
Can't discuss any pearl on a handgun without hearing about Patton or pimps.

I'm another who likes the look of pearl. To those who like to bring up Patton I remind them I didn't ask Patton for his opinion either. ;)

Shoot, I've got a S&W, 24-3 with a set of Pachmayr Presentation grips on it that I LIKE. Can't post a picture that someone doesn't tell me they have to go and I have to get some wood ones. :rolleyes:
It's up to what you like. If the plastic Ruger grips work best for you, then have at it and forget about what others think.

I've never had a BH but I've had a Ruger NV in 357 for quite a while. That one came with the plastic grips and personally, I hated them. The plastic checkering was so pointy that if felt like you were holding a cheese grater when you shot it. I even took some fine sandpaper and knocked the points off but by then, I was looking for different grips. I put a nice set of used walnut "gun figure" grips on it and have never looked back.

I would think a .30 BH would be a lot of fun. I cast and reload and that cartridge would be an easy one to do and play with. Enjoy and have fun! :)
I much prefer the appearance of wood-but, aside from an AR-15 or its ilk, that's true for about any firearm in my eyes.
big ugly squishy gummy rubber thingies......

Are my personal preference for Ruger SA in serious calibers. Also for S&W DAs in magnum calibers. I love my Pachmayrs for shooting. (and while a little squishy, they aren't at all "gummy", and I much prefer them over the hard plastic Hogue types).

Its not "sacrilege" to me, because I'm a heretic, (or born again pagan), depending on how you look at it.

So, while I may be going to hell because I put oversize rubber grips on (some of) my handguns, and I even put scopes on some lever action rifles, I don't really give a rodent's posterior about pleasing others with the look of my guns. I care about pleasing me, with the way I shoot them.

If you like pearl enjoy it. Personally, I always thought that Patton's famous reply to the question was not so much a dig against pearl, but against the ignorance of the person asking (possibly Andy Rooney), not being able to tell the difference between pearl (which is "cheap") and ivory (which is "elegant", and not even remotely cheap!)

If you like pearl enjoy it. Personally, I always thought that Patton's famous reply to the question was not so much a dig against pearl, but against the ignorance of the person asking (possibly Andy Rooney), not being able to tell the difference between pearl (which is "cheap") and ivory (which is "elegant", and not even remotely cheap!)
Folks seem to write with extreme furor just exactly how much energy they devote to making sure everyone knows how much they don't care what other people think about how their handgun looks.

Fine. Got it. REALLY, got it and don't need it pounded further.

It misses the point, however, for someone like me. My handguns are a full visceral experience... I can make great use of an ugly handgun (my Tupperware EDC is the easiest example) but the FACT remains that my total experience is multi-faceted, it should feel good, it should run right, it should be very repeatable and I should be able to rely on it -AND- enjoy it and part of that enjoyment is how it looks (to me!) and getting all worked up about not caring what the next guy thinks isn't part of my experience...

But LOVING what my handgun looks like -IS- a part! It is not the most important thing, but it is also far from "least important."
Plastic or wood doesn't make much difference to's the logo I can't deal with. :)

For my personal preference, I'd want to go with real wood on a revolver of that single action style, but I've bought more than my share of lovely wood grips and they are either long gone in the trash or in a drawer somewhere--not because of how they looked but because they didn't 'work'.

But, on that gun it's hard for me to imagine any grip being more functional than another, so I'd want to go with whatever conveyed the 'image' I wanted. A wooden set that I was happy to see a few minor dents or scratches in would be my view of 'perfect'. You gotta go your own way on this one.
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Nope, no sacrilege.

This is my .30 Carbine Blackhawk. Nothing that I can't put back to original but the oversized grips make it much easier for me to shoot it and the scope makes it much easier for me to shoot it at greater distances accurately.




Your gun, fit it with whatever style grip makes you enjoy shooting it.