Sandy Hook PSA

Metal God, I see what you are trying to get at. A well made video where the object is to show people how to see warning signs and intervene can be useful. It's just that this video is not that.

If you changed it to be about knives it would still be a professionally made looking video that was wrong in it's execution and purpose.

44 : you are still IMO making the same mistake . That is separating each act as if they are not a whole . I've already said it a few times here . any one two or three of those things is not an indication of anything . Take them all as a whole and someone should at least bring this up to the school councilor .

They then can make an inquiry and if it's nothing he can move on to MIT and become that greatest person ever to live .

My point this whole time was to look at everything as a whole and yes it would likely take a few weeks or maybe most of a school year to notice all these things . You're not going to be able to help them all but it does not mean you should just ignore them .
What the video does that is wrong (aside from insulting the intelligence with the okey-doke/misdirection as I explained earlier) is that it shows the wrong way to be observant. Folks keep trying to explain this to you.

They show us random scenes and ask us to fill in with our imaginations information that is not shown in the scene.

Take the scene where the kid flips the bird to the girl who tries to sit with him in the lunch room. Other than that bit of information we know nothing. Are they brother and sister who are arguing? Boyfriend and girlfriend who just broke up? A snitch who ratted him out to the school admins and got him suspended for having a pocket knife on him at school? We don't know. Nothing in the scene they showed tells us anything or, alone means anything. As 44amp and Koda pointed out.

The scene where he's being "bullied". The vid makers want us to think he's being bullied and say that later. But what we see is two kids looming over the "shooter", ripping the head phones off him, and talking to him while he looks scared. But that's all we know. Maybe they're arguing. Maybe he owes them money or stole something from them. Maybe the one kid wants to know why he flipped his sister the bird in the cafeteria or texted him a pic pointing a gun at her. Maybe they're mad at him for ratting them out to the school admins for reading a gun magazine. We don't know.

What the video tells us to do is guess at it. The things they show us are perfectly normal things based on what they show us. Unless we fill in the details with suspicious imaginings.

That's the other reason that the video shows us the wrong way to be observant or to have situational awareness.

They then can make an inquiry and if it's nothing he can move on to MIT and become that greatest person ever to live .

Yeah, that's the dream, the way it ought to work. Sadly, in the real world it doesn't always work that way. If there is an official inquiry, no matter what was found, his destiny could be changed.

Opportunities may be denied, doors closed, simply because there was an investigation. Records may be sealed (legal privacy, etc.), but the fact that there are sealed records cannot be. Even though cleared, the mere fact that he was under suspicion could be enough to change his life, forever, and unlikely to be for the better.

It is not totally unheard of for these things to become a self fulfilling prophesy. I do agree that at a certain point the logic of "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.."etc becomes inescapable, but I also think that encouraging investigation of everything that has feathers is big step down the slippery slope that leads to witch hunts and worse.
I don't want to assume, but I've raised kids, and have also taken in troubled families. I can tell when they (the kids) were going through a rough patch. I have also temporarily removed guns from my home when I thought teens were having trouble. Some have been bullied, some through dark emotional times. Somehow I've gotten them all to realize that school isn't the world and a brighter future lies ahead, once the teenage years are past. They've all grown up fine and successful, one even got their masters. There's cues, but there has to be an adult there to receive them. But, sadly there's too many kids without a responsible adult in their lives.

I looked at gun and knife mags
I drew pictures of them, I liked them, lots of kids did.
I made toy guns & knives
I made real knives in shop class.
I shopped at the ninja store in the mall, only because they had throwing stars and blow guns. I didn't buy any, just getting design ideas.
I've flipped off kids I didn't like.
Maybe even pointed a finger gun at someone.
I was never dangerous, but it was the 80s
I was never dangerous, but it was the 80

haha yeah you thought so but did everyone else around you feel the same . I was WAY out of control in my youth . It was truly luck I did not end up in jail or dead . At the time nobody around me would have thought I would have been a successful single parent . Raising a child to be a responsible productive member of are great society .

I did though and I have to say some of that had to do with people around me seeing the path I was on and saying something and one friend stopping by one day and asked if I wanted to go to a meeting . Sure I had to say yes and keep going back but if it weren't for others that cared . Who knows where I'd be today .

The signs are there , It's when good people do nothing that hurts us all . I was truly lucky , maybe if we see more of the signs we can help change the luck of others . :)