Safe placement suggestions?

I don't have a gun safe, got a gun cabinet, looks better! My gun cabinet is in the bedroom at the foot of my bed. I can turn on the light at anytime and admire my guns! If I lived somewhere I had to get a safe to keep my guns safe, I'd move! For the sake of discussion, If I were building a house new, the safe would still be at the foot of my bed. But I would be sure to shore up the floor under the safe to take the weight of a good safe. I would make sure I had access at any time and controlled climate. Imagine a bad guy breaks into the house and your gun's are out in the garage. Think the bad man will cut you a little slack to go out and get one?
Burglary can and does happen everywhere, heaven forbid it happens to you but if it does, that cabinet will mean absolutely nothing, they are for organization and are only secure enough to keep curious little hands from hurting themselves.
As for having to ask a burglar to hold up a minute while I get to the safe to grab a firearm, the home defense firearms are near me, not in a a safe.
piece of mind

The day I got a real safe, and sold my cabinet, was the first day I had a bit more peace of mind regards my guns if I wasn't home. My home is pretty rural, not remote, but certainly not suburban. I can hunt across the road (killed a good gobbler this season about 1/4mi from the house). The nearest occupied residence is about 1/2 mi away.

My county is relatively rural.......but break ins and thefts are one of the #1 problems the SO deals with.
Security wise = basement.
Likely dryness and quick access = garage.
How moist / damp is the basement?
The basement should be relatively dry with very little chance of moisture seeping into it, I won't say it can't happen, anything is possible but there shouldn't be any water issues.
As for bolting the safe down, should I bolt it directly to the concrete floor or raise the safe a bit by placing wood or thick rubber mats under each corner before bolting it down for a little air flow under it? Thanks again.
Your profile doesn't say where you are located (as that can make a big difference when it comes to basement differences) but I personally don't see a downside to bolting it down with a gap between the safe and the concrete floor. That way, if your concrete does seep moisture it would have a chance to evaporate off before touching your safe.
I am in Colorado just south of Denver, pretty dry climate. Never had seepage issues in basements the 30 years I have lived here, hopefully that wont change...:)
That's the kind of thing I would want to consider. I lived in Utah for 4 years and had a similar experience with basements. As long as the builder wasn't a complete idiot, basements there were always dry. On the other hand, I spent almost 30 years in FL where any attempt at a basement would be called an "indoor pool" and during the summer you could hit ground water about 3ft below the ground surface.