Sabotaged Hunts. How to respond if you meet a harrassing person?

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Originally posted by Pahoo:

If it were me, five seconds later, her face "might" have been in that pool of blood. As far as I'm concerned, that was an assault on her part and worthy of a good response. ....

It would be hard to make a case of "assault" just because someone touched your face. Tackling a woman or pushing her face first into the ground would be a sure thing. This is what they want. They can't stop you from hunting if you are legal, but they can send you to jail if you lose your temper and attack them. This is part of what they teach in harassment class. Suck it up and walk away to hunt another day. Take pictures or call a warden if you state protects your hunting rights. Lowering yourself to their level makes you one of them.

All the years I have been hunting, I have never been harassed by animal activist/tree huggers. It's the inconsiderate, greedy, dirtball other hunters, that have wrecked hunts for me.
Not good at turning the other cheek !!!

It would be hard to make a case of "assault" just because someone touched your face
At this point in time, What difference does it make ???
You have read my reply and done some rationalization. What you don't understand is that I would "not" be able to just stand there and take it. .. ;)

Kind of when I see a pretty lady, can't help looking. Guess I'm just wired that way. ... :)

Be Safe !!!
It would be hard to make a case of "assault" just because someone touched your face. Tackling a woman or pushing her face first into the ground would be a sure thing.

Yes, but you could always grab her and plant a big sloppy chewing tobacco 'french' kiss on her lips so that she ends up with your chew then tell the judge you thought her wiping blood on your face was a romantic gesture. :D

Then step back and watch the sparks fly.

And that's how I'm wired. :o
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Yes, but you could always grab her and plant a big sloppy chewing tobacco 'french' kiss on her lips so that she ends up with your chew then tell the judge you thought her wiping blood on your face was a romantic gesture.

........and then it becomes a sexual assault. Good plan.:rolleyes:
I was told of a guy in Colorado that was confronted by 6 of them about 4 years ago. He bear-sprayed the lot of them, and walked off.

He assumed they called the cops as soon as they were able, but nothing was done and no new coverage came out on the incident.

Is it true?

I think so, because of who told me.
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