day *shrug* Slipper things I guess.
A couple of pistol magazines some cleaning supplies, a set of parallel-jaw pliers and BOOKS!
  • Gunsmith Kinks 4, from Brownell's
  • Jelly Bryce: The Legend Begins by Mike Conti
  • PistolSmithing George C. Nonte Jr.
  • A Course of Pure Mathematics by G.H. Hardy
  • Into the Kill Zone: A Cop's Eye View of Deadly Force by David Klinger
  • Gunsmithing Projects: By Shotgun News Staff
  • RattenKrieg! The Art & Science of Close Quarters Battle Pistol by Robert K. Taubert
  • The Law of Self Defense An Indispensable Guide to the Armed Citizen by Andrew Branca
  • The Art of Making Money: The Story of a Master Counterfeiter by Jason Kersten
  • Months of the Sun: Forty Years of Elephant Hunting in the Zambezi Valley by Ian Nyschens
From all the talk around here and the positive comments I got an RCBS Charge master from Mamma Claws.
I played with it today just test loads and did my favorite loads. I came to two conclusions. I like it but for pistol loads its to slow.
What impressed me was the accuracy.
What I measured the loads with was a high end (commercial) balance scale.
Dropped 10 into the balance scale then divided by 10. I did a total of 10 each and the following was the averages.
And yes it surprised the heck out of me.

Herco: 5.6 GR 50 average = 5.63

Herco: 11.9GR 50 average = 11.87

H4895: 26.1 GR 100 average = 26.18

H4895: 48.5 GR 100 average = 48.45

IMR 4227: 23.8 GR 100 average = 23.82

I should have bought it myself.

From the wife, "You always just buy guns for yourself anyway. I figured if we could afford it, you'd just buy it. Plus, I don't like the background check thing. I get nervous that I'll fill it out wrong, and everybody looks at me weird since I'm nervous."
From the mother-in-law, "If I had known [wife] wasn't getting it, I would have given somebody the money to cover half."

Now, it's back to MSRP, 35% more expensive than it was before Christmas, 35% more expensive than I think it's worth; and competing with an equally expensive - and equally desirable - revolver variant that Ruger just re-released.