Sally Field-no war if mother's ruled?




September 21, 2007

I never watch awards shows. They’re nothing more than fashion show spectacles for the beautiful people to be seen and fawned over as they pretend to be oh so humbled for receiving an award for acting. I would rather watch Keith Olbermann, and that’s saying something since his show is how I punish my dog if the dog does naughty-naughty—I make the dog listen to Keith for an hour versus O’Reilly whom my dog loves.

Of late, awards shows have turned into United Nations free-for-alls for the 60’s generation has-beens who missed out on protest marches because mommy made them act on TV. Now the pampered snots who never got to be Jane Fonda have decided the Emmys and Oscars are a fabulous place to play Jane on a tank. And Sally Field has become the next walking foot-in-mouth-disease to accept an award with an anti-war statement that sounded like one of Sybil’s personalities on crack.

According to Field, if all the mothers on earth were in control of the world there would never be war. So claimed the off-balance actress to an audience of wanna’ be foreign policy strategists who think RPG stands for Really Pricey Gucci. I think Sybil’s liberal side needs an RPG in the rear.

Note to Sally: Queen Boudica of the Britons once ruled her land and annihilated the living daylights out of the Romans three times before her own demise; Joan of Arc became general of a French army and whipped to clotted cream out of the British before the church burned her alive at the stake; Protestant Queen Elizabeth I was a brilliant war strategist and leader with no guilt-feelings about going to war or executing her cousin Mary Queen of Scots out of revenge, thus preventing Mary from reinstituting Catholicism into Elizabeth’s now Protestant country; Golda Maier threatened the King of Jordan that if Jews did not get Palestine land as an Israeli State her people would fight to the death for it; Madeline Albright went after Slobodan Milosevic like a mad dog during the Bosnian/Kosovo wars under Clinton—she then gave autographed footballs to dictator Kim Jung IL; Cleopatra was no wimp when it came to holding her throne and killing anyone trying to take Egypt before eventually killing herself. And need I remind anyone who Eva Peron was? The lousy actress whose only true goal was to be president and control the people she pretended to love.

And let’s not forget the infamous Hill and Bill Oval Office Lamp Wars. It is said many a lovely and innocent brass and Tiffany glass lamp lost its life during Hillary’s carpet tossing campaign.

Need I go on Gidget? Women are ruthless when it comes to war. Shakespeare himself said “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” That scorning goes for female leaders angered by other world leaders. If one must come up against an enemy in battle, trust me as a woman telling male readers this: you would rather fight men than women. We girls may be ladies, but we’re bitches and hell-bent when anger hits; so look out when women are in power.

I think Norma Ray needs to adjust her Sister Batrille habit; she’s hitting ground head first and turning into Sybil.

But Sally Field is not the only liberal Hollywood voice brainwashing today’s American generation into believing war is bad and making nice with enemies is good. Hollywood is home to a host of paranoid imbeciles with no education beyond their liberal echo chamber of reading Betty Freidan books, writing checks to George Soros and Barbara Streisand, hosting lavish parties for candidates against rich people while paying homage to Hollywood communists.

To Hollywood, freedom is the expression of them and them only. The rest of us can shut up, follow along or go straight to hell. I’m surprised Hollywood hasn’t erected a statue in honor of Jane Fonda. They could call it The Mother of Communism, have Sally Field unveil it and Sheryl Crowe could smash a bottle of French Champagne over Fonda’s head.

Up until now I’ve wanted to put my fingers down my throat every time I hear or see news clips of awards show acceptance speeches. But Sally Field’s blathering blunder of pathetic oration was so exposing of her naiveté along with the stupidity of her cheering peers, I want these imbeciles to continue spewing their anti-war/anti-conservative rhetoric. The more they yak and natter off like the crazies they are, the further they expose their inanity; and that’s great for conservatives.

Once, there was a time when Hollywood enlisted and fought for America—think WWII and Jimmy Stewart, Audie Murphy, Tyrone Power, etc. When the 60’s came, Jane Fonda invaded earth and John Kerry left his beloved France and patriotism subsided while Kerry held a throwing contest and Jane pretended to be Betty Page in camo. Thank God we have Bruce Willis who did try to enlist in 2003, but was rejected due to his age. Bruce, you’re a great American; the kind your peers should return to being.

Hope of Hollywood returning to the days of WWII is gone. They turned traitor in the 1950’s siding with Stalin and Khrushchev, but got away with treason making the great Senator McCarthy look traitorous for picking on poor little actors who should be worshiped for owning golden statues.

The golden hero worship continues as Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie campaign for the UN and its continuation of raping African children white Hollywooders love to purchase for accessories; the idolizing of Michael Moore who has dimwits believing healthcare under Fidel Castro’s Cuba is exceptional; Susan Sarandon convincing Americans to march against war because apparently it’s far better to have men like Saddam Hussein and Mahmoud Ahmadinedjad on the loose than dead; Danny Glover and the banana boat buffoon Harry Belafonte hugging and kissing Hugo Chaves and Fidel Castro whom Hollywood considers liberators for enslaving human beings under brutal communistic regimes; And Sean Penn who’s going to save terrorists in Iraq—by photographing the legless bodies terrorists blew up—from the evil George Bush who had the utter gall to free an enslaved nation, capture Saddam, allow the brute to hang for crimes against humanity, then turn Iraq over to its people for free elections.

My gosh; how evil is that? At least Eva Peron had enough sense to kill her own people who refused to follow her lead versus going after brutal dictators. Oh wait: that means Eva hated everybody, so Sally Field is right: if the mothers of the world were in charge, there would be no wars, just bitch-control.

So to men who actually believe Sally Field, let me remind you that women get PMS and then spend years going through Menopause. And we’re not nice during those moments; we’re angry, which is why we could blast the Ship In High Transit out of the enemy if we get mad enough.

It’s also another reason to think twice about Hillary Clinton, another lousy actress, as President Peron. That “she-man” has had PMS since her Wellesley days, making me believe that if Bill prefers living in another state far from his wife I don’t want that “mother” in charge of this nation.

copyright 2007 Lisa Richards
Don't you guys understand that the millionaire stars (including the great Sally Fields) are the only truly enlightened people in the world? These people know guns are evil, the environment is the most important thing, oil is destructive. The most important thing is that we all be nice, be liked, and we will be subservient to those who do not share our state of enlightenment. Sean Penn and Tim Robbins need to run on the Democratic ticket, they'll end every problem we have. Rosie O'Donnel as Secretary of Defense, Jeaneanne Garoffolo (sp?) as Secretary of State...don't forget Michael Moore as our Attorney General.

LOL. Who pays attention to those idiots anyway? Probably far too many Americans who believe celebrities are social authorities and make our world a better place.

Also, mothers are the most protected fearsome people you'll ever meet if threatened, I think anyone married with children will attest to that...that is the hard working mothers and home makers that Sally obviously doesn't belong to.

Originally posted/referenced by DiveMedic,ConfuseUs and Tourist, "Come back with this shield or upon it."- Greek Mother,

"You mean a Spartan mother, don't you?"

It's the Spartan wife.

Looks like either/or.

It was customary in Sparta that before the males would go off to war, their wives or another female of some significance would present them with their shield and say: "With this, or upon this" (Ancient Greek: Ή τάν ή Επί τᾶς)—meaning Spartans could only return to Sparta in one of two ways: victorious or dead.

I mean, I found it on the Internet so it's probably as accurate as me with my .45 at 100'.