Sally Field-no war if mother's ruled?

Sally doesn't know my conservative republican mom who used to work for the state and was an accountant in a prison here for several years. She thinks the problem with Rumsfield was that he was too much of a wimp.

I'll never understand this sort of thinking. I had a friend once who swore the corporate america would be a kinder gentler place with more female CEOs. It's not true, women become just as ruthless as any man based on their JOB. Margaret Thatcher was a mother, in all senses of the word I believe.

Having been a house husband for many years I have actually thought about the impact gender has on attitudes. My conclusion is that most of the differences people think are due to gender are actually due to being in different roles.
It's a nice thought and I like Salley Field.... but as mentioned

won't fly. Wasn't Margaret Thatcher a mother? She sure dropped the hammer on Argentena....

If I recall the Doctor that invented the gatling gun did so to eliminate war, when airplanes started being used for recon.... folks said there would be no more war......
Translation from leftish actor speak: "Please hire me! I need more gigs!" I wonder if anyone's told her "If dads ruled the remote control, nobody would watch your show."
I am reminded of that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where they visited that planet where women were in control, women were the big, muscular, butch assertive ones. Men were the dresser-uppers, perfume users, and home-makers.

What is to think that if women were in charge, that our society would be any different than it is now, but with the roles of men & women switched?
I am reminded of that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where they visited that planet where women were in control, women were the big, muscular, butch assertive ones. Men were the dresser-uppers, perfume users, and home-makers.

What is to think that if women were in charge, that our society would be any different than it is now, but with the roles of men & women switched?

The idea they have is that a female dominated society would be egalitarian. They were never the little boy who got stuck being the whipping boy for his girl cousins every time he visited he aunt and uncle's house.
On another note...ever seen women fight? They draw blood MOST ALL THE TIME. Ripping eachother's hair out, scratching, kicking...

Guys might push one another to assert their dominance, punch once in a while...but I see women draw more blood than men in a

Though I would think it was cool, and love the accent, but can you imagine a big woman "Bertha' saying to Iran: "OH! NO YOU DINDNT!"


And, can you IMAGINE the national debt if a woman was in charge? "C'mon honey, gimme that credit card, I just wanna pick a little summen' summem' up." HEH
Unless anyone is going to volunteer themselves or their kids to get their guns and go fight the voluntary war in Iraq, criticisms of Sally Field don't fly.
But Max, we're all already in Iraq, and we've all enlisted our children in the marines. So we can talk about Sally. :rolleyes:
I for one am tired of hearing about the " stars' " political affilliations and their stand on issues. It is just that, "their" thoughts. I dont believe they should be going on TV and using their fame to try to influence other people to their way of thinking based only on the fact that they are famous at every turn.

This isnt coming out how I want it to, but I am sure you guys get the gist of what I am meaning.
ConfuseUs said:
You mean a Spartan mother, don't you?

It's the Spartan wife.

Edit: As is evident, the childhood development of a Spartan boy may have been one of the most unique this world has ever seen. The entire purpose of its development was for the concept of war and to help further the Spartan way of life. No thought was ever given to the child's comfort or enjoyment. These things didn't help make a warrior stronger or better in their mind so they were ignored. The whole of Spartan culture can be summed up with this one quote from a Spartan wife to her husband regarding him returning from war with his shield, "[Return] with this or upon this" (Cartledge, 2003). A Spartan expected either victory or death at all times.
I for one am tired of hearing about the " stars' " political affilliations and their stand on issues. It is just that, "their" thoughts. I dont believe they should be going on TV and using their fame to try to influence other people to their way of thinking based only on the fact that they are famous at every turn.

This isnt coming out how I want it to, but I am sure you guys get the gist of what I am meaning.

I suppose. But then again I fail to see how the political affiliations and opinions of Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, or Keith Olbermann are any more worthy of airtime or consideration just because somebody gave them a talking-head show rather than a weekly drama. I don't see how a "regular" actor speaking their mind is any worse (or better).